- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Myths and heroes How should be define dissertations et mémoires


3 359 Myths and heroes How should be define dissertations gratuites 776 - 800 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 22 Février 2020
  • The idea of progress: should we be afraid of losing our humanity to machines as we progress?

    The idea of progress: should we be afraid of losing our humanity to machines as we progress?

    Study the three documents in connection with the Idea of Progress. Think of a question related to the notion and answer it using the three documents but also the other material you have studied. Write an essay. We usually associate a positive idea about progress. In science for example, the contribution of new knowledge can transform and improve our condition. It’s the case for example with the creation of new technologies like the artificial intelligence.

    699 Mots / 3 Pages
  • In which way can a hero be more inspirational than an icon?

    In which way can a hero be more inspirational than an icon?

    MYTHS AND HEROES Introduction: A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition and it can be real or fictitious. It might be created in order to teach a lesson. A hero can be mythologic, anonymous, forgotten, fallen, a superhero and even a role model or an icon. A hero is admired for his achievements, his strength or his courage. He inspires. In

    608 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Définition Myths & Heroes (oral baccalauréat)

    Définition Myths & Heroes (oral baccalauréat)

    Definition of the notion myths and heroes. A myth is a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. A heroe can be defined as an outstanding person, the qualities that can be found in a heroe are: wisdom; a heroe thinks things through before acting, which is a proof of high intelligence. Conviction, heroes are people who

    316 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What you should know before and after Lecture 1

    What you should know before and after Lecture 1

    What you should know before and after Lecture 1 Outline of the lecture. 1. Introduction to the Monarchy. What is the monarchy ? It is a system of government in which the head of state is a monarch, whose power is shared with a constitutionally organized gov. The UK system of gov is known as as a constitutional monarchy. A monarchy is different from republic in some points : - head of state is the

    3 787 Mots / 16 Pages
  • Long-term free work in a child's enterprise must be regarded as a legal donation and fall under the gift tax.

    Long-term free work in a child's enterprise must be regarded as a legal donation and fall under the gift tax.

    My research allowed me to distinct two different cases at the level of the social laws. On the one hand, a casual help that prevails family ties as well as family solidarity for less than 90 consecutive days for a year. The helping person will not be submitted to the self-employed's social statute. No fee of social insurance will be demanded to the self-employed for the time of the helping people's service. However, this one

    488 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How Central and Eastern European's consumers behaviors has evolved in 2018 ?

    How Central and Eastern European's consumers behaviors has evolved in 2018 ?

    How Central and Eastern European consumers’ behaviour has evolved in 2018? Compiled by: Tobias Hoarau This project is submitted in part fulfilment of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Studies Independent College, Dublin April 2018 ________________ Abstract Till the beginning of 1990s, it was common for the Central European consumers to travel several times a year ten, even hundreds of kilometres to realize their purchases in Austria, in Germany or in Italy.

    8 351 Mots / 34 Pages
  • How do new technologies influence exchanges between people and do they make them easier?

    How do new technologies influence exchanges between people and do they make them easier?

    Spaces and exchanges How do new technologies influence exchanges between people and do they make them easier? I Addiction with student unplug II Therapy and virtual friends III Teddy Bear Cam I am going to deal with the notion spaces and exchanges. First, I give you a definition of this notion. The exchanges are constant movements. They can be of differents types : people, trade or media and be in spaces all around the world.

    611 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How Ebay has built its Internet and International business strategy

    How Ebay has built its Internet and International business strategy

    Internet and International Business Final paper How Ebay has built its Internet and International business strategy ________________ Contents Introduction 3 How internet impacted businesses? 4 Marketing 4 Expanding to new markets 4 Working with others 4 Increased competition 5 Using internet strategy 5  SEO and SEM (Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing) 5  Email and Social media Marketing 5 How eBay has built its Internet and International business strategy? 6 eBay business

    1 941 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Should Teachers Be armed in Schools - English presentation

    Should Teachers Be armed in Schools - English presentation

    SHOULD TEACHERS BE ARMED IN SCHOOLS Today’s presentation deals with arming teachers in schools. As we know, in the USA there are a lot of young people who have guns on them. It is becoming a real problem for the american society that these youngters can have guns and use them as well. In an article of BBC is mentioned the case of a gunshot between teenagers outside a school in Benton, Kentucky. The boys

    417 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Can protest songs and music be effective in changing people’s opinion?

