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Expression écritre en anglais: les avantages et les inconvénients du colocataire avec une personne du sexe opposé

Dissertation : Expression écritre en anglais: les avantages et les inconvénients du colocataire avec une personne du sexe opposé. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Mai 2013  •  Dissertation  •  364 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 875 Vues

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Expression écrite p33

Nowadays, more and more teenagers are sharing a flat with an other person, an other student (a friend or an unknown person...) during their studies, to spend less money!

We have to consider the advantages and the drawbacks of the flat mate with a person of the opposite sex, so in my case, with a boy.

-To begin with the drawbacks of this way of life:

Firstly, boys and girls haven’t got the same vision of the life in community, for example for the tidiness and the cleanness ; Actually, girls prefer when the kitchen is tidy and when the bathroom is clean... As for me, I think I will be able to get crazy if the flat is not clean and tidy!

Secondly, when we share a flat, we have to be organized, for instance for the housework, it mustn’t be the same person who washes the dishes… but unfortunately, girls are more involved in the housework (e.g.: cooking…) It can be a real problem of the flat mate...

-But in an other hand, the flat mate with a boy has few advantages:

First of all, there are less quarrels between a boy and a girl than between two girls! Actually, girls are complicated…. I already tried to live one week with my best friend and, even if a love he, we haven’t stopped to quarrel each other… contrary to the boys who are cool and distressed! In my opinion is easier to live with a boy for this reason.

Then, boys spend less time in the bathroom than girls… it’s a funny point but a so important point!! I’m often late EVEN IF I’m alone on the house, so I don’t imagine to have to wait 3 hours (=the necessary time to a girl to prepare herself) before to prepare myself!! With a boy, there is not this problem, he doesn’t need to make-up himself… it’s more quick!

So, to conclude, I think I will be able to share a flat with a boy, but if I had the choice, I will choose a boy that I know, a good friend for example! Even if there are few drawbacks, I think it can be a very good experience.


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