Could you consider someone a hero if you disagreed with his political ideas or his behaviour in his private life ?
Dissertation : Could you consider someone a hero if you disagreed with his political ideas or his behaviour in his private life ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Quentin Boé • 14 Mai 2017 • Dissertation • 255 Mots (2 Pages) • 949 Vues
Could you consider someone a hero if you disagreed with his political ideas or his behaviour in his private life ?
To be or not to be a hero ? Firstly, we must determine exactly what makes someone a hero or not. What attributes they possess and how they are perceived in the publics eye. We are all excited when someone accomplishes great things. People who stand out from the crowd by either their actions, be they in the fields of sport, by courage or by setting new records.
A hero, in my opinion, is a person who excels in what they do, sacrificing their personal life by making what seemed to be impossible possible. For example an explorer who battles through danger to reach their goal or a scientist who works towards his of her goal putting their personal life to one side.
In the end we are all however human beings with our own different shortcomings. In other words nobody is perfect and each of us should be allowed to have a personal life. In this respect, if a person stands out from the crowd , by their actions and accomplishments, we should be able to look up to them and be inspired by their achievements. We should not judge their personal opinions or beliefs.
The whole idea of democracy is freedom of thought and having an open mind. It is to accept that anybody can become a hero and inspire others to achieve great things however big or small.