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How do ice reserves (ice caps, glacier) melting threaten human survival ?

Chronologie : How do ice reserves (ice caps, glacier) melting threaten human survival ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Mars 2020  •  Chronologie  •  761 Mots (4 Pages)  •  456 Vues

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How do ice reserves  (ice caps, glacier) melting threaten human survival ? 

why are ice caps and glacier so important for human life 

why are they threatened ?

what are the specific dangers that are threatening us 

how can we find a solution ?

    glacier and ice caps  68.7% of freshwater reserves  we are dependant

«La fonte de la glace pousse la faune marine à chercher de la nourriture  dans de nouveaux habitats et à supprimer cette barrière physique, leur permettant ainsi de se déplacer», «Lorsque les animaux se déplacent et entrent en contact avec d’autres espèces, il y a la possibilité qu’ils introduisent et transmettent de nouvelles maladies infectieuses, avec des impacts potentiellement dévastateurs.» 


Intro ( main question)

 In this research, we are going to study the importance of ice caps and more globally ice reserves.  Water is essential for humans. Indeed, humans use freshwater for several reasons. In order to survive, humans must fulfill these four basic needs about water: drinking water, hygiene, sanitation services, and households needs for preparing food. As we can see, water is very important for humans. Freshwater is even more important but it represents only 3% of all the water around the globe. Two third of the freshwater is located in ice caps and glaciers ( the last third is underground reserves). Which means that ice reserves are very important for humans. 

Our main question to study this subject is: How do ice reserves (ice caps, glaciers) melting is threatening human survival ?

To answer this question we must answer some sub-questions that will lead us to a conclusion. These questions are related to the causes and the consequences of ice melting. 

These questions are : 

  • What is the importance of ice caps and glaciers for human survival ? 


  • Why are they threatened (what are the main factors threatening ice reserves on the planet) ?                                                                  

  • What are/will be the consequences of ice melting on human survival and our ecosystem ? 

  • In our opinion, ice reserves are necessary for humans survival because they contain most of the freshwater, which we are dependant of.
  • We think that ice caps melting is due to our modern lifestyle and climate change.
  • We think that the consequences will be big. There will be a lack of water and some ecosystem and some species will be extinct.

Description of the problematic

It is not the first time that ice is melting in the earth's history. Indeed our planet has undergone several temperature changes in the past. This is a natural phenomenon, due to the change between glacial and interglacial periods. It explains why the temperature increases or decreases during certains periods. But in the “human” period, the temperature is increasing too much and that is threatening the ice reserves on earth. It is due to the pollution and CO2 emissions and human activity in general. The ice is melting 6 times faster now than in the 90s.


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