Can a Non-Newtonian Fluid such as the Mixture Water and Maïzena be Liquid or Solid ?
Lettre type : Can a Non-Newtonian Fluid such as the Mixture Water and Maïzena be Liquid or Solid ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar frfrfrfrfrfr • 26 Février 2019 • Lettre type • 945 Mots (4 Pages) • 945 Vues
QUEMIN François; Pupat-Pernod Adrien; Couturier-Petrasson Axel
First General S Group 4
Matter and Form Non-Newtonian Fluids S.V.T / Physics and Chemistry
Can a Non-Newtonian Fluid such as the Mixture Water and Maïzena be Liquid or Solid ?
During the presentation by our accompanying teachers, one of the proposed topics seemed very interesting to me - the subject Matter and Form. Indeed, it has an universal and scientific aspect that makes it very appealing. I chose with my group to orient myself on the greatness of the universe, and especially on the earth. During 3 sessions I looked for interesting and original subjects, but nothing caught my attention. I then chose to take as an example an experience that I made at home as a kid, the mixture Water and Maïzena which was always fascinating and captivating. Furthemore, this subject could be completely scientific, I discovered non-Newtonian fluids, I then studied the question, and I was very motivated to make a clean and well-argued work. After long reflections, I found the problematic and I am proud of what I was able to produce in the end.
This question, which I had to answer during the sessions, fascinated me because of its complexity. In addition, this topic was very convenient because I knew it would serve me for my future. I then embarked on my research as well as in a multitude of experiences often fruitful. I did not use the Internet much because I wanted to discover for myself how this mix could work. I then applied myself thoroughly to understand its different characteristics. After a control experiment and another with a metal ball thrown from different heights I realized that I was studying a fluid that became more viscous when we exert to it a mechanical stress. I learned later that these fluids were called rheo-thickening fluids.There was then a moment when I was no longer sure of my subject, I did not know if it could match the expectations of the juries. Luckily, I pulled myself together, and I tried to find other information that could be useful and thus advance the TPE. I then studied the temperature issue because I thought it could play a vital role in answering the problem. Indeed, I could observe that the tempeture influenced the state of the mixture but could never make it liquid. I noticed that it remained viscous. For my last experiment I wanted to microscopically observe wheat and corn starches to understand why starch mixed with water can have this reaction. I observed that starch molecules were hydrophobic and that they interlocked with each other in order to expel water. This is why one can have a solid or viscous mixture. To keep track and show my work during all these sessions, I decided to take photos and videos and put them on the drive to keep them. Subsequently, I spent a lot of time at home looking for information on the subject and then made a slideshow of everything I learned. I had the idea to create a website because everything was at my disposal to do it. All the information was already on the Internet and it was a job I loved doing. I knew that this work would be tedious but I found the idea original and promising, so I searched during a whole session what site I would use. I finally discovered Wix, and I started my work. Determined and confident, I created the entire website with the means at my disposal. I added my photos and videos to give the site a more personal touch and I think it is successful and I'm happy with the final result.