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4 413 Spaces and exchanges How the nex technologies dissertations gratuites 851 - 875 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 26 Août 2020
  • The Ethics of Euthanasia and Medically assisted Suicide

    The Ethics of Euthanasia and Medically assisted Suicide

    The Ethics of Euthanasia and Medically assisted Suicide I. Introduction: euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, what is it? The situation in today's world. Is it possible to be in control of one's life until the last moment? Switzerland is one of the countries that allows it, and this by having decriminalised assisted suicide. A person can therefore decide when he or she is going to end his or her life. To be more precise, a lethal

    2 190 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Salem Habes Mme Mélanie Soustelle EAE 1DX March13th 2020 What is setting apart the Indigenous Peoples from the Government of Canada and its Pipeline Constructions? An opinion is a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or

    Salem Habes Mme Mélanie Soustelle EAE 1DX March13th 2020 What is setting apart the Indigenous Peoples from the Government of Canada and its Pipeline Constructions? An opinion is a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or

    Salem Habes Mme Mélanie Soustelle EAE 1DX March 13th 2020 What is setting apart the Indigenous Peoples from the Government of Canada and its Pipeline Constructions? An opinion is a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge, which has helped the common population discover new ways of seeing and thinking and understand various sides and points of views, while laws are a system of rules which a particular country

    2 200 Mots / 9 Pages
  • The ecological city and Greta Thunberg

    The ecological city and Greta Thunberg

    1. For me, San Francisco is the best of the ten most eco-friendly cities. This city has been committed to ecology for decades: it was the capital of the hippie movement. San Francisco was also the first city in the United States to implement the system of recycling colored bins in homes and workplaces, making recycling easy and accessible and mandatory. In addition, San Francisco has implemented a remarkable public transportation system and encourages its

    491 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Anglais Myths and Heroes : The American Dream

    Anglais Myths and Heroes : The American Dream

    La Banque d'Amsterdam -Une banque est un établissement financier spécialiser dans l’émission et le commerce de la monnaie. Il qui reçoit et avance des fonds, facilite les paiements par des prêts . Les banques assurent pour l’Etat la traçabilité des opérations financières et luttent contre les trafics. -La Wisselbank dit banque d’Amsterdam est une banque de dépôt, c'est à dire qu'elle reçoit et génère les dépôts d'argent. La Banque d'Amsterdam devient aux 17ème et

    767 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Synthèse de documents (textes et vidéos) : Blowing the Whistle and Whistleblowers

    Synthèse de documents (textes et vidéos) : Blowing the Whistle and Whistleblowers

    Synthèse de documents (textes et vidéos) : Blowing the Whistle and Whistleblowers First let's define what a "whistleblower" is, it’s a person who exercises their right to freedom of expression by making public confidential information that is objectionable to alert the public. They are public witnesses to fraud and wrongdoing, for example they can see a manager of a nuclear factory breaking a security code and denouncing it. So a whistleblower can be a person

    557 Mots / 3 Pages
  • International interventions and the blurring of war and peace

    International interventions and the blurring of war and peace

    Elisa Orlando 000443315 POLI-D-520 - June 2020 Security Practices and Political Violence - Essay « West » : International interventions and the blurring of war and peace « The fall of the Soviet Union has contributed to the end of armed conflicts in several countries, shaken by proxy wars. But for others, the end of the USSR and US support allowed internal conflicts to occur, particularly in the Third World. Nevertheless, the end of the

    1 587 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Why and how are civil and interstate wars increasingly difficult to distinguish ?

    Why and how are civil and interstate wars increasingly difficult to distinguish ?

    Elisa Orlando 000443315 POLI-D-520 - June 2020 Security practices and Political Violence - Essay « Why and how are civil and interstate wars increasingly difficult to distinguish ? » « Throughout History, we have witnessed many forms of short and long-term conflicts. In the collective mind, the most lethal were the two World Wars before they were gradually replaced by the emergence of civil wars, which were thought to be more and more numerous over

    1 536 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Since World War Two, countries have reduced trade barriers and have tended to move towards free trade. Should the world follow a similar path with respect to immigration and open all borders?

    Since World War Two, countries have reduced trade barriers and have tended to move towards free trade. Should the world follow a similar path with respect to immigration and open all borders?

