Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations et mémoires
4 413 Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations gratuites 951 - 975 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
The evolving landscape of american media: WikiLeaks, Whistleblowers, and the battle for information
The Evolving Landscape of American Media: WikiLeaks, Whistleblowers, and the Battle for Information Medias are one of the 5 powers estates : it is the fourth one, the others being the executive, the legislative and the judiciary. The media internet are considered to be the fifth estate. So medias and internet medias occupy two places : we can thus consider them extremely powerful. American media is diverse and incluses television, radio, print, and internet media.
276 Mots / 2 Pages -
Fiche de Lecture : Barrett Peter, Davies Fay, Zhang Yufan et Barrett Lucinda, 2015, « The impact of classroom design on pupils’ learning: Final results of a holistic, multi-level analysis », Building and Environment, 1 juillet 2015, vol. 89, p. 118‑
MESLI Sérine Fiche de Lecture Barrett Peter, Davies Fay, Zhang Yufan et Barrett Lucinda, 2015, « The impact of classroom design on pupils’ learning: Final results of a holistic, multi-level analysis », Building and Environment, 1 juillet 2015, vol. 89, p. 118‑133. L’auteur Barrett Peter professeur émérite ayant exercé une influence considérable dans le domaine de la gestion immobilière et de la construction. Durant sa carrière de 27 ans à l'Université de Salford, il a
1 368 Mots / 6 Pages -
How did the characteristics of the Romanticism Era differ from the philosophy during the Classical Era?
Romanticism Era and Classical Era How did the characteristics of the Romanticism Era differ from the philosophy during the Classical Era? The Romantic Era, which emerged in the late 18th century and reached its peak in the 19th century, marked a significant departure from the rational and structured principles of the Classical Era. While the Classical Era, emerged from the mid-18th to early 19th centuries, it prioritized order, balance, and clarity in artistic and intellectual
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The orange and apple
Oranges are a wonderful fruit to include in a well-balanced diet! They offer a variety of health benefits that make them a nutritious and delicious addition to any meal. One of the main reasons why oranges are so great is because they are packed with vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps to boost the immune system. Additionally, oranges are a good source of fiber, which can help regulate digestion and support heart health. Another
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How does the leadership style of the two female prime ministers in British history compare?
Development: Theresa May was the second female British Prime minister and leader of the Conservative parti in UK from 2016 to 2019. She started the process of withdrawing the UK form the EU, she starts Brexit negotiations. We can ask a question, how does the leadership style of the two female prime ministers in British history compare? Before Theresa May, as my classmate explains to you, it was Margaret Thatcher who governed the United Kingdom
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GI'S and the liberation of Paris
A/ CONTEXT GI : american soldier fighting overseas galvanized iron At first, thanks to the DDAY established in Normandy in June 6th 44, the American Soldier, calling themselves the GI, came to help France to face Nazi invasion and to liberate their country, as both were parts of the Allies. They started by the Northern part and continue their progression until Paris, the capital. The liberation of Paris took place from 19 to 24 August
744 Mots / 3 Pages -
How Do Science and Emotions Interact?
