Assess the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in bringing the cold War to an end
Synthèse : Assess the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in bringing the cold War to an end. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar la_zizi • 5 Juin 2023 • Synthèse • 302 Mots (2 Pages) • 382 Vues
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Assess the role of Mikhail Gorbachev in bringing the cold War to an end.
Gorbachev : 1985 - 1991
He knew USSR would collapse without change
Improve the relation between the two superpower
→Perestroika : State-owned industries had more freedom (could take decisions), failed to attract foreign investment
⇒ first step in looking like the west : free market, liberalization ⇒ capitalist
⇒ looked like USSR was admitting defeat
→Glasnost : Give freedom of speech and press to Eastern bloc and USSR
→Sinatra Doctrine : allowing the satellite state decide for themselves
Communist regimes getting overthrown : Czechoslovakia (Velvet Revolution)
⇒ Collapse of the Eastern bloc
Gorbachev wanting to negotiate an end to arms race ⇒ USSR inability to follow + fragile economy
⇒Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) signed in 1987 was a landmark agreement that eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons
Gorbachev’s willingness to talk (international meetings…) ⇒ less tensions and fear
Allowing revolution in Eastern bloc : peaceful, no bloodshed ⇒ USA not scared of communism
He allowed the Berlin wall to f all : Sinatra doctrine, rejection of Brezhnev doctrine (which justified USSR military implication in the Eastern bloc)
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