    Can protest songs and music be effective in changing people’s opinion?

    When a movement for social changes grows, protest songs may appear. They are music of resistance used in politics and as politics and reflect the musician’s point of view on a particular subject. But since we do not listen to music just for political reasons, can protest songs and music be effective in changing people’s opinion? On the one hand, music is now often considered as a raw entertainment and people doesn’t care about the

    300 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Should abortion be legal?

    Should abortion be legal?

    Should abortion be legal? When we ask this question, we usually find ourselves also talking about “the legal time limit for abortion”. Now, why is that? Most of us feel that what is inside of a woman’s womb is or will at a certain point be like us (alive, a human being, a person, or maybe just something that can feel pain). Most of us feel that what’s inside of a woman’s womb either has

    299 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How Assets Organization and Funding Methods combination Impacts the Cost of the capital and the Financial Return

    How Assets Organization and Funding Methods combination Impacts the Cost of the capital and the Financial Return

    How Assets Organization and Funding Methods combination Impacts the Cost of the capital and the Financial Return 8th Semester Final Report The National School of Business and Management 2017/2018 SILICON VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Made by Nasserddine OULADSALAH Supervised Academically: Pr. Abderrahman MALIKI Supervised Operationally: Mrs. Amina MOSLIH DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY: I declare herewith, that this above-mentioned report is my own original work. PLAGIARISM DISCLAIMER: I hereby confirm that I am the sole author of the

    10 870 Mots / 44 Pages
  • Can a Non-Newtonian Fluid such as the Mixture Water and Maïzena be Liquid or Solid ?

    Can a Non-Newtonian Fluid such as the Mixture Water and Maïzena be Liquid or Solid ?

    QUEMIN François; Pupat-Pernod Adrien; Couturier-Petrasson Axel First General S Group 4 Matter and Form Non-Newtonian Fluids S.V.T / Physics and Chemistry Can a Non-Newtonian Fluid such as the Mixture Water and Maïzena be Liquid or Solid ? During the presentation by our accompanying teachers, one of the proposed topics seemed very interesting to me - the subject Matter and Form. Indeed, it has an universal and scientific aspect that makes it very appealing. I chose

    945 Mots / 4 Pages
  • How accurate was George F. Kennan's assessment of Soviet motivations, strengths, and weaknesses in 'Sources of Soviet Conduct'?

    How accurate was George F. Kennan's assessment of Soviet motivations, strengths, and weaknesses in 'Sources of Soviet Conduct'?

    George F. Kennan’s 10 page document was a document which the Truman doctrine was built around. It held broad ideas, and had the pros and cons of the Soviet Regime. In fact, looking back, his document was accurate; his policy of containment was implemented and worked its charm, and this policy was based off of Kennan’s understanding of the USSR. The Sources of Soviet Conduct put forth the three main points of the Soviet

    2 411 Mots / 10 Pages
  • How women can be heard

    How women can be heard

    Idea of Progress Since the 18th century, women are still fighting to get recognised at the same level as men. They are standing for their rights, be able to take their own decisions, be able to do whatever they wants without be judged because of their gender. This fight : feminism can be defined as an idea of progress, the will to change that things that make the world wrong in time. Feminism is a

    537 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Would you be ready to leave your country, friends and family to find a job abroad?

    Would you be ready to leave your country, friends and family to find a job abroad?

