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Is progress a danger ?

Étude de cas : Is progress a danger ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Avril 2018  •  Étude de cas  •  301 Mots (2 Pages)  •  596 Vues

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I'm going to talk about the idea of progress. The progress is the evolution of society in many domains : technologia, civilisation, sciences, etc. The progress contributes to make society a better place, and become increasingly at the service of Humans. But sometimes, this progress can go too far for some people, so, to illustrate ly notion, i'm going to talk about the big companies and the powerful persons. Then, i'll talk about benefices like the animal-human realtions and the place of animals in the society today. So i'll answer to this : Is progress a danger ?

First, i think that humans have to progress. That's an obligation. The progress brang us where we are. But sometimes it can go wrong. For exemple, in the trailer of "the circle", a movie who speaks about the privacy, the big enterprises dont respect it. We can see that there is hide cameras everywhere, and we can think that actuals societys like apple, google or facebook are doing similar things. The datas we write when we create an account are selled to enterprises for publicity and saved in data centers, even if we delete them. So, in some point of view, progress is negativ.

However, it has advantages. For exemple, the progress of society has raised a certain respect to animals and their cause. For exemple, the monkey Naruto took a selfie and all the rights went to him, it is the first time an animal is owner of a property. Otehrwise, the relations between humans and animals evolve too. More and more people own pets and Petty Paterson learn to Koko, a gorilla, to communicate with her hands.

To conclude, i would say that there is advantages and inconvenients, but the progress and the evolution are step by witch we have to pass.


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