TAAC 1 Sonia LAOUICHI (42000979) Unlocking Involuntary Memories: How Do Science and Emotions Interact? Diving into the realm of involuntary memories, this synthesis tackles the perspectives of an academic article, a scientific study, and a video lecture. The aim? Uncover connections and commonalities among these diverse viewpoints. Universality and How They Work: Berntsen's involuntary memories align with an Alzheimer's study, highlighting their common occurrence among individuals with strong autobiographical memory. Both suggest that involuntary memories
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Analysis of the incipit of Pride and Prejudice
INTRO : In the novels, the incipit is used to anounce the first details of the story like the context, the characters or the (social) background. This extract, is the incipit from the novel entitled Pride and Prejudice who was written in 1813 by Jane Austen. And it really allows the reader to have a look at the prevailing norms and expectations of the early 19th-century England in wich the story is set. So, what
1 366 Mots / 6 Pages -
The portal tomb
The most common type of megalithic construction in Europe is the portal tomb – a chamber consisting of upright stones (orthostats) with one or more large flat capstones forming a roof. Many of these, though by no means all, contain human remains, but it is debatable whether use as burial sites was their primary function. Though generally known as dolmens the correct term accepted by archaeologists is portal tomb. However many local names exist, such
1 536 Mots / 7 Pages -
USA Neutrality Before The Attack Of Pear Harbor
For more than a hundred years, from 1815 to 1917, the United States had kept itself out of European wars and after the First World War, the feeling of this traditional policy revived through the country. However, isolation failed again when the country entered the Second World War in December 1941 after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The neutrality of the United States until this attack was a controversy and this essay will discuss its
2 392 Mots / 10 Pages -
Price And Prejudice
The studied book is Pride and Prejudice. Originally called First Impressions, it was never published under that title, and in following revisions it was retitled Pride and Prejudice. It was written by Jane Austen in 1813. She was an English novelist, born in 17. The extract is situated in the chapter three. We are going to introduce the characters of this extract. Mr Bingley is the first character whom we speak about. He is represented
468 Mots / 2 Pages -
Devoir Anglais Bts Ag 2ème Année: étude d'un article de presse "The M in Stamania"
Partie 1 Compte rendu écrit en français Cet article de presse, intitulé The M in Stamina et publié dans le TIME du 22 février 2010, nous raconte le parcours de Michelle Garnaut, une Australienne propriétaire de plusieurs cafés-restaurants appelés « M », initiale de son prénom, de type occidental en Chine. En premier lieu cet article nous informe sur ses origines et ses débuts dans le métier de la restauration. Nous comprenons d’ailleurs que ce
864 Mots / 4 Pages -
The Euthanasia
Definiton: it refers to the practice of ending a life in a manner which relieves pain and suffering. Euthanasia : decided by a doctor for/with the patient Assisted Suicide : the patient takes the decision, and can be executed with whoever who help him to die Most states don't recognize or forbid euthanasia and other forms of assisted suicide, but it's tolarated with clear conditions, especially in Europe and in North America. Assisted suicide is legal in
454 Mots / 2 Pages -
The European "online market"
With the fast dissemination of public on line interactive services such as the internet and interactive TV and the increasing use of customer devices like PCs, mobile phones and PDAs, the European “on line market” is expanding rapidly. Electronic payments, which cover any kind of non-cash payments that do not involve a paper check, are considered as an essential cornerstone for this on line market. However, electronic payments cannot be sustainable without a secure and
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Lynching Of African American People And Postcards Humiliation
Lynching is an extrajudicial execution carried out by a mob, often by hanging, but also by burning at the stake or shooting, in order to punish an alleged agressor, or to intimidate, control, or manipulate a population of people. Violence in the United States against African Americans, especially in the South, rose in the aftermath of the Civil War, after slavery had been abolished and black men were given the right to vote. These lynchings
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The Internet
The Internet is becoming more and more important for nearly everybody as it is one of the newest and most forward-looking media. Therefore we can wonder how this medium influences us, what impacts it has on our life. Good sides First able Life has become drastically smooth and easy over the internet. the biggest advantage of the internet is the easy access to information. You can get a lot of information on a single topic
