Is the rise of separatist movements a threat for the european integration?
Dissertation : Is the rise of separatist movements a threat for the european integration?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar figuedup • 31 Décembre 2017 • Dissertation • 568 Mots (3 Pages) • 883 Vues
After a turbulent period which Spain is just getting out from – Catalonia announced its independence threw an illegal referendum – the question of separatist movements is emerging in the public meanwhile.
But despite the fact that forbidding the people to express itself is quite strange insofar as it reminds the authoritarian oppression implemented by the totalitarians during the twentieth century, I am deeply convinced that these separatist movements must be burst by the governments.
First and foremost, I believe that the division of any country that is a EU member leads to the division of the whole organization : if the Brexit hasn’t broken the EU, it is because the vote in its favour had been “YES” for the majority of the British electors, whereas the desire to separate the Spain and the Catalonia, for instance, is a wish only dreamed by the Catalonians. It creates tensions because the “oppressed” territory asks usually for the impartiality of a greater judge than the country it belongs to; here it requires the EU advice. But the problem lies in the fact this demand puts the institution in a very delicate position that would finally make it hated by one clan or another whatever it says.
Furthermore, let us convoke the fact that one separatist movement in any country encourages the raise of another separatist movement in another neighbour country : the Catalonian crisis make the Corsican rebels feel more swaggering, that get them to follow the Catalonian cause and advocate it abroad and on their land. Other “classed cases” such as the will of independence in Flanders, in the Northern Italy .... are not long ago unleashed : a wind of rebellion is now blowing over the EU and there is so tension in the air we could cut it with a knife.
Moreover, I think that the reason forwarded by the separatist movement are vested ones : indeed, the regions which look for independence are all wealthy lands that are scared of giving more money to the government than they earn because of the economic underdevelopment of the other parts of their territory. But nowadays, after a twentieth century characterized by the protectionism of nationalist nations, it is our duty to open our economies and our purses to help the weaker places. Before to feed the populations at the opposite of the world, we should help the indebted states that are a part of the European Union with us and that must be able to work with us and contribute to our common development : federalism has to be the key notion and must be applied in order to burn every borders and every different administrations that spoil the foundation of a huge space where anyone doesn’t have to be anxious because of a lack of money.
Anyway, the creation of new countries by the separation of a land isn’t the least of our worries insofar as it is a fat cats’ problem raised by fat cats who don’t want to lose one percent of their wealth, which represents the wages of a thousand people.