Correction lettre Pierre Cardior
Lettre type : Correction lettre Pierre Cardior. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar marie6777 • 2 Décembre 2020 • Lettre type • 250 Mots (1 Pages) • 438 Vues
Pierre cardior
22 rue de savoie
69002 LYON
Our ref : PD
Your ref : /
Novembre 09, 2020
H Fraser
For the attention of the sales department
Dear Sir, madam
We are writing to you because we have read an interesting article about your firm in the times. Indeed we are interested your trainings.
We are a French company specialised in luxury products based in Lyon and we are planning to tap the British market with the opening of two branches, one in London and the other in Edimburg. In order to succeed in our project we need to train our team who will be transferred there. It concerns two managers, 2 trilingual secretary assistants and two sales people.
We inform you that they all have a good level in English.
We would like a training which will last 2 weeks with the following objectives : improving communication skills in English, teamwork, negotiation techniques and mastering new softwares.
Could you please tell us if you take car of the accommodation of the participants ?
We would be grateful if you could send us your brochure, your latest price list, and sign in conditions.
We remain at your disposal if you need further information.
We are looking forward to your prompt reply
Yours faithfully
Paul Duval
Human ressources manager
ENC : /
Anglais BTS GPME 2020
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