Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations et mémoires
4 543 Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations gratuites 376 - 400 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
ABC News: The Future of the Workplace
ABC News: The Future of the Workplace Compte rendu: En français : Cette vidéo nous parle du télétravail, le numérique c’est tellement développer que nous pouvons tout faire avec n’importe qui même si nous sommes a l’autre bout du monde comme par exemple les employer d’IBM qui pour la plupart travail a distance, Flavin (un employer d’IBM) nous dit qu’il va pas souvent au bureau. Le PDG d’IBM nous dit le plus important ce n’est
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History of the Common law / Leçon
History of the Common law / Leçon Introduction : Définition : Common law * Le système juridique établi par les rois d’Angleterre à partir de la fin du XIIème siècle Sa particularité est d’être fondé sur le case-law (jurisprudence : judge makes law) Common law ≠ civil law (repose sur la codification du droit : ensemble de lois votées par un parlement (code)) * Ensemble du droit applicable dans les pays dits de common law,
33 472 Mots / 134 Pages -
Can we justify police brutality in the United States of America : Oral
Can we justify police brutality in the United States of America? J’ai pu constater depuis le décès de George Floyd le 25 mai 2020 à Minneapolis que les violences policières ne sont pas rares, notamment aux Etats-Unis. Cependant, le gouvernement n’a pas l’air de s’en inquiéter et j’ai essayé de comprendre pourquoi. Ma question est donc : peut-on justifier les violences policières aux Etats-Unis ? Pour y répondre, je me suis d’abord penchée sur les
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The international dimensions of authoritarian regime stability : Jordan in the post cold war era
THE INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF AUTHORITARIAN REGIME STABILITY: JORDAN IN THE POST-COLD WAR ERA Auteurs : Sean L. Yom et Mohammad H. Al-Momani Source : Arab Studies Quarterly , Winter 2008, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Winter 2008), pp. 39-60 Publié par : Pluto Journals URL : Résumé : Dans un contexte de démocratisation du régime jordanien, les aides internationales venant d’occident contribueraient à ralentir cette libéralisation pour maintenir la stabilité autoritaire. Le cas jordanien permet
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The consequences of the French Revolution in the 19th century
The consequences of the French Revolution in the 19th century Fiche méthodologique – Presenting 1. Start from a question, for example: How did Americans of all different types react to the French Revolution? 2. Answer the question! • Introduction: what are you going to talk about? Possibly focus on one element (for example, the American political elite), why did you select it? • Explain historical/cultural/political/relevant context. Describe and explain, give examples • Explain consequences/effects –
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The two faces of Mr Modi
The two faces of Mr Modi Ce document est un article de presse d’opinion provenant du journal The Hindus rédigé par Karan Thapar et publié le 1er Novembre 2014. L’article est complété par une illustration représentant le titre « la double face de Mr Modi » . Mr Modi est le premier ministre en Inde, il tient une hypothèse selon laquelle la mythologie préhistorique était spécialisée dans la science génétique et la chirurgie plastique. L’auteur
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Report of the expansion of the Global BBA program.
Report of the expansion of the Global BBA program. CURT ANTHONY PHILLIPE VICTOR Contents Report of the expansion of the Global BBA program. 1 Global Introduction: 3 Introduction to the market study 6 PESTEL : 6 Political forces: 6 Economic forces: 6 Social forces: 7 Technological forces: 7 Environmental forces: 7 Legal forces: 7 SWOT for the Sweden market: 8 Conclusion: 8 ________________ Global Introduction: The emlyon business school was created in 1872 in Lyon
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An analysis of the anti-abortion culture in America
An analysis of the anti-abortion culture in America Xiao Bowen Foreword Although I have me personal opinion on abortion, this article does not discuss whether it is correct or not. This article is a cultural analysis of the anti-abortion movement. Anti-abortion is not uncommon in human history. It was not until 1979 that abortion was legalized in France. For me, the overturning of Roe v Wade this year shocked me. Culture Background of Me I
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How does the writer reflect on the painful experience of hybridity in this extract?
How does the writer reflect on the painful experience of hybridity in this extract? This extract is about Mr. Watts telling his painful story to a group of people. Mr. Watts lives with his black wife in a village in Guinea and he is the last white man. Their daughter is the result of their hybridity and he is very proud of her. Matilda a little girl identifies through the story of Mr. Watts and
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The nightmares of the clone troopers
21/06/2022 The nightmares of the clone troopers : Every night when a clone trooper goes to sleep, he finds himself revisiting the same nightmare. He enters a world of fog and shadow, all at once familiar and terrifying. All around him the dins of battle echo, the screams of dying men and the groans of warping metal. The clone trooper cannot see the faces of the phantoms around him and so he feels alone despite
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What are the economical and environmental consequences of the wars?
For Americains and people watching around the world, September 11, 2001, is a day that will never be forgotten. Within three hours, New York’s tallest buildings were reduced to rubble, and the Pentagon, the nerve center of the American armed forces, was burning and partially collapsed. Terrorism refers to criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups that are inspired by or associated with designated foreign (state-sponsored) terrorist organizations or nations. In relation with this theme
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Work sheet / text : Almost half of the world’s food thrown away
Work sheet / text : Almost half of the world’s food thrown away 1 – Sum up the topic of this article (min 5 lines) This article deals with the tremendous waste of various kind of resources all around the planet : waste of food, waste of water, waste of consumption goods, waste of land … and the lack of awareness of its inhabitants. 2 – Using the information from your economy class, define what
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With all the positive evolution of women’s place in society, does feminism still have its place in our modern lives ?
