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43 499 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 16 936 - 16 950
How can his acquittal be explained ?
Subject: How can his acquittal be explained? Introduction: OJ Simpsons in his full name Orenthal James Simpsons. He is a professional player of American football and also an actor. His career begins in 1972, he is in the best team of American football “The Buffalo Bills”. He’s actor career begin
386 Mots / 2 Pages -
How can Myths and Heroes influence people’s career?
MYTHS AND HEROES First of all, let’s explain the notion of myth and the notion of what a hero is: a myth is a popular and legendary story showing values and human ideal through (usually) unreal facts and actions led by a hero. A hero is a brave and courageous
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How can myths and heroes influence people’s careers ?
The notion : Myths and Heroes I’m going to talk about the notion myths and heroes. Heroes have always existed. They can be fictional or real, they are emblematic figures for each of us. They represent rôlemodels , an example to follow. A myth is a story that may or
834 Mots / 4 Pages -
How can we deal with cultural differences ?
Séquence 1 : Intercultural Management Objective : How can we deal with cultural differences ? a) Dealing with cultural differences(= various beliefs, behaviors, languages, race, ethnic or national origins b) Stereotypes, cliches and prejudices Advantages: Learn from other cultures Drawbacks Misunderstandings Conflicting beliefs Difficult to be understood/to adapt The surface
825 Mots / 4 Pages -
How can we interpret this second March of November 2014 ?
The financial crash of 2008 has impacted the economy of many countries. Some of them have been more shaken than the others. This is the case of the UK where the crisis has gravely affected the Education sector. The previously affordable tuition fees have become nine times more expensive
252 Mots / 2 Pages -
How can writers denounce society?
Littérature Anglaise THEMATIC:The writer in their century PROBLEMATIC: How can writers denounce society? I'm going to talk about the theme the writer in their century. Some writers don't hesitate to criticize their own society through their work of thinking under the form of movie, story , song etc... In this
721 Mots / 3 Pages -
How can small stores can survive?
In the last decade, the E-commerce has seen a strong (sharp) increase. A new market place has been created due to the improvements in supply chain and the reduce reduction in delivery time of time delivery taken place and almost any product can be bought online from anywhere in the
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How can small stores can survive?
Ce corpus de documents sur les fondations de Marseille met en évidence les différentes versions. La première version est celle de Strabon, Géographie IV. C’est un historien et géographe grec, il né en Asie mineur. On sait peu de chose sur sa vie et sa famille, on suppose que ses
477 Mots / 2 Pages -
How could a concept be so remote
Oral English History Many factors allow to explain why many revolutions occured in 1848. Bad harvests and economic depression were main causes which created massive discontent throughout Europe and Protests and riots were very common. The economic crisis didn’t help the situation as unemployment increased massively which resulted in more
928 Mots / 4 Pages -
How did chapter 113 the forge characterize Ahab
Chapter 113 - The Forge Wordcount - about 1700 (1692) Overview: This chapter takes place around mid-day, on the Pequod, while it is in Japanese waters. Captain Ahab approaches Perth, the Blacksmith of the ship, as he is working. We see him hesitate before asking the blacksmith for the special
1 700 Mots / 7 Pages -
How did French nationalism evolve in France from 1870 to 1945?
Nationalism refers to the passionate attachment to a nation, the belief in the superiority of the nation towards others. The nation is a group of people sharing a past, a history, a language, and a same culture. Nationalism is attached to the national sovereignty, to the independence of the nation.
2 044 Mots / 9 Pages -
How did J.D. Rockefeller become the wealthiest person in history?
Question1: How did J.D. Rockefeller become the wealthiest person in history? Answer1: J.D. Rockefeller took birth in 1839 in upstate New York and John always hustled to learn and find out how he can provide the best deal to the people to get the most out of every money he
1 286 Mots / 6 Pages -
How did Pizza Hut use social media to become the most popular brand among teenagers?
Which brand is most attractive to young people in 2013? In the list of top 100 social brands released by Headstream last week, Pizza Hut became the most popular brand among teenagers. 2,569 18-24-year-old British teenagers voted for their favorite brand from 250 brands, Pizza Hut ranked first. This ranking
1 064 Mots / 5 Pages -
How did tea become a part of British identity?
Nom - Prénom Classe AXE 1 Identities and exchanges SÉQUENCE 1 How did tea become a part of British identity? #mobility How did the British steal tea from the Chinese? #worldeconomy What part has tea played in the economy of Great Britain? How did the British consumption of tea favour
329 Mots / 2 Pages -
How did the American people build a counter power during the Vietnam War?
How did the American people build a counter power during the Vietnam War? Doc: * Iconic photos from Life magazine * Kent State * Pentagon Papers * The Hippie movement * Pictures of anti-war demonstrations Introduction: I’m going to deal with the notion of Power and more specifically with the
274 Mots / 2 Pages