    URBIN Mickaël TSTi2D1 Sujet 2 : Would you be ready to leave your country, friends and family to find a job abroad ? I think leaving his home country to find a job abroad is a good experience, because traveling brings a lot of knowledges, and allows you to discover new working ways and also meeting other cultures. Then, working and traveling as the same time is a chance, moslty in hot and attractive countries

    287 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Should political parties promoting racialist ideas be censored?

    Should political parties promoting racialist ideas be censored?

    Should political parties promoting racialist ideas be censored? Nowadays and ever since people have fought for their human rights, they have set up –in some countries- a system of democracy which allow them to choose their leader by voting. In the United States for example, the different political parties present their main election program to induce people to vote for them. And some of them, when presenting their electoral program, say racialist ideas without regret,

    528 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power : How does South Africa represent this notion?

    Places and forms of power : How does South Africa represent this notion?

    Places and forms of power I am going to talk about the notion “places and forms of power”. First of all I'd like to give a definition of the notion. The term “Places” denotes important buildings or institutions. Power is the ability to control others, events or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, opposition. In class, we have studied this notion with the help of the history of South Africa. How does

    550 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Why should Michelle Obama be the first president ?

    Why should Michelle Obama be the first president ?

    Why Should Michelle Obama Be the First Woman Elected President of the U.S. Government? Michelle Obama has always been loved by everyone, unlike Donald Trump, who very easily makes enemies from all over the world. He is one of the worst people who has been elected President of the United States. Besides, Michelle Obama has even surpassed her husband, who is very much beloved by everyone and is often asked to be president again. This

    366 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Idea of progress : To what extent can we assert that a dichotomy is to be found both in the history of India and in science progress/ in science fiction?

    Idea of progress : To what extent can we assert that a dichotomy is to be found both in the history of India and in science progress/ in science fiction?

    IDEA OF PROGRESS Introduction : I am going to talk about the idea of progress. This notion can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change in technology, science OR social organization which bringS a positive change to our society. However, there are some cases where this change can have a negative effect too. This year in class, we studied several documents about this notion and in particular Indian society. To what extent

    841 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Notion myths & heroes

    Notion myths & heroes

    I am going to deal with the notion Myths and Heroes. To start with, I would like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a popular belief on which social values are often based. While a hero could be someone who is ready to sacrifices his or her life in order to make things evolved positively. In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be the place of

    673 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Place and forms of power : how can we criticize and oppose the political power?

    Place and forms of power : how can we criticize and oppose the political power?

    Hello, I'm going to talk about the notion of place and form of power. first of all, I'll explain what power is: In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people's behavior To study this notion, I decided to concern myself with political power. I decided to ask myself the following quisetin: how can we criticize and oppose the political power? we will answer this question in two stages: in the first

    491 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What can be the aim of a voyage and return story ?

    What can be the aim of a voyage and return story ?

    Besides the documents you were given, in both texts you are asked to give a proper introduction. In that respect : introduce the author, very quickly the novel and then the passage you are going to study ! The essence of the Voyage and Return story is that its hero or heroine travels out of the familiar, everyday « normal » surroundings into another world completely cut off from the first, where everything seems abnormal.

    414 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The idea of progress : should we be afraid of progress?

    The idea of progress : should we be afraid of progress?

    The idea of progress intro: I'm going to talk about the Idea of ​​Progress concept. To begin, I would like to give a definition of progress. The idea of ​​progress is that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, freedom and quality of life. However, progress is sometimes greater than it is. We believe that we will weigh the positive and negative aspects of progress in the scientific, medical and new

    515 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Idea of progress : how does the progress affect our society and our world?

    Idea of progress : how does the progress affect our society and our world?

    Idea of progress To begin, I had like to state the definition of progress. We can define the idea of progress as a improvement, a development or a change which contributes to making the world a better place. We can after ask ourselves ‘how does the progress affect our society and our world?’. Consequencly, this year we studied on civil rights in the world and how sometimes progress has changed the lives of many peoples.

    892 Mots / 4 Pages