Interview with Nelson Mandela
Cours : Interview with Nelson Mandela. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Hanaakn • 2 Novembre 2019 • Cours • 634 Mots (3 Pages) • 495 Vues
The year of two thousand and eighteen marks the fifth anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s death. As a tribute for a hero that freed his people we are dedicating today’s edition. On this occasion we are going to interview a special person but first a reminder of Nelson Mandela's life : Born under the name of Rohlila Mandela he has to adopt the name of Nelson because of his english teacher that wanted him to have an english name. He was born on July 18, 1918 and died the fifth of december. His father died when he was nine. In 1942 he got his law degree and opened the first black attorney firm. In 1943 he joined the African National Congress. Mandela led the black people of South Africa to freedom.
I’ll now you to welcome Ndaba Mandela, son of Makgatho and grandson of our dear Nelson Mandela.
°Hello Ndaba, thank you for having according us this interview and giving us your time, how are you?
°I am fine, thank you for asking. It was very important for me to do this, I want everyone to always remember to what he accomplished.
°Well, as you are talking about accomplishment, could you tell us what are for you his biggest accomplishment?
°He freed his people from decades of submission, enabled them to wake their desire of equality and freedom up. He abolished Apartheid and even became the first black president of SA. More than abolishing abolishing Apartheid he also gave them hope, hope for a better life.
°Even him couldn’t fix all of SA’s problems in a lifeTime, for you what are the problem that SA is still facing?
°You are right. Even with all the positive aspects that he brought to SA we have to admit that South African are still facing big issues such as the lack of sanitation, poverty, the lack of drinkable water. But my grandfather also left behind him a generation willing to keep on fighting and willing to continue his fight.
°What a hopeful answer! We all would like to hear more about what kind of man he was with his family, what can you tell us?
°He was as good in public as he was in private to be honest. I learnt a lot by his side. He taught to me lots of life’s principes like be honest with the people,respect, never give up. And also he could be very nice, he let me go out the weekend, he gave some money to go to the cinema. So he was a really cool man.
°If you had the opportunity to see him one more time what would you tell to him?
°What would I tell to him ? well… Obviously i would thank him again for all of things that he given to us, i speak on behalf of my family and all the black man of this country and in the world. I would like to tell him that we work in order to make this country like him wanted to be. And thanks again grandpa!
°I have one more question: do you think that he was resentful for being sent to jail?
°This question is really interesting, he really was not. Prison