Seats And Forms Of Power
Commentaires Composés : Seats And Forms Of Power. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar alice080 • 5 Mai 2015 • 772 Mots (4 Pages) • 998 Vues
The notion I'm going to deal with is seats and form of power.
I feel this notion is best illustrated by trying to see if all citizens are on an equal footing in India today.
First of all I will talk about the inequalities among citizens then I will underscore the inequalities between men and women and finally I will show the evolution of Indian Society.
I)Inequalities among citizens
First and foremost we can notice a lot of inequalities among citizens in India especially because of the caste system.
1)The caste system.
The caste system in India developed more than 3000 years ago when the Hindu priest divided society into 4 great hereditary social classes which still survive today. The Brahman caste composed of priest and scholars is the highest.
However there are also outcastes called the untouchables or Dalits who are not considered part of human society. They are victimized, rejected and discriminated against.
For instance in a lot of upper-caste families, the servants are Dalits. After the servant has cleaned everything, one of the family members will sprinkle holy water to purify everything that has been touched by the servant.
In «the shame of india» a text studied in class, we are given a description of the oppression against them. We learn that they are not allowed to wear sunglasses, to ride their bicycles in town.. Even worst, the Dalits women are forced to sleep with higher caste men.
2)Social gap
There is a high gap between poors and rich in India.
We can illustrate this social gap with a study overall well being: In india 17% people describe themselves thriving while 64% of indians believe they are struggling. This gab is obvious in Mumbai, indeed there is a striking contrast between the shanty towns and the skycrapers.
India is developing however the poorer member of society do not really get a proper share of the wealth of the country.
On the one hand, we can see India with a very strong emerging middle-class (300
million people) which is growing at the rate of 40 to 70 million people per year.
II)Inequalities among men and women
Secondly, men and women are not an equal footing either.
1) The dowry tradition.
It must be due to the dowry tradition.
The dowry is a gift to the future husband,s family, it's given as a compensation to the groom's parent's for the cost of education of their son.
If the dowry tradition is not respected the women is tortured and even killed sometimes. When they can't afford the dowry they also comitt suicide.
Therefore families are eager to have sons who are financially more attractive: consequently there is a rising number of gender selected abortion.
For instance in the village of Karora there are twice