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How women can be heard

Fiche : How women can be heard. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Avril 2019  •  Fiche  •  537 Mots (3 Pages)  •  584 Vues

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Idea of Progress

Since the 18th century, women are still fighting to get recognised at the same level as men. They are standing for their rights, be able to take their own decisions, be able to do whatever they wants without be judged because of their gender. This fight : feminism can be defined as an idea of progress, the will to change that things that make the world wrong in time. Feminism is a the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way. So now we can wonder : How women can be heard ? To start we would try to understand when this fight began. Secondly i will show you how women fought and always fight against gender inequalities. And I would finish by showing you where it is there.

I - When this fight began ?

18th Century : Mary Wollstonecraft founder and mother of the feminism. Writer and revolutionary advocate of equality. She created a school to protect women. Wrote a book against J-J Rousseau because he said that women are uncapable of reason : they are hysterial and can't think themselves.

II - How women fought and always fight against gender inequalities ?

Suffragette : a movie wich tells the storie of Emmeline Pankhurst : Known for his militant tactics because she foughts by the strengh to have the right to vote. After this she create the Organization : Women's Social and Political Union and all the member of this move are named : Suffragette.

This movie resumed the entire fight of the Suffragettes who fought to have the right to vote.

III - What about this fight today ?

Feminism is still on the table.

Emma Watson led a fight against gender inequalites, she believes that men and women have the same right. She uses her influence to try to change minds

She deliever a speech at united nations in 2014 where she shares all criticisms that she received in her entier life. At 8 years old she was called « Bossy » because she wanted to direct the plays that we would put on for our parents. At 14 years old she was sexualised by the media. At 15 years her girlfriends started dropping out of sports teams because they didn't want to appear muscly. And at her 18 years old she realized that her male friends were unable to express their feelings.

To sum up, the feminism started in the 18th century with Mary Wollstonecraft and her fight against J-J Rousseau, after this some move have been created like « Suffragette » made for the right to vote. At least feminism is still on the table as we saw with the speech of Emma Watson.

To conclude, women can be heard by using the strengh as we saw in the movie « SUFFRAGETTE » or in a little more diplomatic way like Mary Wollstonecraft did. Or simply using their influence like Emma Watson with her speech at United Nations.

So now we can wonder if one day women will have same power as men ? If one day we shall see a woman president in the United States or in France.


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