Corrigé Annoté Du BAC L Anglais 2006
Recherche de Documents : Corrigé Annoté Du BAC L Anglais 2006. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 5 Juin 2014 • 1 427 Mots (6 Pages) • 1 062 Vues
Corrigé annoté Bac L 2006
Si ordre non respecté : -10 pts sur le total de 140 ( sauf si une seule question déplacée). Pas de pénalisation pour oubli du n° de lignes car pas donné dans les consignes générales. Pénaliser si trop long ou mal délimité.
N° ?
Questions + réponses attendues
Notions indispens. + modific. éventuelles
1 . a
.There are five characters in this passage,
a) Identify them, saying whether they are present or mentioned.
Two characters are present Doctor Marilyn Lattimore and Irma. Three characters are mentioned: Isaac, John, and the principal of Isaac’s school.
Accepter une réponse non rédigée.
1 pt par pers.
- 0,5 si confusion present/mentioned
1. b
Who does Doctor Em (lines 19, 23, 29, B2} refer to?
Doctor Em refers to Doctor Marilyn Lattimore.
Accepter une réponse non rédigée.
1. c
Say how the five characters are connected or related.
Irma is employed by Doctor Lattimore. Isaac is Irma’s son. John is Doctor Lattimore 's son. The principal is the head of Isaac’s school.
Accepter “the son of..”
1 pt par relation
-1 si une (ou +) fautes de genitif
0= inversion termes
PART ONE : Line 1 to 35
Why Is Doctor Lattimore at home on that particular day?
She has got a cold / a dripping nose. She is ill/ She is sick / She has caught a virus. / She's been sick for days.
Idée de “malade”
Accepter “she has a virus”.
“A dripping nose” seul = pas suffisant
-1 si faute au verbe
2. b
Pick out two expressions used by Doctor Lattimore, showing how she feels about her condition.
Line 8: "arrogant little virus"
Line 10: « I find this positively insulting"
2. c
Say why she uses these expressions.
She is normally very fit. She has not been sick for ages.
Accepter l’idée d’irritation , de contrariété
3. a
Quote Doctor Lattimore's words when she suddenly realizes that there is something wrong with Irma.
Line 20: "Are you all right, Irma?"
Seulement cette ligne
3. b
Analyse Irma's reaction, focusing on lines 21(Irma forced a smile).and 25 (Irma started to head back to the kitchen)
20//30 words
Although she has got a problem, she pretends everything is fine. She tries to avoid further questions by leaving the room. she is reluctant to speak about her situation.
(Accepter: she is embarrassed / worried/ ill-at-ease)
Deux notions:
-to pretend she is fine
-to avoid questions
3 pts pour chaque idée
3 pts pour la correction de la langue.
4. a
Lines 26 to 30.
Analyse Doctor Lattimore's reaction at that point and comment on the use of italics. 20/30 words
She is certain that Irma is hiding something. She wants to show her sympathy, the fact that she is concerned. The words in italics show she insists so as to make her tell the truth.
- idée que Em est sensible au pb d’Irma
- insistance, volonté de savoir pour aider
Refuser « nosy »
3 pts pour chaque idée
3 pts pour la correction de la langue.
4. b
Lines 31 to 35.
Is Doctor Lattimore satisfied with Irma's reaction? 20/30 words
She does not understand. It’s not logical for a mother shpould be pleased to have a son who is intelligent and so she says : « Am I missing something ? » (line 35).
Yes/No seulement = 0
Deux idées:
- unexpected attitude
- bonheur mére % « smart son »
3 pts pour chaque idée
3 pts pour la correction de la langue.
PART TWO (lines 36 to the end)
5. a
In your own words, explain why Isaac “comes home from school crying with frustration and boredom”?(line 37). 30 words
He is a a lot better than the other, pupils so the lessons are too slow for