- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

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43 504 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 41 971 - 41 985

  • Travaux pratique de biologie portant sur l'osmolarité des pommes de terre

    Travaux pratique de biologie portant sur l'osmolarité des pommes de terre

    ________________ PLAN * INTRODUCTION * MATERIEL * METHODE * RESULTATS * INTERPRETATION * CONCLUSION ________________ Introduction Des échantillons de même masse sont découpés dans une pomme de terre et sont ensuite placés dans des récipients contenant des solutions de saccharose de concentrations croissantes. Après incubation, les échantillons sont sortis des

    398 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Travaux pratiques ECG- respiratoire

    Travaux pratiques ECG- respiratoire

    Compte rendu de TP Etude du système cardiovasculaire et du système baroréflexe à l’aide du logiciel RATCVS Réalisé le 04/11/2015 avec Mr PEINEAU et Mr VANDIER ________________ Sommaire 1. Introduction p1 2. Matériels et méthodes p1 3. Résultats et discussion p4 4. Conclusion p35 ANNEXES 1. Introduction Ce TP a

    5 672 Mots / 23 Pages
  • Travaux pratiques sur les grincements de craies.

    Travaux pratiques sur les grincements de craies.

    TPE Matières et formes Les grincements de craies. Quels sont les facteurs influençant le grincement d’une craie ? SOMMAIRE I/ Introduction (page 3) II/ Développement (page 4-7) -A/ Aspect théorique (page 4-6) -B/ Phénomène de slip-stick (page 7) III/ Expérimentation : facteurs influençant la fréquence. (page 8-14) -A/ Variation de la longueur

    1 825 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Travel make you rich

    Travel make you rich

    Pereira fernandes catarina 1S2 the notion I will talk about is spaces and exchanges the question I will answer is does travel make you rich? traveling will give you a lot of richness when you travel to somewhere other that your hometown you make new friends. Making new friends gives

    601 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Travelling


    Date: 11 April 2017 Group: 604-GPA-SL-gr00004 Traveling Since I was a kid, I was passionate to discover around on my bicycle, I have always loved the adventure of travel to somewhere unknown, something different and something new. I feel the same way today. Even though now, to discover around means

    398 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Travelling abroad

    Travelling abroad

    study abroad.jpg Most students have a remote desire to study abroad. They opt for pursuing their postgraduate studies a broad Overseas For different reasons: 1. It provides high quality international academic programs and services→ students become much worldier persons. 2. To learn to communicate across cultures. 3. It is an

    436 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Travelling broadens the mind ?

    Travelling broadens the mind ?

    “ Travelling broadens the mind” – The more you travel the more open-minded you become ? Nowadays, travelling is fashionable. You travel to see new cultures, other types of architecture, new people. As Mark Twain said : “ Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our

    626 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Travels and Humans

    Travels and Humans

    BA Khalidou MARCOU Paul MUKENDI KAYEMBE Kenan Science Project Travels and Humans Plan : 1. Local Traveling * The synchronisation/change of the travelers ( cars, pedestrians, cyclists, trains etc...) * The way stoplights work(the math behind it, how and when it changes, 2. Air / Maritime Traveling * How Airplanes

    3 235 Mots / 13 Pages
  • Treaty of Waitang

    Treaty of Waitang

    Tuesday, October 6th 2015 Multicultural NZ Reading comprehension 1. Advantages of living in NZ: good education for your kids (l.2-3) safe environment, a safe community (l.2) a lot of opportunity to be a lot of things (l.3) 1. a key word characterizing NZ’s society: multiculturalism 2. NZ still evolving: still

    747 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Treding of white

    Treding of white

    1. A) The installation is located on the lawn of Parliament Square in London. The installation was done the 19th september of 2016 b) This place was chosen because it’s a traditionnal tourist post, moreover it’s in front of the Parliamant, a way of militating against the English parliament. This

    259 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Trends and developments in aviation industry

    Trends and developments in aviation industry

    For the third outsourcing task, the starting point will be an aircraft manufacturer. Our setting will be that developments and trends within the market have required the buying firm to assess the possibility for outsourcing the production of engines to a supplier. The air manufacturer industry features a number of

    1 887 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Tresseurs de corde

    Tresseurs de corde

    REPUBLIQUE DU BENIN *****°***** Commune de KETOU *****°***** Collège d'Enseignement Général -1 de Kétou Jean Pliya *****°***** Classe : Tle A Groupe N° 8 Thème tresseur-corde Membres du groupe: 1- AMADOU Farid, 94-43-46-21 2- AVOKPO Alain, 66-42-57-02 3- CHANGODEYI Sandé, 96-76-69-27 4- IGUE Joseph, 95-47-98-35 5- MONTCHO Elisé 6-

    5 321 Mots / 22 Pages
  • Trial Request !

    Trial Request !

    DISSERTATION DE PHILOSOPHIE : Vial Jean T°ES1 Sujet : Bonheur et désirs : Le bonheur est un idéal vers lequel l’humanité aspire à tendre. Ce but est désiré par tous, et nous mettons sous ce nom des réalités diverses, des conceptions du bonheur très différentes, mais avec la définition commune

    2 462 Mots / 10 Pages
  • Trials and Triumphs of Poetry

    Trials and Triumphs of Poetry

    Trials and Triumphs of Poetry Most people in our class listen to music everyday, yet the idea of creating poems seemed difficult. Creating poetry was an idea that wasn’t appealing because while most of us listen to music and hear the lyrics flowing together easily, making a poem is

    732 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Trigonomeétrie


    b- Réactif limitant : : Lors d’une transformation chimique totale, l’un au moins des réactifs est entièrement consommé, c’est le réactif limitant. alors H+ est le réactif limitant 2 > 1

    492 Mots / 2 Pages
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