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Bailiff = huissier de justice

Auctionner = commissaire priseur

Criminal law= droit pénal

lawyer= avocat

MP= député

Better of= question d’argent

Cross border crime= crime organisé

Great leap in the dark= grand saut dans l’inconnu

Eurozone Bailout= opérations de sécurité en Europe

Opt out= exceptions

Implemented= entrer en vigueur

Trigger= déclencher (pull the trigger)

EEA= european economic area

Disentanglement= démêler

clogged= bouché

superseaded, repealed= supplanté

CJEU= Court of justice of European Union

unlikely= improbable

To comply with= respecter

A law abiding citizen= un citoyen qui respecte la loi, un bon citoyen

To blend in= se meler à la foule

A justice= un juge de la cour suprême (il y en a 9)

Casualties= victimes

To hold someone accountable for= être responsable de

dirt= poussières (dans le contexte de Trump dirt= faits compromettants)

Impeachment= destitution

Coward= lache

Whistleblowers= dénonciateurs/ lanceurs d’alertes

Inquiry= une enquête

Subpoena= assignation

Slew= a lot of, a very lot

Kangaroo court= un procès pas sérieux, un faux procès

Withhold= retenir

bribery= corruption, un pot de vin

Downplay= minimiser, dédramatiser

stodgy= lourd, indigeste

A loan= un prêt

Interest rate= taux d’intérêts

A bill= a law, un projet de loi (ou addition, facture)

Came into force, to be implemented= rentrer en vigueur

To inact a law= promulguer une loi

The welfare state= l’etat providence

Family allowance= aides familiales

afford= pouvoir s’offrir

tenant= locataires

owners= proprietaries

Search warrant= mandat de perquisition

Arrest warrant= mandat d’arret

oath= peter serment

Infringe on our freedom= empiéter sur nos libertés

Draft a bill= preparer une loi

alleviate= réduire des problèmes, alléger

British politics chapter

Boris Jonhson, conservative party prime minister, shut down the parlement for 5 weeks. No written constitution, very controversial decision, illegal or legal. First off, it’s the first time it happens for that long. He lost the majority. He’s trying to leave Europe. Really messy situation for Brexit.

A lot of anti EU, jeremy Corbyn is the leader of the labour party

The conservative party (some) wants to leave to EU because of immigration. Fear of emigration, bureaucraty. They think they would be better of the EU because they’re paying a lot of money and are not getting enough back. They want independence over Bruxelles.

A lot of the conservative party still wants to be in Europe because of the free market, no trade barries

Some of the labour party is against Europe because immigrant.

David Cameron thought that the UK should stay in EU, he promised that they would be a referendum to get re-elected as UK’s prime minister.

Speech of Cameron about why the UK should remain in the EU.

He doesn’t want to leave europe. He doesn’t want the €, eurozone bailouts, European army, he doesn’t want any of that.

He resign shortly after the vote for Brexit.

This decision by Jonhson to shut down the parlement might be illegal. The supreme court is likely to condamn Jonhson.

The EU wanted to triggered article 7 on Hungary

Article 50, when you trigger this article, you have 2 years to get a deal to leave the EU.

Michel Barnier (the EU representant) and Theresa May (England’s prime minister for 2years about) tried to worked out a deal to leave the EU, but it didn’t worked out.


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