BAC Anglais LV1
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Expression écrite, devoir d'anglais.
Written exam A / Compréhension de l’écrit Ce texte est article tiré du site web réalisé par Johny Luk le 13 Janvier 2015. Cet article évoque la nouvelle génération de jeunes douées qui peuvent être important dans une société qui sont les entrepreneurs d’étudiants Johny Luk , le PDG
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Expression écritre en anglais: les avantages et les inconvénients du colocataire avec une personne du sexe opposé
Expression écrite p33 Nowadays, more and more teenagers are sharing a flat with an other person, an other student (a friend or an unknown person...) during their studies, to spend less money! We have to consider the advantages and the drawbacks of the flat mate with a person of the
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Expression oral en anglais sur Londres
LONDON : expression écrite INTRO: the notion that I'm going to present is London. London : • is the capital of Great Britain. • It is one of the greatest cities in the world. • It is an important business and financial centre. • It is an intellectual centre Problématique
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Expression oral sur la tour de Londres
Hello,today i am going to present you a presentation about the tower of London. INDRODUCTION: The tower of London, is a historic castle located on the north bank of the the river Thames in central London. The tower is located in a space named the tower hill. It was founded
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Expression orale - Idée de progrès: is progress always a progress?
Intro : The notion I’m going to deal with is the idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the idea of progress The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes
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Expression orale anglais "pirate radio in the sixties"
(First, I’d like to state the definition of power. The power is the ability to exert control over somebody. This power can be exercised by the government, by individuals, even by powerful ideas.) In the Sixties, the media played an important role in the daily life, especially the radio. First,
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Expression orale anglais: Espace et échange
EO anglais: espace et échange First let let me define the notion of space and exchange. This notion deals the act or process of exchanging, the interactions between men and different societies. And also on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. So we may wonder to what extent that
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Expression orale anglais: Idée de Progrès
EO anglais: idée de progrès First let let me define the notion of Idea of Progress. This notion deals, the Ability or capacity to do a improvement, a development or a social advance which contribute to making the world a better place. So we may wonder to what extent that
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Expression orale anglais: Lieux et Forme de Pouvoir
EO anglais: Lieux et forme de Pouvoir First let let me define the notion of places and forms of power. Power it’s the ability or capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group or a nation having great influence over people. Power can
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Expression orale type BAC, mythes et héros
I’m going to talk about the notion of Myths and heroes. First of all, I would like to give some definitions : Heroes are courageus, have confidence in themselves, are beautiful and intelligent. They always save the world and are considered as perfect. When you hear the word 'hero' certain
915 Mots / 4 Pages -
Expression orale, Anglais, Sport.
Hello, Today, I'm going to talk about the notion of “Myths and Heroes”, around the theme of athletes. Nowadays, we ask a lot of questions about champions, or even athletes in general, we will see why later. The problem that we can settle can be: "Are champions true heroes?" In
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Expression Orale, myths et heroes
Evan Kerbage Expression Orale Myths and Heroes The notion I will present today is ‘Myths and Heroes’, which will be centered around learning. First, allow me to define those key words : A myth is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a
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Exprimer le présent
Chapitre 1 Questions à se poser : 1-Que dois-je faire pour ‘comprendre un texte ‘ ? 2-Quelles sont les tâches que je dois accomplir pour lire un texte efficacement ? Que dois-je faire pour comprendre un texte ? : Lire le texte pour soi ou à haute voix ; Se
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Faculté Ingénierie et Management de la Santé
Faculté Ingénierie et Management de la Santé ( I L I S ) Année universitaire 2013-2014 Faculté Ingénierie et Management de la Santé DA COSTA Amandine Thème : Ressources humaines. Missions : Participation au processus de recrutement Préparation dossier d’embauche Gestion de planning Lieu : O2 Villeneuve d’Ascq 8 Rue
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Fahrenheit 451 Ray Badbury
Antoine Laurans 104 Anglais Answer the questions about the extract Winston is in the street He looks at the poster who say "big brother is watching you” We know it because of "while the dark eyes looked deep into Winston's own" The environment is very dark very close it is
367 Mots / 2 Pages