- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

BAC Anglais LV1

4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 3 076 - 3 090

  • ONCF De Franse Protectoraat 600 mm Gauge Network

    ONCF De Franse Protectoraat 600 mm Gauge Network

    Let op Deze site meer foto’s: Marokko en logistiek ONCF De Franse Protectoraat 600 mm Gauge Network Within het Franse protectoraat de militaire autoriteiten snel bouwde een groot netwerk van 600 mm spoorbreedte spoorwegen. Tussen Casablanca en Rabat Dat werd op 01 december 1912 geopend van juni 1914 werd

    4 552 Mots / 19 Pages
  • One world trade center

    One world trade center

    One World Trade Center, David CHILDS Thématique : Arts, Création et Cultures Domaine : Arts de l'espace ________________ Présentation du bâtiment : Histoire : Localisation : 285 Fulton Street, Manhattan, New York, États-Unis Ancien nom : Freedom Tower (avant 2009) Architectes : David Childs ( (Skidmore, Owings and Merrill)* Date

    386 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Online shopping

    Online shopping

    Les avantages des paiements en ligne pour moi sont la facilité de pouvoir faire ses courses à noël sans avoir à passer des heures dans les files d’attentes remplis de monde. Cela peut aussi être un avantage car vu que l’on ne sort pas de chez soi il n’est pas

    313 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Open-plan offices don't work and will be replaced by the "coffice"

    Open-plan offices don't work and will be replaced by the "coffice"

    Maxime Matter Monday, March 7th, 2022 Open-plan offices don't work and will be replaced by the "coffice" This document is an article written by Sarah Knapton. It was published in The Telegraph on October 1st in 2017. The main topic is the open plan offices. How does open-plan offices affect

    736 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Opening


    Presentations: opening Introduction In this module, we’ll be looking at some useful words and phrases for giving presentations. We have units on the main stages of presentations and a unit with tips on delivering effective presentations. Let’s start with opening presentations. Think Imagine that you are starting a presentation. What

    1 457 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Operation strategy

    Operation strategy

    Web Analytics Briefing Marriott International--- Design and User Experience Based on the category of design and user experience, I found the article called “How to Earn Marriott Points Through Their New Social Campaign” from Forbes, written by Johnny Jet, on Aug. 10th, 2017. This article talks about Marriott’s new strategic

    810 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Opinion Essay

    Opinion Essay

    Opinion Essay The main caracter of the book „Ceremony“ is Tayo. He spent his last few years in war and finally he was released from the hospital and able to go home. But the war has not been easy on Tayo and has left him with some issues, but Tayo

    396 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oprah Winfrey

    Oprah Winfrey

    Oprah Winfrey was born in 1954 in Mississippi in a family which had extremely low resources. On top of that, Oprah lived a very difficult childhood, indeed she had been raped and this incident traumatized and affected her a lot. Anyway with determination she finally turned the page and became

    250 Mots / 1 Pages
  • Option ANG

    Option ANG

    Option Anglais Sur AméTice il y a des documents. Vocabulary Bailiff = huissier de justice Auctionner = commissaire priseur Criminal law= droit pénal lawyer= avocat MP= député Better of= question d’argent Cross border crime= crime organisé Great leap in the dark= grand saut dans l’inconnu Eurozone Bailout= opérations de sécurité

    1 084 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Oral


    Dossier Anglais Idea of progress Problematic: Is the end of Apartheid a progress for South Africa's society ? Plan : I) Mandela gives a hopeful vision of the future II) sports events : a way to reunify the country III) limits of progress : there's still a lack of equality in SA Introduction : From 1948

    1 343 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Oral - Places and Forms of Power: the first and the second wave of feminism between the 60's and the 2010'S

    Oral - Places and Forms of Power: the first and the second wave of feminism between the 60's and the 2010'S

    Anglais – Lieux et formes de pouvoir The notion I'm going to introduce is Places and forms of power. There are different places of power, it can be found in the family, in school, in politics or in work, and in different forms such as rules, laws or money. The

    534 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Oral : changement de société

    Oral : changement de société

    Un officier senior senior appelle à un «changement de société» pour s'attaquer aux meurtres de Londres Un haut responsable de Scotland Yard a déclaré qu'un "changement sociétal" radical était nécessaire pour endiguer une vague d'homicides après que des détectives eurent arrêté un homme soupçonné du meurtre d'une adolescente qui a

    698 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Oral about New Technologies.

    Oral about New Technologies.

    SIELER OLIVIER 1°ES3 New Technologies Almost everyone believes that technology has made life easier and more comfortable and that it has enabled us to perform tasks that we could not do otherwise. A list of the benefits of technology would be very long indeed. However, as with almost everything we

    269 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral Aglais "The progress"

    Oral Aglais "The progress"

    ORAUX ANGLAIS: Notion: Progress I’m going to present you the topic of “the progress”. First, how could we define what is the progress? We can say that the progress is a development towards an improved or more advanced condition. The progress is essential for the development of a society; it

    492 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral Aglais "The progress"

    Oral Aglais "The progress"

    La SARL PackInbox est spécialisée dans la fabrication de cartons d’emballages. Depuis sa création, l’entreprise n’a cessé de chercher à répondre aux évolutions du marché et aux besoins exigeants de la clientèle. Dans le but de pérenniser au mieux son entreprise, M. Altoviti à ses associés de lancer une nouvelle

    345 Mots / 2 Pages
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