Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations et mémoires
4 413 Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations gratuites 826 - 850 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Myths and heroes : The American dream
Notion 1 Myths and heroes : The American dream Introduction 1. What is a myth and what is it for (Why do nation need myths?) A myth is a fictional story. It keeps the nation together. It builds a common identity Myth is based on historical story, but they are transformed. 2. What myths made America? Many myths compose a common identity in order to keep the nation together. The pilgrims went to the new
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Explorer 1, the first successful satellite sent to space
EXPLORER 1 THE FIRST SUCCESFUL SATELLITE SENT TO SPACE Today I will present you the American satellite Explorer I and how it has been developed and put in orbit. So first I will explain the context and the project development and then all the technical characteristics of this satellite. The beginning and the choice of the launcher: The launch of a satellite is initially scheduled for 1957-1958. But this objective became a national issue when
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Idea of progress : to what extent this has changed the rights,' lives and images of women. ?
Today I am going to talk about the Ideas of Progress. I would like to begin by explaining that there are many types of progress: technological, economical and social evolution. I am going to speak today about social advancement and to what extent this has changed the rights,' lives and images of women. Firstly, I will talk about what American women did during WWII. In this part of the notion Ideas of Progress we saw
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Idea of progress : what is the place of the robotics and of the medical advances for tomorrow ?
Idea of progress The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement , a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better places. But progress is a very complex concept because it can be applied to many fields such as adcanced technologies, but also health the living conditions and so on. It has shaken our traditions causing ( various) developments on different societies of
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The appearance of the human figure in our contemporary society and in Bacon's work
Tanina Sadi-Haddad SHORT ANALYSIS 2 Title: The Complexity of the Human Race in the Portrait of George Dyer in a Mirror. In his double portrait, tortured by his lover George Dyer, Francis Bacon paints the violence, the cruelty and the tragedy: he paints things that can’t be seen at first sight. In order to illustrate the artwork of Bacon, I choose the essay of E.H Gombrich, Art and illusion. A study in the psychology of
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Study the three documents in connection with the Idea of Progress. Think of a question related to the notion and answer it using the three documents but also the other material you have studied. Write an essay (700 words maximum).
Since the industrial revolution, many technologies have appeared in our lives. Phones, computers, GPS, tablets and televisions are developing over time. We are going to ask ourselves what are the positive and negative points of the progress made over the years. Progress has literally changed our lives in many different areas. A great evolution has happened, especially to the Apple brand created by Steve Jobs in 1973 where he reinvented an innovative marketing approach focused
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Education and the Future of Work Program Application
C:\Users\NsiriR\Desktop\Official Logo.png Study of the United States Institute (SUSI): Education and the Future of Work Program Application 1. Full name (exactly as it appears on your passport) Last Name:________________________________ First Name: ______________________________ Middle Name: ______________________________ 2. Gender ☐ Male ☐ Female 3. Date of birth:________________________ ____month/day/year 4. City and country of birth:________________________ 5. Citizenship Primary:__________________Secondary (if applicable):________________________ 6. Country of residence:___________________________ 7. Contact information Address (street, city, country):_________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Home number:_____________________________________________________ Mobile number:_____________________________________________________ E-mail address:_____________________________________________________
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How technologies had impacted work life
Technologies had impacted worklife in a good way because it allows people to speak through conference call with someone in an other city or country so it is easier and faster to take decisions, especially for big companies who have holdings in different countries . It also allow people to work at home when they are sick or if there is a strike. People can also work together on a same document at the same
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The idea of progress : positive and negative aspects of progress
I'm going to talk about the notion : « Idea of progress ». To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of progress. The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty, and quality of life. However, sometimes progress causes more problems than it solves .Consequently, we are going to weigh the positive and negatives aspects of progress, in science , medicine
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What are the strengths and shortcomings of cosmopolitan memory practices in Guillermo del Toro's films?
In addition to the definitions mentioned above, cosmopolitan memory is labelled in the article by Bull & Hansen as ‘an attitude towards victimhood’, meaning that the story is based on the suffering of the victim, while the image of the ‘hero’ ‘in the traditional sense disappears from the stories’ (Bull&Hansen, 2016). In other words, the victim becomes some sort of hero although he/she does not defeat the evil but in fact, passes away. We can
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The progress of the status of women in present-day India, the changes and the contradictions
Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime minister of India from 1947 to his death in 1964 said one day “You can judge the situation of a country by observing the status of women”. India claims to be the largest democracy in the world but it’s a territory of extreme contrasts between tradition and modernity. Its the status of women that best illustrates these contradictions. According to a 2018 ranking, India is the most dangerous country for women
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Synthèse notion Seats and form of power ; The power of media.
