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Debate on: All owners of firearms should register their weapons with the police

Discours : Debate on: All owners of firearms should register their weapons with the police. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Décembre 2017  •  Discours  •  1 002 Mots (5 Pages)  •  1 469 Vues

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Debate on: All owners of firearms should register their weapons with the police


Hello, welcome on your new channel « debating club », today we’ll talk about gun control.

In each states of America you’re allowed to hold your own weapon, nevertheless applicable law may differ between the differents states.

It’s important to mention the National Rifle Association which is considered as the most powerful lobby with 4 millions members, it promotes firearms and defends the second amendment of the constitution.

Nowadays there still be a debate in USA, for example during primary politicians use this subject as an argument.

Today we’ll debate on “All owners of firearms should register their weapons with the police.

Hello, my name is Arnaud, I’m for the register of weapons because I’m military and I have a firearm that is registered.

Hello, My name is Eve, I’m against the register of weapons because I think it would be useless.

Hello, my name is Eloise, I’m neutral because I agree with Arnaud and also with Eve.

Let me introduce the debate, Arnaud please tell me why are you For the register of weapons?

In my opinion, it’s good to register to follow and know who has got a weapon because the police can search a person who has got a firearm and follow their conduct.

Yes that’s for sure, but it will be a long-term operation, in fact there are lot of weapons such as knife, gun…to be indexed.

That’s a good point, but we can add the register would be a new database for crimes. In fact, in criminal case it could help the police to blame a suspect than an other one.

According to Arnaud, it could be a new form of progress for the police and secret services such as FBI,

Eve, What do you think of this ?

I don’t really agree with you, Furthermore, we can say that a list of last name doesn't help to arrest criminal,

In fact criminal don’t register, they usually buy firearms illegally. In the register, the police can’t know who are dangerous.

You’re absolutely right,  it could be great to talk about the influence of this register.

Can I add something about it? For me, it could dissuade population to carry firearms because owners would not be named and known by the police. For example, it could be a brake for their job hunting in case of the headhunter could know the list.

Yes, I agree with you, but there is a disadvantage, each weapons should be named. The arm and the owner must be linked by a number for example. It will avoid people to lend arms.


She’s totally right,

Secondly I would like to add something,

The register would help to regulate the number of firearms, thanks to the register, a person could be forbidden by the police to possess his own arm in case of he would use it without a good intention.

For example in California, before registering your arm your criminal record must be studied with attention. Moreover, In California you can only buy one arm by month, your arm can only have 10 bullets.


Yes I totally agree with Eloise, but…

Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but there would be some persons who won’t register such as criminal, murderer or simply persons who don’t want to register.

Recently, during the shooting in Las Vegas, the killer was crazy and had automatics-guns who are forbidden in USA and also in California. The register didn’t avoid the tragic shooting.

Are you sure ?

Yes ! Besides, for the attacks, murders buy their arms abroad from USA, consequently they couldn’t be part of the register. It’s the attacks who impact the society and have to be controlled.

That’s so true, Moreover, people still buy firearms, and register or not. The register is not done at the moment when you buy your gun. To be useful the register would be necessary at the moment when people buy their weapons. It has to be compulsory.

In addition to the register it would be smart to organize some trainings and some writing tests.

That’s a very good idea isn’t it?


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