BAC Anglais LV1
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Conversation en anglais
English conversation : MRS PONTDEMÉ: I call you to discuss about the companies’ situation. In fact, we want to improve the organization of the administrative department. Also, I would like the best relationships between the team-workers. I asked you to suggest me some propositions. Had you got enough times to
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Convict's story, Sydney, Australia
Convict's story, Sydney, Australia Jeanne had just arrived at the Dali museum with her class to follow live the modification of an exhibition about a strange mixture of photos and paintings dating from the eighteenth and nineteenth century. This visit, she didn't want and all his class was his opinion:
1 185 Mots / 5 Pages -
Corporate English
Anglais Goldman Sachs is an investment bank founded in 1869 with headquarters World is located in the Financial District of Manhattan , in New York . Goldman Sachs has offices in major financial centers including New York , London , Tokyo and Paris . Goldman Sachs offers business consulting in
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Corporate Governance Japan and USA
Compare the fundamental differences which can exist between cultures regarding the attitude towards corporate governance, such as for example between USA and Japan. Corporate governance is the structure of rules, practices, and processes used to run and manage a company. However, the way how a company is run depends on
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Corpus de trois textes de théâtre
Ce corpus se compose de trois textes, tous issus d’une pièce de théâtres. Le théâtre est un genre littéraire: Il s'agit de spectacles dans lesquels des comédiens sont mis dans les circonstances et les situations créées par un texte et la vision d'un metteur en scène ou d’un réalisateur, il
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Corpus victor hugo
Le corpus proposé est constitué d’un poème et de deux textes pathétiques écrits par Victor Hugo. Le poème s’intitule « Mélancholia », il est issu du recueil « Les Contemplations » écrit en 1856. Les deux textes sont tirés du roman « Les Misérables » écrits en 1862. Tous
607 Mots / 3 Pages -
Correction du travail sur le texte « THE LEGGINGS FUROR » (p 64 du livre)
. First reading. a. Identify the 2 brands involved and their business sector. The two brands involved are United Airlines, an airline / travel company and Puma, a sportswear brand. /2 b. What is the main anecdote? Explain. United Airlines imposed a dress code on its pass travelers which forbid
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Correction lettre Pierre Cardior
Pierre cardior 22 rue de savoie 69002 LYON Our ref : PD Your ref : / Novembre 09, 2020 H Fraser Adress For the attention of the sales department Dear Sir, madam We are writing to you because we have read an interesting article about your firm in the times.
250 Mots / 1 Pages -
Corrigé : riots
Even if each riot is different, there is always something that doesn't change : a riot is divided in both sides. On the one hand there are the rioters, and on the second hand there are the police and the government. That's what happened in London's riots : for several
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Corrigé Annoté Du BAC L Anglais 2006
Corrigé annoté Bac L 2006 Si ordre non respecté : -10 pts sur le total de 140 ( sauf si une seule question déplacée). Pas de pénalisation pour oubli du n° de lignes car pas donné dans les consignes générales. Pénaliser si trop long ou mal délimité. N° ? Questions + réponses
1 427 Mots / 6 Pages -
Corrigé épreuve anglais sur la contrefaçon
Ortega Axel BTS CI2 1. EPREUVE ECRITE ANGLAIS BTS COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL 1. I. Compréhension de l'écrit Cet article est tiré du journal « The Financial Times » (en date du 14 juin 2016) et expose les arguments du fondateur d'Alibaba Jack Ma sur la contrefaçon. Selon lui la contrefaçon n'est
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Corrigé Sujet Bac S Lv1 Anglais 2013
DOCUMENT A line 1-17 A) statement 3 B) He wants to become Prime Minister. So he is determined to get to Oxford University as it is according to him the best courses he could follow to fulfill his dream. "Future Prime Ministers aren't educated at Durham" l. 10 "How about
778 Mots / 4 Pages -
COSTCO France 3 Avenue de Bréhat, 91140 Villebon-Sur-Yvette 18 March 2020 Tom Hatterty West Bake Ltd, 41 The High Street, Boroughbridge, Yorkshire YO51 9AW Dear Mr Hatterty Price renewal We would like to thank you for your commitment to our company, for being our leading muffin supplier for the past
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Could we limit gun violence in the USA?
I will present the notion of Places and Forms of Power, I'm going to present the situation of Gun Control in the USA. Indeed, when we think of power, the influence of weapons in the USA plays a major part in the society. Could we limit gun violence in the
403 Mots / 2 Pages -
Could you consider someone a hero if you disagreed with his political ideas or his behaviour in his private life ?
Could you consider someone a hero if you disagreed with his political ideas or his behaviour in his private life ? To be or not to be a hero ? Firstly, we must determine exactly what makes someone a hero or not. What attributes they possess and how they are perceived in
255 Mots / 2 Pages