    Subject: Since World War Two, countries have reduced trade barriers and have tended to move towards free trade. Should the world follow a similar path with respect to immigration and open all borders? The British politician Priti Patel serving as Secretary of State for the Home Department recently proclaimed the post-Brexit immigration plan: “the new points-based system” with the aim to "encourage employers to invest in the domestic UK workforce, rather than simply relying on

    2 369 Mots / 10 Pages
  • The Idea Of Progress : how artificial intelligence can change the future of humanity ?

    The Idea Of Progress : how artificial intelligence can change the future of humanity ?

    Today, I'm going to talk about the notion "The Idea of Progress". To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. Progress is a steady evolution towards a better stage. It is thus, the idea that the world can become a better place in terms of technology, politcs or medicine. Progress is defined as any kind of improvement. In order to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about Artificial Intelligence

    758 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : what is the place of Aboriginal mythology in the Australian society ?

    Myths and heroes : what is the place of Aboriginal mythology in the Australian society ?

    Myths and heroes Introduction : I’m going to be talking about the notion of Myths and heroes. After introducing the notion, I’m going to deal with the example of the Aborigines in Australia and their mythology. To start with i’m going to define the keywords of this notion. First of all​, a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief, a tradition or a false

    1 046 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Is the constitutionalisation of economic institutions and policies consistent with democracy ?

    Is the constitutionalisation of economic institutions and policies consistent with democracy ?

    London School of Economics and Political Science Lent Term GV 4E2 CAPITALISM AND DEMOCRACY Formative Assignment Subject: “Is the constitutionalisation of economic institutions and policies consistent with democracy?” (2014 paper) Guilhem Chevallereau Word count: 1636 “Money is much too serious a matter to be left to the Central Bankers”, wrote Milton Friedman in Capitalism and Democracy[1]. Friedman’s wariness of central banks has often been associated with his economic arguments, but many forget the philosophical aspects

    1 986 Mots / 8 Pages
  • How do Dickens and Weldon create and convey character?

    How do Dickens and Weldon create and convey character? When writing, the means used to convey character are very important for the author to get their point across, or create a particular atmosphere. Showing perspective through the different narrative voices that exist, as well as whether or not the dialogues are written out, or just described, are some of the ways a character seems realistic and convincing to the reader. In Dickens’ and Weldon’s cases,

    1 138 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Depression and alcohol use in the university context

    Depression and alcohol use in the university context

    logo-Unimes-Q-BAT_marges.jpg DEPRESSION AND ALCOHOL USE IN THE UNIVERSITY CONTEXT Etude : L'alcool chez les jeunes, les raisons et les pratiques de ... Lisa Outini / 20170955 Mister Frederic Avesque INTRODUCTION. Alcohol consomation seems to date from the Neolithic. Traces of it can be found in China in 10,000 B.C. and some anthropologists have suggested that the technique of making beer may have preceded that of bread. A certain hypothesis presented by Professors Dustin Stephen and

    3 641 Mots / 15 Pages
  • Analysis : Discuss the manner by which two playwrights connect the outer environment and the inner state of mind of character

    Analysis : Discuss the manner by which two playwrights connect the outer environment and the inner state of mind of character

    Prompt: Discuss the manner by which two OIB playwrights connect the outer environment and the inner state of mind of characters. Plays chosen: Intimate Apparel by Lynn Nottage and The Tempest by William Shakespeare The Tempest by William Shakespeare was written at the beginning of the 17th century. The play tells the story of a magician Prospero, Duke of Milan, exiled on a deserted island with his daughter, Miranda. He seeks for revenge towards his

    1 474 Mots / 6 Pages


    THEATRE AND THE INTERCULTURAL METAPHOR by Denise Agiman Stockholm University (Sweden) 16 September 1998 - ________________ CONTENTS HUMAN BEINGS AND THEATRE ...................................................... p. 3 CULTURE AND CULTURAL IDENTITIES .......................................... p. 3 THE INTERCULTURAL RELATIONSHIP ............................................ p. 3 THE INTERCULTURAL METAPHOR .................................................. p. 4 MEANS OF ACCESS TO THE OTHERNESS ................................ p. 4 THE BRIDGE OF UNDERSTANDING ........................................... p. 4 IN SEARCH OF A BALANCE: BETWEEN UNITY AND SPECIFICITIES p. 5 Bibliography and Quotations ............................................ p.

    2 242 Mots / 9 Pages
  • What are the difference between traditional Asian and Western human resources management ?

    What are the difference between traditional Asian and Western human resources management ?

