Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations et mémoires
4 543 Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations gratuites 351 - 375 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
The proper use of Goniometry
The proper use of Goniometry Une image contenant texte, carte Description générée automatiquement Coronal = Frontal plane. Transverse = Horizontal plane. Shoulder flexion : Position : Subject is seated (= assis/placé) with the humerus and neutral position. Axis of the goniometer is center of the humerus just distal to the acromion process on the lateral aspect of the humerus. The stationary bar and the movable bar are parallel to the trunk. The subject arm is
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IMPORTANT LANDMARKS IN THE HISTORY OF THE US DEATH PENALTY - 1972: the death penalty was suspended by US Supreme Court (Furman v. Georgia) - 1976: the death penalty was reintroduced by US Supreme Court (Gregg v. Georgia) - 1999: the year when most people were executed in the US: 98 - April 2008: a brief nationwide moratorium on executions ended by US Supreme Court the debate: does death by a 3-drug injection constitute cruel
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The Vietnam War or the trauma of the first War lost by the United States of America
Antoine De Rore L3 Histoire American Civilization Subject: The Vietnam War or the trauma of the first War lost by the United States of America Summary I- The Origins of the Vietnam War (1954-1963) A) The foreign origins (1954-1959) B) The immediate origins (1961-1963) II- The progress of the Vietnam War (1964-19) A) The USA in the Vietnam War (1964-1967) B) The TET Offensive and the retreat of USA (1968-1969) C) The extension of the
3 637 Mots / 15 Pages -
Should we get rid of the electoral college ?
Thesis statement : should we get rid of the Electoral College ? Back with the founding father: _tried to avoid monarchy _some who thought the congress should elect the president: way much power, things could get corrupt very fast _ president elected by the popular vote: lots of people couldn’t read write and were uneducated 5 times in history when the president lost the popular vote A vote in a small state counts more than
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Review of the film Imitation Game
Alan Turing is one of many people whose exploits are little known, including his who led to the victory of the Allies during World War II. Played by Benedict Cumberbatch , Alan Turing is designated to join a team made up of the greatest cryptologists of Great Britain in order to break the coding of German's messages, and pierced the secret of the Enigma machine. Enigma which is the machine for encoding German's messages during
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The tower of the sun
DEVOIR D ANGLAIS N°2 1/ Compte rendu de l’article de la revue Popular Science de Décembre 2002 : Tower of the sun EuroMission, entreprise australienne, ouvre une voie innovante dans la production d'énergie à partir du soleil. Au lieu de convertir directement l'énergie du soleil en électricité, ce système utilise de l'air chauffé par des panneaux (verre, plastique). Ils entourent la base d'une cheminée de 913m et créent un courant d'air ascendant continu, à 56.3
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Myths and heroes : Can myths and heroes change the direction of the course of History ?
The notion I am going to deal with is « Myth and Heroes ». To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a popular belief on wich social values are often based, while a hero can be someone who is ready to sacrifised his or her life in order to make thinks evolved positivly. Myth and heroes indeed have always marked societies. Some were created whereas others are
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What Covid-19 is revealing on the functioning of the European Union?
What Covid-19 is revealing on the functioning of the European Union? « L’Europe est l’épicentre de la première pandémie de coronavirus » a déclaré le 17 mars dernier, Hans Kluge, directeur régional de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé pour l’Europe. Peu après le Brexit, l’Europe est une fois de plus mise à l’épreuve, cette fois-ci face à une crise sanitaire d’ordre mondial. Après être apparu en Chine, le Covid-19 s’est rapidement répandu sur le Vieux
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The National Museum of African American History and Culture
ANGLAIS Hello, today we are at the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the capital of the United States, Washington. This museum opened in 2016 and promotes African American history and culture. The goal of the museum is to pay a tribute to all African American people. At the opening of the museum, former president Barack Obama gave an inaugural speech. Obama’s message aims to gathering people, and whoever you are, wherever
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The worsening situation of disabled people and their careers
IDE Laeticia N191084C01M09 English homework This is an article from the published on twenty-seventh december two thousand and twelve whose main subject is the worsening situation of disabled people and their carers. The difficult conditions of the caring profession do not take away from the enrichment of the profession due to the contacts and exchanges it provides. In spite of this, the social welfare system is becoming stricter. This makes their situations all the
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Analyse of the level of education of women in someland
English I/ First of all, the following graphs allow us to compare the highest level of education of women in someland in 1945 and in 1995. We can observe a great evolution in the level of education of women during this 50-year period in Someland. At the beginning, in 1945 one-third of someland women was not schooling at all, the second third as for him, could only access the third grade.The last third included the
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Nationalist Scope of the Movie La Grande Illusion
Nationalist Scope of the Movie La Grande Illusion La Grande Illusion is a critically acclaimed movie that takes place during World War One. It depicts the life of French prisoners of war in a German officer camp. Although it would be expected to be a war movie, very few action scenes are present in the movie. Jean Renoir, the director, presents more the psychological and social aspects of the camp and the prisoners, as opposed
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The big lesson of 2020
The big lesson of 2020: Companies can’t count on government to deal with unanticipated risks. No one could have predicted the health crisis at the beginning of the year. Indeed we must continually face various threats. As seen with the Covid-19 crisis there are also “unknown unknowns” that can sink companies and industries in no time and with no warning. If there is one management lesson from the US experience with Covid-19, it is that
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The career path of a venture capitalist
I am attracted to the career path of a venture capitalist for many reasons. The first thing that went through my mind when trying to find my dream career was freedom. Being free to do whatever you want and to be your own boss is definitely the main reason I choose this career. For example choosing where you want to live is a privilege. I also thought that working with the same people every day
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Spaces and exchanges : What are the different forms of exchange ? Are they still legal?