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The Kooples, une histoire de couples et de famille
Un article paru dans Les Echos du 20 juillet 2010 (The Kooples, une histoire de couples et de famille) prend à contre-pied l’un de mes précédents billets portant sur la marque Desigual. Je pense en particulier à mes propos sur le rythme de développement des jeunes entreprises nécessaire à l’établissement d’une marque incontournable et d’une gestion équilibrée. Ceci étant dit, l’article mérite que l’on y dédie quelques minutes car il met en exergue le fait
1 987 Mots / 8 Pages -
The Fire Of Carlton Hall Dormitory, Maybe A Criminal Act
February the 18th, a fire destroys University dormitory on the campus of Southern Missouri. More than Hundred students were killed and injured. A few days after, this incident, a police investigation is in progress, but it is known that has been said that this incident is maybe a criminal act. Before this accident, the redaction received many anonymous messages. These mails have been sent to the redaction to condemn building of the madhouse, the Campus
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Marketing culture and orientation
2 Marketing Culture and Orientation © Licensed to ABE A. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETING It would be a mistake to think that marketing is a phenomenon of the 20th century. Its origin can be traced back to early civilisation. When communities began to specialise they produced surpluses in certain products which they then sought to exchange with other communities. The need to exchange goods encouraged the emergence of local markets where different products could be
8 490 Mots / 34 Pages -
Droit Des Nouvelles Technologies de l'information et de la communication
DROIT DES NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES DE L’INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION Cours du jeudi 28 octobre 2010 Contrôle a priori de la CNIL : elle contrôle avant que le fichier ne soit mis en œuvre. Pouvoir de contrôler les déclarations que les entreprises ou les administrations font à la cnil. Contrôle a posteriori : contrôle sur place, d’instruction de plainte, et prononciation de sanctions. Possibilité qu’à la cnil au-delà de son contrôle sur pièces, de contrôler sur le
5 569 Mots / 23 Pages -
Les Nouvelles Technologies En Matière De Tourisme
I- Les nouvelles technologies dans le secteur touristique A/ Les outils de communication touristique 1) Internet Fondé sur une culture du partage et de la participation, le web marque une évolution majeure dans la relation entre producteurs et consommateurs. Les opérateurs du tourisme n’ont plus d’autre choix que de repenser leur stratégie de communication et de marketing pour intégrer la nouvelle donne et ainsi atteindre la demande actuelle et potentielle d’internet. L’utilisation d’internet dans les
731 Mots / 3 Pages -
The Other Side Of Truth Beverley Naidoo
ead the chapter and answer the following questions. A/ Summary - Fill in the blanks. (1) The book opens with the death of the _______________ of Folarin Solaja, an outspoken _________________ working for the newspaper _____________. The first scene shows how a scene of everyday life (__________ is preparing her schoolbag) can be abruptly disrupted by sudden violence. As she hears her father _____________, Sade rushes outside only to see her mother lying on the
6 382 Mots / 26 Pages -
SMED (Single Minute Exchangement of Die)
SMED : Single Minute Exchange of Die, signifie en langue française (Système de modification rapide des réglages des machines). C’est une méthode d'organisation dont le but consiste à réduire de façon systématique le temps de changement d’outils à moins de 10 minutes. (Norme AFNOR NF X 50-310). Suivant le processus de fabrication, la méthode SMED s’applique essentiellement dans les industries où la production est organisée par fonction (Job shop). Le type de production qui s’y
1 158 Mots / 5 Pages -
The Kooples
Andrea Crews federates and joins with actors of the contemporary cultural scene: artists, stylists, video directors, Djs, coming from different horizons, but stemming from the same popular and eccentric, experimental and playful culture... It surrounds the public space and interferes in the fashionmarket, by proposing alternatives having an original social impact. In opposition to the dominant uniformity, Andrea Crews highlights personal creativity, experimentation and independence. It touches everything, fashion, art, music, likes partying and gets
706 Mots / 3 Pages -
"in To The Wild" (Dans la nature) Résumer En Anglais.
END OF THE TRAIL Lured by idealism or demons unknown, hiker Christopher McCandless found a lonely death in Alaska. by Jean Deneufbourg Christopher McCandless was born in 1968 in the state of Washington, where he still lived during his Childhood. Chris McCandless was an intelligent, extremely intense young man with a streak of stubborn idealism. He grew up in a wealthy suburb of Washington D.C, where he succeeded both academically and athletically. He graduated from
288 Mots / 2 Pages