Theme 2 : Representations Axis : Speaking out : representation and participation > With all the positive evolution of women’s place in society, does feminism still have its place in our modern lives ? Plan : The old gender inequalities, and women’s place in society Their place, representation in today’s society and the remaining inequalities (2 docs) (The impact of the current pandemic on this situation) « Feminism is the radical notion that women are human
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Parable of the sower, Article analysis
AMROUCHE Anias Tiziri E22206721 LLCER Anglais TD 1 Article : Diversity, Change, violence: Octavia Butler’s Pedagogical Philosophy Analysis : The article is entitled Diversity, change, violence: Octavia Butler’s Pedagogical Philosophy is written by Sarah Outterson, published by Penn state University Press in 2008 which tackles in 23 pages different aspects of violence change and diversity within Olivia Butler’s novellas by taking into consideration her pedagogical philosophy . In this article, it is remarkable how Butler’s
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The great plague of London
The Great Plague of 1665 - London - Introduction In 1665, England was struck by a virulent plague epidemic, known as “The Great Plague of London”. It was the worst outbreak of the bubonic plague, since the Black Death of 1348, and the last to occur in England. Indeed, the country has, for centuries, faced many epidemics and resurgent of the plague, but that of 1665 was the most devastating. In this perspective, we can
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Analyse chronologie The End of the F***ing World
Devoir sur la chronologie de la série The End of the F***ing World The End of the F***ing World est une série télévisée réalisée par Jonathan Entwistle avec Jessica Barden dans le rôle de Alyssa et Alex Lawther dans le rôle de James. La série raconte l’histoire d’un adolescent psychopathe en herbe, James et d’une rebelle en quete d’aventure, Alyssa qui embarquent pour un road trip d’enfer a l’humour noir. Nous étudierons l’épisode 1.1 dans
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Analyse Commentée de "Lord of the Flies"
INTRODUCTION Through the character of Atticus, Harper Lee delivers to us a vision of the world at first sight simple in its formulation but revealing itself infinitely complex once placed in our societies. Thus, when the former states "The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience", he illustrates his will to be fair in his actions, despite the external pressure applied by society. And that’s how among other means that
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Script of the final task : present a series of news reports
Script of the final task : present a series of news reports Journalist : Lucas Boxer: Oihan Napoleon: Elio Hello dear viewers, we are broadcast live on news report. Today we are in the animal farm in England, in order to know a little more about the event which happened on this farm : the animal confessions. To understand this we will interview two main characters of this event : boxer the horse, and the
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The Social Psychology of Organizing, Karl E
Le travail effectué s’articule sur l’ouvrage intitulé « The Social Psychology of Organizing » édité en 1979 et dont l’auteur est Karl E. Weick. C’est un américain né le 31 Octobre 1936 à Warsaw, dans l’Etat de l’Indiana aux Etats-Unis. Son parcours universitaire a été effectué notamment à l’Université d’Etat de l’Ohio et à l’université du Wittenberg. C’est un universitaire, professeur en psychologie et en sciences de l’organisation à l’Université du Michigan reconnu pour ses
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Essay on The executive branch of government has been too powerfull
“The executive branch of government has become too powerful in recent times” The American democratic system is based on several strong democratic principles, including the separation of powers and checks and balances. The assertion that the executive branch has become too powerful in recent years can be illustrated in several ways, including the evolution of the powers of the U.S. President - and in particular his inherent powers. The President of the United States cannot
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Résumé The war of the world
The war of the worlds Summary, chap 1 Se préparant à raconter l'histoire de l'invasion martienne de la Terre au début du XXe siècle, un narrateur anonyme réfléchit à la façon dont l'humanité était désemparée et non préparée avant l'assaut de ces extraterrestres .Le narrateur commence son récit en déclarant que le monde a longtemps été surveillé par des êtres extrêmement intelligents. Il note que pendant que les humains se précipitaient sur la terre en
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Synthesis, the Irish art of exile
Synthesis: The Irish art of exile The Irish nation is a population of emigrants. Since the 17th century, more of 7,6 millions of Irish people have emigrated in the world but generally more in the USA to escape poverty, religious persecutions and starvation : the Great Famine between 1845 and 1852 led to the emigration of 2,3 millions of Irish people. The first document is an extract from the autobiographical novel entitled “Angela’s Ashes :
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Civilisation Américaine : The British colonization of north America, 17-18th century
CM CIVI AMÉRICAINE BCC 2 UE 2 L1 S1 Chapitre 1 : The British colonization of north America, 17-18th century 1. The English expansion in NA in the 17th century 2. The English expansion in NA in the 18th Intro : * european colonial expansion 1492 * Led by CC * The americas * To lunch colonization * The The west indies - the Caraïbes also on the eastern cost of NA those English colonies
2 421 Mots / 10 Pages -
Communication et culture de masse : Lord of the rings
Ève LANTHIER Maximilien SANSCARTIER Victor SCHIRMER Yanis TSELKIM Communication et culture de masse 601-ZP5-LG Groupe 26 La création d’un monde Jude et les Ni’lilins Travail présenté à M. Laurent DE MAISONNEUVE Département de sciences humaines Collège Lionel-Groulx Le 29 juin 2022 Table des matières Introduction 4 Nature 4 1. Géographie 4 Le Royaume de Feu : Ignis 4 Le Royaume de l’Eau : Aestus 4 Le Royaume de Terre : Runia 5 2. Créatures fantastiques
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What happens during this day / what is the accident of the twin tower?
Introduction: Thanks to the study of an article from the USA Today magazine entitled “NYC shoulders enormous emotional weight” published on the 14th of september, 2001 ( three days after the tragedy) and the work done in class ; We will first see what happens during this day / what is the accident of the twin tower? After that, we will introduce how the event affected the population and what were the reactions to this
515 Mots / 3 Pages