    1. What are the difference between traditional Asian and Western human resources management ? There are many differences between these two different system: the traditional Asian system and the Westsern Human resources management system. Regarding Human Rights which is something that Human Resources has to take into account those are not respected in Asia: there are not equalities regarding work. The idea in Asia is that people should work as much as they can so

    785 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Indian policy: The Cherokee nation and the US

    Indian policy: The Cherokee nation and the US

    Indian policy: The Cherokee nation and the US INTRODUCTION The Cherokee nation is an illustration of how federal Indian policy was conducted with Indians in general. Yet, it is roll to generalize by Indians, first we should not talk about Indian culture but about Indian Cultures, and then, even when the federal Indian policy meant to be uniformly implemented on all Indian tribes ,sometimes the government had to adapt his policies to special particular context.

    3 749 Mots / 15 Pages
  • The English and the police in the early 1800's

    The English and the police in the early 1800's

    Summary: In the early 1800s, the English began to question police and policing after a multiple murder. They wondered if there should be some crackdown on police pay and laws against criminals. Indeed, the city had become a hidden place for them. The police force was transformed between 1829 and 1839,during the reign of Queen Victoria, starting with uniforms and ending with powers. Indeed, over time, their numbers and powers grew enormously and they had

    315 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How important it is to commemorate the world wars?

    How important it is to commemorate the world wars?

    How important it is to commemorate the world wars? Over the few years, and particularly 2014, we are going to stand before our local war memorials, looking at the names of those who went forth to the war, and did not come back. We must honor those who died and those who fought for the cause for which they gave their lives to avoid repeat the mistakes of the past. In London 1918 « men

    405 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How did the French banks organize their commercial activities during the period of pandemic blocking of Covid-19 ?

    How did the French banks organize their commercial activities during the period of pandemic blocking of Covid-19 ?

    The banking sector is impacted by Covid-19. The banks were not prepared to deal with this crisis. Their PNB is falling and loans to PME, which are vital to the European economy, are also being affected. How did the French banks organize their commercial activities during the period of pandemic blocking of Covid-19? First, we’re going to talk about agency restrictions. Second, we’re going to talk about online and mobile applications. And finally, we’re going

    317 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How and why China wants to invest in Africa?

    How and why China wants to invest in Africa?

    Essay geoeconomic class/ 2 hours Name : Yann Diby Kouame Subject 2: How and why China wants to invest in Africa? Introduction The China-Africa relationship is not new and has now lasted for more than fifteen years. China is obviously today a great world economic power and Africa a continent with enormous potential but still unstable politically and economically; it is then a great opportunity for china to establish a link with Africa, especially since

    1 041 Mots / 5 Pages
  • How did 19th century versions og Kings Arthur's legend represent men and women ?

    How did 19th century versions og Kings Arthur's legend represent men and women ?

    DNL 3/12 How did 19th century versions og Kings Arthur's legend represent men and women ? Women : * Obedience * Discretion * Purity : virginity before being wed, faithfullness to their husband after ( they must resists men advances ) * Women embody Christian values : charity, non-violence, acceptation of duties and sufferings 2 exeptions: * The lady of the lake : she gives Excalibur to Arthur and takes it back when he dies

    258 Mots / 2 Pages
  • How does the punk spirit still shake society?

    How does the punk spirit still shake society?

    The punk movement is a musical movement that appeared at the end of the 1960s in the United States, before expanding in Great Britain and then around the world. It came from young amateur musicians who made music with electric guitars in their garage and demanded the accessibility of music for all. Then, in the 1970s, this movement became a musical revolution, a protest movement that denounced a society going through an economic and social

    348 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myths and heroes : to what exten could the rags-to-riches myth portrayed in literature become reality ?

    Myths and heroes : to what exten could the rags-to-riches myth portrayed in literature become reality ?

    Hello ! Today I will talk about the notion « Myths and heroes ». First of all, I would like to define of the notion. A myth can be defined as a popular story which tries to guide the society toward certain values, or some ideal. Heroes are people admired for what they achieved: they can be real or fictional. It is the same for myths: some may have factual origins, while others are completely

    632 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and : is the term hero used corretly by medias ?

    Myths and : is the term hero used corretly by medias ?

    Myths and Heroes We can wonder if the term hero is corectly used by medias ? Intro: I will present you diferent people called "hero" by medias and see if it's really correctly use. I- Article published in daily news -> homesless man hailed as hero. Explaination: Found bag on the ground with 40 000$ and the man give it to the police and thanks to honesty the bag go back to the man who

    273 Mots / 2 Pages