Idea of progress : is progress necessary for people ?
Cours : Idea of progress : is progress necessary for people ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar uuhfran • 2 Octobre 2017 • Cours • 333 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 385 Vues
I’m going to talk about « Idea of progress ». To begin with, I would like to state a definition of progress. So progress is the idea that the world and the society cane volve positively in therms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition…
My question is the progress is necessary for people ?
To answer this problem, I will in first part speak about the drawbacks and in a second part I will speak about the advantages.
The drawbacks
Fist of all the technological progress is a disavantage because so many people become to dependent on technology for example the addiction, isolated people think that virtual life is a real they live in a false wolrd, don’t have link to reality can become violent. And there is another drawback men create machines so he can work faster but (l’inconvénient est que les machines ont pris la place des hommes voilà un exemple concret les caisses automatiques on appel ça la robotisation) the machines replace people and lose their job, people became poorer. (Suite à la perte de leur travail la plupart de personnes ont plus les moyens de subvenir à leur besoin)
The advantages
Then the social evolution is an advantages for woman’s rignts beacause obtaining the vote for woman the 21 April 1944, they fight for equality, equal pay. The new technologies are a advances in global communications networks facilitating the exchange of information for example Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… (Ces applications permettent de communiquer avec le monde entiers) with these apps you can share photos, videos and comment with all the world. The scientific progress they are new innovation like cure cures for illnesses such as AIDS and certain cancers. (Ces progrès ont permis de sauver de nombreuses vies)
To include I would say progress is neither all good or all bad. Put into the hands of human beings that knowledge can be used for medecine or great advances. It is not scientific knowledge that is either good or evil, but the application of it.