Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations et mémoires
4 413 Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations gratuites 901 - 925 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
To what extent does this source show how determined the crusaders were to recapture Jerusalem ?
This source is about describing the actions the crusaders did during the first crusade from their point of view. This text was written by Raymond d’Aguilers, who was himself a crusader, during the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099. It is an extract from Historia francorum qui ceprint Jerusalem. The author describes the way the crusaders tortured and killed the Muslims, whom he calls his “enemies”, in order to recapture Jerusalem. The way he describes these
1 335 Mots / 6 Pages -
What are the pros and cons of shopping online
More and more customers are buying their clothes online rather than going into stores. What are the pros and cons of this new trend? First of, let’s face it, shopping online is way more convenient than going into stores. There is no traffic, no crowds, no sales pressure, you are totally in control with what you look at and decide of. Secondly you usually have more variety and better prices online. And it’s much easier
286 Mots / 2 Pages -
Link between the HPI and the GDP
What is the HPI : The Happy Planet Index (HPI) is an index (= comparative scale) of human well-being and environmental impact that was introduced by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) in July 2006. The New Economics Foundation (NEF) have ranked countries all over the world based on how efficiently their residents are able to live long, happy lives right now, and in the future. The index is weighted to give progressively higher scores to
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Blair Worden « Oliver Cromwell and the protectorate » « Transactions of the Royal Historical Society »
Wangermez Lucas Fiche de lecture Blair Worden « Oliver Cromwell and the protectorate » « Transactions of the Royal Historical Society » Cet article rédigé par l’historien anglais Blair Worden est un extrait de la revue Transactions of the Royal Historical Society publiée par la presse de l’université de Cambridge en 2010. Blair Worden présente en quelques pages la complexité de la personnalité de Oliver Cromwell et décrit également les structures de son régime en
1 399 Mots / 6 Pages -
How did J.D. Rockefeller become the wealthiest person in history?
Question1: How did J.D. Rockefeller become the wealthiest person in history? Answer1: J.D. Rockefeller took birth in 1839 in upstate New York and John always hustled to learn and find out how he can provide the best deal to the people to get the most out of every money he got and helped his mother in many ways possible to earn money. John’s life changing event took place 1859, the first American oil well was
1 286 Mots / 6 Pages -
HEALTHY FOOD CHOICE: HOW ENVIRONMENT AND COGNITION DETERMINE WHAT WE EAT D i s s e r t a t i o n zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Dr. rer. nat. im Fach Psychologie eingereicht an der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät II der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin von Dipl.-Psych. Jutta Mata, geboren am 30. August 1978 in Berlin Präsident der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Prof. Dr. Christoph Markschies Dekan der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät II Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Coy 1. Gutachten:
7 661 Mots / 31 Pages -
Scotland and the UK : the independance
SCOTLAND AND THE UK: THE INPENDANCE QUESTION Introduction (Anas): United Kingdom is a big country located in western Europe this kingdom regroups more than 1 country such England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. With more than 67 M inhabitants the United Kingdom is the 21st most lived country in the world. And we have Scottland who is a main part of this kingdom because it represents 13 percent of the United Kingdom demography in terms
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How does the film industry depict (dépeindre) the American dream ?
Here are the activities I would like you to do .We will correct them in class on Monday the 11th Axis : Fictions and realities Theme: The representation of the American dream through Hollywood movies. Key question : How does the film industry depict (dépeindre) the American dream ? 1/How does Hollywood portray success and ambition? Activity 1: Prendre connaissance de la fiche de vocabulaire jointe. Pour l’instant se concentrer uniquement sur le vocabulaire de
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LLS 2nde SCHOOL IN THE UK AND THE USA worksheet 2 2. GROUP WORK DURATION 20’ > Work in groups of 4 or 5. > your mission : - Find at least 5 non physical things that each group member has in common with the other members. > TALK - One speaker will report what you have found. (ex: our common points are… we have the same….each /every person in our group does… / each
3 657 Mots / 15 Pages -
Technology in the job market
ESSAY WRITING EXERCISE Technology has been slowly replacing humans in the job market since the 1950’s in the manufacturing industry. It was just a question of time before it started invading other industries such as the hotel industry. Now the question is: should hotels automate their front-desk services? And also, when should customer service be given more weight than efficiency? I personally believe that hotels should automate their front desk services, but not fully automate
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The Use and Abuse of Social media
Eliott M1 CO Lamour Groupe 2 The Use and Abuse of Social media « Is social media antisocial ? » Synthesis : Social networks are an invention that has completly changed the world in a positive and negative way. For exemple, social medias allowed to some people who felt isolated to develop a social circle. Some people who didn’t have much social interaction and who probably even need help, has could be found this help
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"WHO and the COVID-19 outbreak: its place in this global public health threat; its strengths and weaknesses”
"WHO and the COVID-19 outbreak: its place in this global public health threat; its strengths and weaknesses” Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) has played a leading role. At the center of the scene, the press conferences, almost daily since January 22, 2020, of its Director General, Doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (of Ethiopian nationality), during which he distils recommendations to the States and urges them to mobilize. The WHO
3 018 Mots / 13 Pages -
How does the writer reflect on the painful experience of hybridity in this extract?
How does the writer reflect on the painful experience of hybridity in this extract? This extract is about Mr. Watts telling his painful story to a group of people. Mr. Watts lives with his black wife in a village in Guinea and he is the last white man. Their daughter is the result of their hybridity and he is very proud of her. Matilda a little girl identifies through the story of Mr. Watts and
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What are the economical and environmental consequences of the wars?
