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What can be the aim of a voyage and return story ?

Analyse sectorielle : What can be the aim of a voyage and return story ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Mai 2019  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  414 Mots (2 Pages)  •  786 Vues

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Besides the documents you were given, in both texts you are asked to give a proper introduction. In that respect : introduce the author, very quickly the novel and then the passage you are going to study !

The essence of the Voyage and Return story is that its hero or heroine travels out of the familiar, everyday « normal » surroundings into another world completely cut off from the first, where everything seems abnormal.

As an example of question that can be inspiring for you : what can be the aim of a voyage and return story ?

The text untitled « Hullo, Robinson Crusoe » tells the story of a mother and daughter who are acting as they were Robinson Crusoe for the daughter, and man Friday for the mother. They are playing the role of the characters of the famous novel Robinson Crusoe written in 1719 by Daniel Defoe. What is interesting about this text is that it shows the impact and influence of the novel Robinson Crusoe. Indeed, the mother and the daughter are having fun playing the role of these characters.

We can even say that one of the aims of this literary genre is to delight and entertain the reader.

« Hullo, Robison Crusoe » extracted from Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome

- The extract named « Hullo, Robinson Crusoe » is a scene between Titty and her mother. After coming on the island in order to check on her children, the mother acts out the part of Man Friday, and Titty, Robinson Crusoe. As their conversation goes on, they gradually go back into their own roles.

- Two worlds are depicted here : the real one, where Titty and her mother live; and the imaginary one, where Robinson Crusoe and Man Friday are from. Those two different worlds are intertwined. Mother plays the part of Man Friday, but at the end, she becomes Mother again, and talks about her childhood. Titty plays the part of Robinson Crusoe, but, as her mother abandon gradually her role, she becomes herself again.

- This story can be considered as a « Voyage and Return story », not because a hero falls into an imaginary world and then comes back home, but because the characters « fall » into a play, and then come back to their own roles afterwards.

From there, Create your plan, you need to add your own quotations to explain your arguments but not too much ! And do not forget about you accompanying document..


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