Is the frontier between United States and México only physical?
Dissertation : Is the frontier between United States and México only physical?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar esha564 • 4 Février 2021 • Dissertation • 872 Mots (4 Pages) • 549 Vues
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The file understudy is expose of three documents, the first one is an extract of a novel called “the river flows north” written by Graciela Cimon in 2009. The second document is an extract of an article written by Lynn Trimble published by the phoenix new times on October 23 in 2019. And finally the third document is a photograph which is called “The Wall”, it’s presented by Griselda San Martin. The common point between all these document is off course the Border Which is a part of an area forms it outer boundary, the line that separate one area, state, or country from another. It’s a geopolitical boundaries imposed by government. The purpose of this scheme is to deter candidates for immigrations the movement of non native people into a country in order to settle there .But to no avail, because many immigrants try to cross it every day. This short essay will attempt to show Is this frontier between United States and México only physical?
Firstly I am going to analyse the documents to find out how the artist represent border then finally I will demonstrate how the human interactions are with the border.
Lynn Trimble, describe the USA and México border in the first line of his article. He explains that it’s a 50 foot strip of a USA Mexico border fence in Nogales in Sonora México. It’s a 2,000 mile and San martin added that it’s a metal fence that extend down to the beach stretching about three hundred feet into the Pacific Ocean and separate the two countries. For the people of Mexico these separations boundaries resemble the rusty bars that conjure images of prison cells. Borders are represented as family moments, Friendship Park, were families which are separated by immigration laws gather at both side to share intimate moments though those metal fence. It’s not easy for them to see each other, to hear each other, and they can’t resemble their when every they want. It is as if they were in prisons, under high security and sticks laws. We also learn the highways know as Ocho is consider as a road that take the immigrants to a batter life .People dreams of a better life in the México because job offer are limited in their country and the standard of living is much lower than in the USA. Contrary to México which is stunk by poverty and unemployment, after crossing the border of USA, it’s appears as a land of opportunities as far as job market for them. That is the reason why many destitute Mexican cross the border whether illegally or legally.
There are no accurate estimates of the numbers of migrants who enter Mexico from Central America in this way without documents. Their journeys are hazardous. A very dangerous trip to desert, which straddles the USA and Mexico border, which is a rocky, dry and mostly desolate area, especially in summer months; temperatures can exceed 40 degrees Centigrade. But thousands of people trudge across this desert every year. In a hope to seeking jobs that pay much more than what they could earn at home, even if they were able to get a job there. But unfortunately so many migrants vanish without a trace although a bone or a skull or mangled shoe is sometimes sighted. So much danger human migrations have to go on. They also have to walks on their toes without making noises because they can face an extortion and ill-treatment by police and immigration officials. They have to be very careful. Tragically, some migrants are killed before they even get this far. With the hot wind, heat, massive sandstorms, dehydration, and dangerous insects such as lizards, most dangerous rattler, scorpions etc. it’s hard to find a shelter, or simply survive. But once the fortunate ones achieve their dreams and news arrived in their country it gives hope to other people who then will pack few clothes and the cycle is set in the motion.