Synthèse notion I : Seats and form of power ; The power of media. I’m going to talk to you about the notion of seats and forms of power, more precisely the power of media. I. Freedom of speech… Firstly, the freedom of speech is the right to express one’s opinions without censorship, restraint, or legal penalty. Freedom of speech concerns in particular the press. Freedom of speech for the media is a right which
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The I and the Eye of the Author notion lele
My presentation will deal with the theme The « I » and the « I » of the writer. This theme includes several genres of writing such as the autobiography or the diary and allow the readers to understand better the writers. We may wonder : How can authors, through autobiography, cause us to identify to the stories of their lives? To answer this question I have chosen to talk about « Boy »written by Roald Dahl, the Chapter 7 of
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Myths and heroes : Why do people need heroes and how can these heroes sometimes turned into antiheroes?
To speak about the notion of Myths and heroes, we could start from the English poet and author John Tolkien’s definition “I believe that legends and myths are largely made of truth”, and say that a myth is a story that may or may not be true. Myths are built around history, religions, the creation of the world and heroes of course. As they have an important symbolic power, they survive from one generation to
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The idea of progress : How have changes in American society affected family life ?
So today i am going to talk about the idea of progress. Progress is an idea that can be defined as a change, a development or even an improvement in anything and often contributes in making the world a better place . To illustrate this notion i will try to explain how have changes in American society affected family life. That is why we are going to see what where the different family structures that
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Myths and heroes : What makes a person African-American a hero and a myth in the United States?
Myths and heroes: First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. This year in class, we studied several
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The idea of progress : How far were the Roaring Twenties a Golden Age for the USA ?
The idea of progress : I'm going to present the notion « idea of progress ». First of all, let me give you a definition of this notion. This notion is a change that allows the well-being of each individual and the evolution of society and the modernization of differents sectors, like medcine, technology, or science. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about the roaring twenties. Therefore, we can raise the following
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Idea of progress : How does the money impact the Idea of Progress?
The Idea of Progress I am going to talk about the notion of the Idea of progress. First of all, I would like to give a brief definition of this notion. In my opinion, the Idea of progress can be studied from different aspects, first it can be defined like the idea that the world and the society can change positively thanks to sciences, globalization and evolution. However, the Idea of progress can sometimes be
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How did Pizza Hut use social media to become the most popular brand among teenagers?
Which brand is most attractive to young people in 2013? In the list of top 100 social brands released by Headstream last week, Pizza Hut became the most popular brand among teenagers. 2,569 18-24-year-old British teenagers voted for their favorite brand from 250 brands, Pizza Hut ranked first. This ranking list reflects to a certain extent the interaction of major brands with young consumers on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. As we all know, brands should
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Conscious and unconscious: the mind's eye, open and closed
Conscious and unconscious: the mind's eye, open and closed • Consciousness is a mystery of psychology because other people's minds cannot be perceived directly and the relationship between mind and body is perplexing. • Consciousness is intentional, unified, selective and transient, and can be viewed as having levels of minimal consciousness, full con- sciousness and self-consciousness. The contents of the stream of consciousness include current concerns, daydreams and unwanted thoughts. • Unconscious processes are sometimes
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Myths and heroes : the Sixties in the UK
Anglais Myths and Heroes Intro: A myth is a famous story that generally cames from the fiction but it can be represented a decade, period or a particular event in the history and for an hero, an hero is the protagonist or a important character of a story (famous musician, good person etc...), after we explained the two notions, we can take the case of Sixties in UK for illustrate these two notions of myths
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Comparative study of the incompatibility between blasphemy and freedom of religions in Pakistan and Indonesia
Comparative politics paper Comparative study of the incompatibility between blasphemy and freedom of religions in Pakistan and Indonesia "The one who blasphemes the name of the Lord shall be punished with death: the whole assembly shall stone him with stones. Whether he is a foreigner or a native, he will die, for blaspheming the name of God" - Bible, Leviticus 24:16 In Indonesia and Pakistan, anti-blasphemy laws rule the country and seem contradictory to the
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Myths and heroes : the American Dream
Myths and Heroes I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and heroes. I would like to give a definition of this notion : it is about stories concerning heroes and explaining the origins of a community, often with some universal messages about the human condition. I have studied documents about 3 American heroes from the twentieth century : Henry Ford, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. And I am going to talk about
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The UK and the EU (I) A Brief (Economic) History
The UK and the EU (I) A Brief (Economic) History Test en ligne week 8 Week 12 - test final en ligne Écrire le Nom famille du professeurs pour s’inscrire en ligne. The uk complex relationship with the EU. From the first period until today. Bobo2 and . Focus on the economic relationship between the EEC,EU and UK. The EEC was focused in an economic union. The political dimensions wasn’t never absent but built with
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The role of racism and stereotypes in jokes
The role of racism and stereotypes in jokes Some languages replace the /r/ sound with the /l/ sound, but not under the same circumstances; sometimes, this behavior is a choice and other times it’s the rule. Puerto Ricans as spanish language speakers are distinguished by their /l/ at the ends of words and syllables. When non Puerto Rican speakers try to imitate this characteristic, they tend to missplace the replacement. Latino Rebels has a
1 048 Mots / 5 Pages