Seat and forms of power
Commentaire d'oeuvre : Seat and forms of power. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar luyanna.83 • 12 Décembre 2017 • Commentaire d'oeuvre • 568 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 392 Vues
Seat and form of power
I'm going to talk about the notion seat and form of power .First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion : In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.
To illustrate this notion i'll speak about suffragettes, the question i'll answer is What kind of power did the Suffragettes use and fight for their cause? First, I'll talk about the powers they fight and next I.'ll describe the powers they use. For this I will talk about the film suffragette and an extract from falling angel by Tracy chevallier
In the 19th century, it was generally agreed that women were inferior to men and unable to make important decisions.
At the beginning of the century, in the United Kingdom, a movement was created: Suffragettes. They were women who wanted to fight for their rights: their goal was that women get better education and the right to vote.
To achieve their goal, women have to face the power of men, bosses, police and government.
This is what we see in the trailer of the film Suffragettes by Sarah Gavron. The main character is Maud watts, she works at the laundry and becomes Suffragette after attending a violent demonstrations.
Maud must face the authority and rejection of her husband also, he has the right to remove her child.
An extract from the text Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier also traces the story of a suffragette Kitty, which also is not understood by her husband. Indeed most were not understood by their family and were rejected.
The bosses also have an undisputed power in 1912. Maud's boss is violent with her and many other women. But, again, they can not do anything, because they need their work.
The power of the police and the government is the most difficult to fight for Suffragettes. Parliamentarians refuse to listen. The Suffragettes continue to fight with demonstrations and violence, the police is in charge to stop them violently.
Their actions attracted the press and the government put in place a censorship.
To reach their end, the suffragettes will use the power of the press.
Mrs. Pankhurst, the chief of Suffragettes, says "it is acts, not words, that will give us the vote. The suffragette then produced manifestations, destruction, and suicides.
The first martyr of this movement was Emily Davidson. She ran in front of the king's horse on Derby in June 1913. This shocking event was mediated and allowed to change opinions. Thus, thanks to the power of the press, they came closer to their goal. But the main form of power they use is their solidarity.
In 1928, women over the age of 21 could vote.
Suffragettes have a great deal of determination to fight against the power of men and of the Government. They use the power of the press to change minds, but they mainly use the power of the other, the power of solidarity. And thanks to their determination and their courage, the Suffragettes managed to secure the right to vote for women in Britain. And their success has given the power to fight for women's rights to many women all over the world.