Espaces et échanges The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. Ou (tu préfères laquelle ? ) An exchange is when we give in return for something received – this can be
1 307 Mots / 6 Pages -
Civilisation Anglaise : The creation of the UK
TOPIC 1. The creation of the UK, its nations and its identities 1. What is Britain & who are the British? 2. A Brief Early History: Britain’s origins 3. The Creation of the United Kingdom 4. Statistics about Britain & the British population 5. National Identities • How British are the British? • The 4 nations • Ethnic and religious diversity 1. What is Britain and who are the British? • What is the difference
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Commentary of the office
Commentary of The Office : At that time, women were considered inferior to men and their place was in the home. The document that I am going to common upon is an extract from the first part of The Office by Alice Munro. To sum up, the main female character who is a writer asks for an office to her husband which was not common at the time. As a consequence it will be my
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The new age of autocrats
“The new age of autocrats” From Putin to Trump: why political strongmen keep winning. BY JOHN CONNELLY The new age of autocrats ( This article in The Newstatesman proposes to study the success of authoritarian leaders based on the analysis of Applebaum, a journalist and author specialised in communism and author of “The Twilight of democracy”. Vocabulary: ● enlightener → illuminateur ● decency → décence ● predicament → impasse ● the movement’s standard-bearer → le
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The wolf of wall street : an example of the theory of aliénation of karl marx ?
Borges Lola Movie Analysis : The Wolf Of Wall Street INTRODUCTION Movie extract Right, so, let’s talk about the Wolf of wall steet Released in 2013, The wolf of wall street, a movie directed by martin scorcese, is based on the real life story of Jordan Belfort played by Leonardo Dicaprio. Belfort is a croocked stockbrocker who made his career by embezzling his investors out of millions of dollars in the Wall Street of the
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Madonna of the meadow
Painting : Madonna of the meadow Date : 1505-1506 Artist : Raphael Style : High Renaissance/ religious painting The painting represents Mary, infant Jesus and infant John the Baptist. The 3 figures are painted to form a triangular arrangement on the foreground. They are linked by their hands and gazes. Mary is sitting with her right leg straight in diagonal, her feet barefoot. She is bending towards the children, looking down on them, with her
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The immigration : an aggravating factor of the British identity crises
The immigration : an aggravating factor of the British identity crises IMG_3520_lores Britishness has always been an evolving concept and identity. Today, this identity is in crisis because it is confronted with problems and challenges which also evolve through the ages. But what is the British identity? What does Britishness mean? In reality, everyone has their own version. While some people think that being British means that you are born and living in Britain, that
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The immigration : an aggravating factor of the British identity crises
The immigration : an aggravating factor of the British identity crises IMG_3520_lores Britishness has always been an evolving concept and identity. Today, this identity is in crisis because it is confronted with problems and challenges which also evolve through the ages. But what is the British identity? What does Britishness mean? In reality, everyone has their own version. While some people think that being British means that you are born and living in Britain, that
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The last of the Mohicans questions
ANGLAIS LV1: THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS Did you like the film? Which scene(s) in particular? (15-20 lines min) I really liked the film because it shows us all the dimensions of our past and the war between the French and the English with the conflicts with the Indian tribes in the mid-eighteenth century. We can see the struggles between the enemy camps, the behaviours adopted, the thirst for life, the sacrifices, the war, the
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Critical Reaction of the Michael Hoffman and Amaney Jamal's empirical study
The empirical study of Michael Hoffman and Amaney Jamal has some interesting findings: 1) The readers of the Qur’an are those who protest the most compared to the non-readers; 2) This is due to “grievance” (601): they do not believe that the political regime is faithful of Islam; 3) And/or use “opportunity” (601) to participate more in politics in order to achieve a positive change. The empirical study is astonishing in how well the research
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Places and forms of power : what are the different forms of punishment in the USA ?
INTRO : I’ve picked up the notion « places and forms of power ». To illustrate this notion I’ll choose the topic of Crime and Punishment. So, what are the different forms of punishment in the USA ? On first time we’ll focus on the Gun violence in the AMERICAN society and history then I’ll continue with the Death penalty which is a divise subject before mentioning the massive incarceration in US before dealing with
692 Mots / 3 Pages