BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 271 - 285
Anglais, Bac Technologiques
Idea of Progress •Je vais parler de la notion “Idée de Progrès”. Tout d’abord, je voudrais donner une brève définition de cette notion. Le progrès est une amélioration progressive, particulièrement le développement progressif de l’humanité. Ce dernier siècle a connu de grand pas vers l’avant dans tout les domaines. La
2 269 Mots / 10 Pages -
Anglais, Cegid business
Modes opératoires Cegid Business C. T ERRIER Pratique informatique Cegid Business C. Terrier MO 1 Introduction au PGI Actions Mode opératoire 11. Ouvrir le mode administration de société - Démarrer – Programmes - Cegid – Administration sociétés Ou - Cliquer l’icône de lancement du module - Sélectionner la société qui
12 610 Mots / 51 Pages -
Anglais, children and WW2
Children and World War Two 1st paragraph: * Children were affected by World War 2, approximately 2 million children were evacuated. * They were frightened by the situation because they had to live with strangers and endure rationing. * Children accounted for 1 in 10 of the deaths during the
377 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, civilisation britanique
Christopher columbus discovered america in 1492. Columbus day the second Monday of october. But it is a controversial day, because of the native people who lived there. So in hawaii they celebrate the Discovers day (polynesians), in south dakota they celebrated the native american day (1990) and in the city
462 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, commentaire de l'image "Girls not allowed"
Aubérie Dumontier picture comment on picture "Girls not allowed…": The document presented is a photo called "Girls not allowed…". Posted July 8, two thousand and nineteen by Sadie Hechkoff, on a website called "". the subject this photo rejects is women's football, the recipients of this photo are society and
311 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, Commerce International
Rising from the ruins The housing market is low/ far from healthy. Home prices are over 30 % below peak. Mortgage borrowers own more than the value of their homes. About 10m are delinquent on their loans or in foreclosure. Ghost neighbourhoods filled with dilapidated properties. America has only a
297 Mots / 2 Pages -
Texte 1 page 16 du livre COMMUNITY traduction Frances est un étudiant américain d'origine chinoise dans une école de Californie dans les années 1980. Elle a toujours été très obéissante vis-à-vis de sa mère qui veut qu'elle soit une étudiante hétérosexuelle pour pouvoir aller à la faculté de médecine. Dans
515 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais, connecteurs logiques
MOTS DE LIAISON Pour introduire : * First/Firstly : Premièrement * First of all : Tout d’abord * To start with/To begin with : Pour commencer * At the beginning of : Au début de * At first sight : à première vue Pour ajouter : * Then : Puis
374 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, Contract
TD1 – Anglais Contract = agrement between 2 or more competent parties = create legal obligation Offeror = Offeree = some obligation Feeling to do what you promise to do. = A unilateral contract consists of a promise on the part of the offeror and performance of the requisite terms
395 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, corona virus
Illan Loris BTS1 Anglais Corona Virus : The document is an article from the BBC news which is a British public service broadcaster. The article is about the CoronaVirus and more especially the conditions of work of the people who are still working during this hard time. The article is
423 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, cours
Monday 3rd august 2015 English Lesson Pronunciation I live one hour from Paris Last summer I rented [1] a bike in London I live in a village with 3 hundreds people I was born in the north of France I moved out of the house , i was born in.
6 822 Mots / 28 Pages -
Anglais, description of a cartoon entitled "tsunami"
The document is a cartoon. This painting is entitled “tsunami”. We don't know where this cartoon came from and we don’t know when it was published in. The catoonist signed at the bottom right but we don't have more information about him. The cartoon shows a giant wave hitting the
296 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, devoir maison, Steve Jobs
PART I - Written comprehension 1) This document is an article from The New York Times published on October 8 in 2011. The topic of this document is the comparison of two famous people, Steve Jobs and Edison. 2) In the first pararaph the author compares the two men because
504 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais, diary
1. 1. This document is a diary. 2. The scene take place, near Boulogne. 3. The first entry was written on Chrismas Eve, 4. The second entry was written on Xmas day. 5. These entries were written between 1940 and 1950. 6. The weather was like cold. 7. The document
315 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais, Dragons Den
Jessica DANG DRAGON DEN 04/26/2018 Dragons Den is a British reality TV show about business. Entrepreneurs, who are seeking funding, pitch their business ideas to five investors. The latter referred as “dragons” are multi-millionaire looking for investment. During pitches, candidates pre-deal by telling a specific amount they want to get
705 Mots / 3 Pages