Expression orale, Anglais, Sport.
Étude de cas : Expression orale, Anglais, Sport.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar gugus • 19 Novembre 2016 • Étude de cas • 618 Mots (3 Pages) • 3 997 Vues
Today, I'm going to talk about the notion of “Myths and Heroes”, around the theme of athletes. Nowadays, we ask a lot of questions about champions, or even athletes in general, we will see why later. The problem that we can settle can be: "Are champions true heroes?" In first place, we will study why we can say that they athletes are considered as heroes, then we will see why do disabled athletes deserve to be called heroes and finally we will see that the champions are not always considered as heroes but as cheaters !
So that they greatest athletes of today are considered as heroes they should first of all respect the other participants, the judges, etc.,they must be play fair, without cheating, without drugs, that they know how to make good decisions, with a lot of courage and finally that they trains a lot! For the fans, this is a heroic athlete. But young people have always considered high-level athletes to be exemplars because they embody excellence, discipline, transcendence, honesty . For example, the athlete Jesse Owens is considered same an hero because, he got a lot of discrimination because of his skin-couler, he was considered a second-class citizen, he was insulted, etc. and that made it stronger, he broke three world records and won 4 gold medals at the Olympics Games of Berlin in 1936. But Adolf Hitler expected to show the superiority of the Aryan Race to the world. Jesse Owens proved Hitler was wrong. And he symbolized the struggle of black American citizens for equality, and he was considered a hero by the black community.
We will now talk about the disabled champions that we can deserve to called heroes. For the disabled, for example Paralympic Games, is a dream, they even participate with those with problems like visual, cerebrals, without limbs, etc. One must remain positive in spite of their handicap, the games allow the athletes to change their conception, when they are in race, they are no longer themselves, they are "super-humans". These disabled are sometimes more stronger, with more skills than normal people or even able-bodied athletes. In order to achieve their goals, disabled people have to be courageous, mentally strong, hard-work, self-confident and very motived . What makes a hero of a disabled person is that he can overcome his fears, his obstacles and go to the end of him. And for us the spectators, we have trouble for them, but we know that they are capable and have great skills, we respect them as much as other athletes.
End to finish, we will discover that today's athletes are not always very wise, because they take drugs, they dope, etc. All that for what? Only to win, to be the best and obviously to arrive the first on the finish line. But now, the federation of the Olympic Games for example have new devices to find the slightest trace of drugs. On the other hand, if they succeed, athletes risk jail, like Marion Jones who took 6 months in prison for doping, and the problem is that she had to take responsibility for her actions in front of the press and mainly in front of Its fans and the spectators. Thus high level athletes are not necessarily the most exemplary, but they must measure their influence with the youth people. They shouldn't cheat nor lie, they deceive and disappoint their fans!
For my part and for conclure, I do not consider