For Americains and people watching around the world, September 11, 2001, is a day that will never be forgotten. Within three hours, New York’s tallest buildings were reduced to rubble, and the Pentagon, the nerve center of the American armed forces, was burning and partially collapsed. Terrorism refers to criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups that are inspired by or associated with designated foreign (state-sponsored) terrorist organizations or nations. In relation with this theme
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How would you make your customers and your employees happy ?
How would you make your customers and your employees happy ? Intersport 3 Lower road Manchester MTS 5NS October 06th 2022 Mr LEBRON 7887 Gilley Avenue Burnaby, BC Dear Staff, After the Covid 19 pandemic, I noticed it became quite complicated for all of you to develop a good atmosphere at work. Due to the long period of time without seeing each other, it is completely understandable. However, we must solve that problem because it
274 Mots / 2 Pages -
Hansi, The History of Alsace told to the little children of Alsace and France (1912)
The Alsatians who had remained home, the “reconquered brothers” were allowed by those who called them by that hypocritical name to feel the weight of their brotherly affection. We were the vanquish : they took pain(?) to let us feel it. First a horde impossible innumerable had shaggy haired, rawboned beings – wearing green clothes and boots with holes in them – fell on the conquered country. Their swarming masses brought to mind the first
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How has the law been pushed aside in the age of AI?
How has the law been pushed aside in the age of AI? Ecouter le trailer puis discussion pour lancer le sujet Trailer Minority Report Why is the man placed under arrest? He is placed under arrest for future murders he might commit 1 Under what circumstances is a police officer allowed to arrest an individual? Only if a police officer has reasonable grounds for suspicion an individual can be subject to police intervention 2 According
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The relationship between international trade and business economic globalisation
[SHORTENED TITLE UP TO 50 CHARACTERS] The relationship between international trade and business economic globalisation: 904160; Sustainable International Business Development 2022-23 Lux BSc3; United Business Institutes Because international trade is a byproduct of globalization, the two concepts are interwoven. Trade between nations and territories is becoming more and more borderless, which is referred to as globalization. The elimination or decrease of tariffs and other restrictions, such as import quotas, facilitates this type of trade. The
1 090 Mots / 5 Pages -
BREXIT: The reasons and consequences
BREXIT: The reasons and consequences What are its impacts on Britain? On the EU? The British: IN FAVOR or AGAINST? What is BREXIT? “Brexit” is a combination of “Britain” and “exit”. It is the name given to the U.K.’s departure from the E.U. This decision was taken following a referendum on the U.K.'s membership of the E.U. Organized on June 23, 2016, by David Cameron who pledged to hold a Brexit Referendum by 2017 in
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Liberalism and Economic Nationalism understand the interaction of states and markets
Critically compare how Liberalism and Economic Nationalism understand the interaction of states and markets. “Globalization certainly poses new problems for states, but it also strengthens the world cultural principle that nation-states are the primary actors charged with identifying and managing those problems on behalf of their societies”. This analysis according to Meyer et al (1997: 157) highlights the ever-present debate on the relationship between states and the market as well as the role that states
2 251 Mots / 10 Pages -
How do dystopias warn us against the dangers of our society ?
Dossier llcer : How do dystopias warn us against the dangers of our society ? Introduction Today, I’m going to talk about my following key question : How do dystopias warn us against the dangers of our society ? This question is part of the theme « Arts and debate » and it is particulary interested in dystopias. By the way, dystopian narrative has been a popular literary genre for more than a century. Not
1 271 Mots / 6 Pages -
To what extent has this English luxury brand managed to position itself as a conqueror in its market and by what means could it develop further in the world ?
Introduction : Alexander McQueen is a renowned name for fashion because of its unorthodox and rebellious approach toward fashion. His creation continues to garner attention and love all across the world, from professionals and fans alike. He is an English London-based fashion designer. Back in time, he was also the head of designers of the Louis Vuitton Givenchy fashion line. But to what extent has this English luxury brand managed to position itself as a
3 282 Mots / 14 Pages -
The two polluting pig and the ecological pig
Once upon a time, the three little pigs lived in the mother pig’s house and had a beautiful life. but one day mum pig meant that they are not kids and the three little pigs chose to leave the mother pig’s house and to build a new house . The first pig, Sniff? built a strong house with the concrete : “but this is very polluted,” said Snuff, the third pig. But Sniff hadn’t listened
281 Mots / 2 Pages -
Steam and Valve development in the VR Market
Steam and Valve development in the VR Market Introduction In the context of the course “Technological Innovation and its Context”, the present paper will provide a detailed analysis of the innovation strategy of Valve Corporation and its role in the gaming industry as one of its most prominent players. Before we can explore and assess the success of Valve and its most iconic product/platform Steam, we must first contextualize the market and understand the key
6 173 Mots / 25 Pages -
Lady Happy: A Symbol of Margaret Cavendish's Progressive Vision and the Duke as the Shadow of Patriarchy
Lady Happy: A Symbol of Margaret Cavendish's Progressive Vision and the Duke as the Shadow of Patriarchy Margaret Cavendish created a controversial character in her play “The Convent of Pleasure”, a beautiful, young and rich woman who as her name indicates, is a happy lady who chose happiness over adhering to the social conventions of her conservative seventeenth-century society. Lady Happy, as shown in the first act, is a woman who knows what she wants,
3 354 Mots / 14 Pages