Expression écrite Black Mirror
Fiche : Expression écrite Black Mirror. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar coline.cmb • 2 Janvier 2023 • Fiche • 981 Mots (4 Pages) • 350 Vues
I think we are not very far from the “horrible world,” the world where everything is evaluated like the Netflix series “black mirror.” In this series everyone is evaluated according to their attitude for example if you talk badly to people they can badly rate you and therefore you will not be able to travel, have a good job or a good house …
Firstly, I think we are not very far from this world because the applications, the restaurants, the stores and even the people are already rated. People are rated on social networks like Instagram. The whole world is concerned with the “like” on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and with the notes on Uber eat, Vinted. Secondly, I also think this because in foreign country in China it already exists. It’s like a copy of the series. People’s attitude is observed and judged, and a very small fault can have serious consequences, for example you don't allow to buy plane tickets, cars, or you don't be able to choose the best schools for children. At last, the insurance contracts use this rating system to define specific price according to your health. To conclude, let's be vigilant!
I think we are not very far from the “horrible world,” the world where everything is evaluated like the Netflix series “black mirror.” In this series everyone is evaluated according to their attitude for example if you talk badly to people they can badly rate you and therefore you will not be able to travel, have a good job or a good house …
Firstly, I think we are not very far from this world because the applications, the restaurants, the stores and even the people are already rated. People are rated on social networks like Instagram. The whole world is concerned with the “like” on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and with the notes on Uber eat, Vinted. Secondly, I also think this because in foreign country in China it already exists. It’s like a copy of the series. People’s attitude is observed and judged, and a very small fault can have serious consequences, for example you don't allow to buy plane tickets, cars, or you don't be able to choose the best schools for children. At last, the insurance contracts use this rating system to define specific price according to your health. To conclude, let's be vigilant!
I think we are not very far from the “horrible world,” the world where everything is evaluated like the Netflix series “black mirror.” In this series everyone is evaluated according to their attitude for example if you talk badly to people they can badly rate you and therefore you will not be able to travel, have a good job or a good house …
Firstly, I think we are not very far from this world because the applications, the restaurants, the stores and even the people are already rated. People are rated on social networks like Instagram. The whole world is concerned with the “like” on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and with the notes on Uber eat, Vinted. Secondly, I also think this because in foreign country in China it already exists. It’s like a copy of the series. People’s attitude is observed and judged, and a very small fault can have serious consequences, for example you don't allow to buy plane tickets, cars, or you don't be able to choose the best schools for children. At last, the insurance contracts use this rating system to define specific price according to your health. To conclude,