BREXIT: The reasons and consequences
Fiche : BREXIT: The reasons and consequences. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar doudou1244641 • 29 Décembre 2022 • Fiche • 553 Mots (3 Pages) • 274 Vues
BREXIT: The reasons and consequences
What are its impacts on Britain? On the EU?
The British: IN FAVOR or AGAINST?
What is BREXIT?
“Brexit” is a combination of “Britain” and “exit”. It is the name given to the U.K.’s departure from the E.U. This decision was taken following a referendum on the U.K.'s membership of the E.U. Organized on June 23, 2016, by David Cameron who pledged to hold a Brexit Referendum by 2017 in his 2015 General Election manifesto but resigned the following day of the second referendum. The question on the referendum ballot paper was: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?”. 51.9% of voters were in favor whereas 48.1% voted against. Before this referendum, another was held on June 5, 1975, and during which the voters were asked to vote “yes” or “no” to the question: “Do you think U.K. should stay in the European Community?”. 67.2% of the voters were in favor of staying in. The U.K. eventually left the E.U. on 31 January 2020.
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The reasons of BREXIT:
Among the reasons for Brexit, first, there is the control and regulation of immigration, then, the restoration of national sovereignty. There is also the fact that the EU was in crisis. Finally, the U.K. wanted to free itself from Brussels regulations and to have a freer trade.
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A divided population:
Brexit has been the cause of a division of the population. Indeed, there were two categories of people: those who want to leave the EU and those who want to stay there.
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For our part, we asked a few people to answer our Brexit survey and most of them were against Brexit and when we asked them why, one of the answers we got was: “I believe in the spirit of economic, political and social cooperation. It brings security and opportunity.”, this same participant described his reaction after Brexit with only one word: "devastated”.
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On the other hand, there is some other people who are for Brexit considering that “the UK must regain control”.
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The impact and consequences on Britain and on the E.U.:
Brexit has created economic, social and political problems for the U.K. and likewise economic and political problems for the E.U.
In the same survey than above, we asked our participants the following question “What were the consequences of the Brexit?”, as answers, we got: “Lack of opportunity particularly for young. Break down in relations with our European neighbors, danger of resurfacing of conflict in Northern Ireland. Diminished status.”. Following this question, we asked them What was its impact on their way of living, “Higher prices, European family impacted through red tape, more complicated travel to EU” answered a participant.