BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 396 - 1 410
Exposé sur TARANIS
Présentation Physique-Chimie Diapo 1 : TARANIS est un satellite de télédétection destiné à l'étude des transferts impulsifs d'énergie qui se produisent au-dessus des orages entre l'atmosphère terrestre et le proche environnement spatial. Il a été construit par le Centre national d'études spatiales pour la société Avio Il a couté 136
288 Mots / 2 Pages -
Exposé type droit américain
. At that time, 17 states required racial segregation in the public schools and four more allowed it. government policies may allow or require racial segregation in public schools. In 1954, the Supreme Court unanimously strikes down segregation in public schools, sparking the Civil Rights movement. This case deals with
1 886 Mots / 8 Pages -
Exposé: Le jansénisme
Exposé: Le jansénisme: Intoduction : Tout d'abord le jansénisme est une doctrine chrétienne hérétique, issue de la pensée de Jansénius, le prêtre d'Ypres. Ce mouvement politico religieux se développe entre le 17eme et 18eme siècle , en réaction à certaines évolutions de l'Église catholique et à l'absolutisme royal. Tout commence
684 Mots / 3 Pages -
Expression ecrite : lettre d'ambauche Pony play
Pony express Dear Mr Smith, I wrote you this latter to you testify to my desire, my determination to become a Pony express rider. Actually, I believe to be the ideal person for your job, and I want to be your first choice. This is why let me persuade you:
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Expression écrite anglais
"What does the law say? You will not kill! How does she say it? By killing! "said Victor Hugo. The death penalty is a subject of debate that divides people all over the world. But we will focus on the United States and its very different relationship with other world
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Expression écrite Anglais sur les habitudes alimentaires
Mélanie Mortreau Mardi 24 Avril 2018 ENGLISH : Expressions écrite Stress in the workplace is becoming a growing issue in the world, people are expacted to work like machines and it is affecting their health. It can affect your productivity and performance and therefore put your job at risk. But
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Expression écrite Application for a job of managing assistant in your company
Marie Lefebvre 35 rue de bois 21000 Blois France Edward Smithson H.R. Manager Napket 61-63 Picadilly London - W1JODY Blois, the 9th December Subject: Application for a job of managing assistant in your company. Dear Sir, First of all I allow myself to remind you that I did a 6-week
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Expression écrite Black Mirror
I think we are not very far from the “horrible world,” the world where everything is evaluated like the Netflix series “black mirror.” In this series everyone is evaluated according to their attitude for example if you talk badly to people they can badly rate you and therefore you will
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Expression écrite d'anglais
Anglais – Expression écrite - Hey kids, I saw you yesterday looking at me, do you know why I was measuring the ground? - ( a child stood up ) ,Yes I do sir ! - Oh! Yeah ? Then tell me my son. - It is to play rugby,
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Expression écrite d'anglais
expression écrite anglais I am most agree with the first reaction, indeed this surveillance can’t be present in our life and in this society. We have rights, and the laws say everyone have rights about our privacy. I don’t now if it’s a total violation because the state too have
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Expression écrite en anglais à propos de la pollution
Lifetime of waste Peels of fruits 3 to 6 months Handkerchiefs and paper towels 3 months Newspaper paper 3 to 12 months Cigarette end of cigarette 2 years Chewing gum 5 years Tin can, 10 to 100 years Plastic Bottles, 100 to 1,000 years Aluminum can, 200 to 500 years
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Expression écrite en anglais sur le thème "mythes et héros"
Expression écrite sur le thème du mythes et héros The definition of a myth it is a legend which is usually not true. For example: Dracula. The definition of a hero: There are two type of heroes, the fictional heroes they have got superpowers and the real heroes which are
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Expression écrite Multiculturalisme anglais
WRITTEN EXPRESSION What do you think about multiculturalism ? Give your opinion in a paragraph (about 200 words) If it cannot be denied that England is today a multicultural country in which diversity is at its peak, this diversity is the result of the large Empire it was until the
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Expression écrite sur l'éducation, anglais
Nowadays, the education is in the center of the debates. Indeed, many of famous women fight for accessibility for every girl to school. Thus we can ask : Is education the best way to empowed girls ? To answer this problem we will weight the pros and the cons of
684 Mots / 3 Pages -
Expression écrite sur l'esclavage
Good afternoon everyone! We are here today to introduce you our project about building a memorial in honor of slavery. Slavery was definitely abolished in 1865 by Abraham Lincoln but caused a lot of damages on black population. We are talking about a tragedy that has involved millions of black
646 Mots / 3 Pages