Myths and heroes : can athletes be considered as heroes?
Dissertation : Myths and heroes : can athletes be considered as heroes?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar sheyma s • 14 Janvier 2018 • Dissertation • 258 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 875 Vues
expliquer la notion de mythe et héro et la mettre en lien avec la photo du podium des J-O, est-ce-que on peut qualifiés les deux athlètes noirs d'héros, pourquoi?
The notion of Myths and Heroes is very wide. You can considering someone like a heroes when he/she make a “sacrifice” for a population, a cause…
So this picture was take on October 1968 in summer Olympics, they toke place in Mexico City.
We can see, in the background a line, maybe a track. In the center we have a podium. In the second place, a white man and in the first and in the third place we have two black man. The three wear the same survetements.
We know about this picture the winner of this race, the 200 meter final, was the American athlete Tommie Smith. The second was an Australian Peter Norman and the third was an other American, John Carlos. The Americans raise his fist. This act have a signification, it’s about the segregation in this period. It is for denounce the treatment unfair, humiliate (que) the Black Men had undergone along her life.
So we can considering this two athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos like a Heroes because her act have a consequence; The United States Olympic Committee suspended her medal and barred them from the Olympic Village for their conduct during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” at a medal ceremony. And we can compared this act like a sacrifice for a cause: the development of the civil rights mouvement for Black people.