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43 499 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 18 016 - 18 030
Is emigration really an appropriate solution to avoid the economical crisis of your country?
MEXICAN BORDER Hello everyone! I hope you’re all okay. Today, I would like to share with you a subject that is very important for me because : * on the one hand, it concerns a current topic of society which is causing many political and economic debates and, * on
939 Mots / 4 Pages -
Is free trade fair?
Free trade is a contract between countries that allow goods to be imported without tariffs, quotas or other restrictions. A tariff is a tax that is added to imports to protect goods and businesses within the original country. Is free trade fair? To answer this question, the effects of free
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Is it a mistake to follow the herd
Is it a misake to follow the herd ? First of all what means the expression « to follow the herd » ? This methaphor refers to sheep: animals instinctively tending to mimic each other, the expression refers to people blindly immitating others. Besides we use the expression « herd mentality to describe how people
250 Mots / 1 Pages -
Is it only music that counts in the music business?
1. “It was the music that mattered to he.” (Doc B, ll. 27-28) In your opinion, is it only music that counts in the music business? (± 300 mots) In the movie “Yesterday” by Danny Boyle, we see the evolution of a young singer who is the only one to
416 Mots / 2 Pages -
Is it time for cloud computing ?
Session 3 – IS IT TIME FOR CLOUD COMPUTING? Team Name: Team Members Discussion Questions: 1. What business benefits do cloud computing services provide? What problems do they solve? What are the disadvantages of cloud computing? Provide examples from the case. 2. Discuss how cloud computing services can be solutions
833 Mots / 4 Pages -
Is obesity a big problem?
Is obesity a big problem? I have divided my presentation in three parts. First I will talkabout obesity (definition and state of obesity in the world). Next I will expose the causes and consequences of obesity, and finally I will discuss possible solutions to this problem 1) What is obesity?
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Is our society widely influenced by advertising ?
Essay about: Is our society widely influenced by advertising? Advertising is the act of exerting a psychological effect on the public for commercial purposes, especially to make a product known and to encourage its purchase. Advertising is a highly developed and important social method in the 21st century. Consumers are
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Is power a major theme in The Use of Force?
Power and dominance are two recurring concepts in every domain around the world. In the medical world, for example, there have been many instances of professionals using and abusing power. This can be seen in William Carlos Williams’ The Use of Force, where power and the abuse of power are
699 Mots / 3 Pages -
Is progress a danger ?
I'm going to talk about the idea of progress. The progress is the evolution of society in many domains : technologia, civilisation, sciences, etc. The progress contributes to make society a better place, and become increasingly at the service of Humans. But sometimes, this progress can go too far
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Is the American Dream still alive?
In the Declaration of Independence, it is declared that in the United States, “all men are created equal” with the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” the basis upon which many have built their American Dream. This term was coined by the author James Truslow Adams in
959 Mots / 4 Pages -
Is the constitutionalisation of economic institutions and policies consistent with democracy ?
London School of Economics and Political Science Lent Term GV 4E2 CAPITALISM AND DEMOCRACY Formative Assignment Subject: “Is the constitutionalisation of economic institutions and policies consistent with democracy?” (2014 paper) Guilhem Chevallereau Word count: 1636 “Money is much too serious a matter to be left to the Central Bankers”, wrote
1 986 Mots / 8 Pages -
Is the frontier between United States and México only physical?
Type bac LLCE Note OBSERVATION : The file understudy is expose of three documents, the first one is an extract of a novel called “the river flows north” written by Graciela Cimon in 2009. The second document is an extract of an article written by Lynn Trimble published by the
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Is the law in Singapore too strict?
BACHACHA HASSAN L3-GRP 14 Topic: Is the law in Singapore too strict? “low crime does not mean no crime” it is a stating warning in Singapore, in fact this country is know for its low crime rate and its cleanliness. Singapore is a country where law matter a lot and
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Is the progress for the better or the worse ?
Anglais Idea of progress I am going to talk about the notion the Idea of Progress First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : the Idea of Progress, the progress is defined as an evolution, a progression, a development of the society. This notion
534 Mots / 3 Pages -
Is the rise of separatist movements a threat for the european integration?
Etienne de Metz, groupe SA E/L (samedis matin) IS THE RISE OF SEPARATIST MOVEMENTS A THREAT FOR THE EUROPEAN INTEGRATION? After a turbulent period which Spain is just getting out from – Catalonia announced its independence threw an illegal referendum – the question of separatist movements is emerging in the
568 Mots / 3 Pages