The proper use of Goniometry
Fiche : The proper use of Goniometry. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Angeloudevil • 8 Décembre 2020 • Fiche • 713 Mots (3 Pages) • 422 Vues
The proper use of Goniometry
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Coronal = Frontal plane.
Transverse = Horizontal plane.
Shoulder flexion :
Position : Subject is seated (= assis/placé) with the humerus and neutral position. Axis of the goniometer is center of the humerus just distal to the acromion process on the lateral aspect of the humerus. The stationary bar and the movable bar are parallel to the trunk. The subject arm is raised in front of her body in a sagittal plane of movement.
The measurement begins at 0° and ranges (= aller/varier ou gamme/éventail ou chaîne (montagne)) to 170°.
Shoulder extension :
Position : Subject is seated with no obstruction behind the humerus and the humerus is in neutral position. The position of the goniometer is the same as the shoulder flexion. The subject arm is brought (= apporter/amener/engager) in the back of the body in a sagittal plane of movement.
The measurement begins at 0° and ranges to 60°.
Shoulder abduction :
Position : Subject is seated with the humerus in adduction and external rotation. Axis of the goniometer is on the acromion process on the posterior surface of the shoulder. The stationary bar is parallel to the trunk and the moveable bar is parallel to the humerus. The subject arm is raised to the side of the body and a frontal plane of movement.
The measurement begins at 0° and ranges to 170°.
Shoulder horizontal abduction :
Position : Subject is seated with the shoulder to be tested abducted to 90°, the elbow extended with the palm facing down. Axis of the goniometer is over the acromion process, the stationary bar is parallel over the shoulder toward the neck and the movable bar is parallel to the humerus on the superior aspect. The subject arm is moved for (= pour/servir à/en faveur de) the back of the body in the horizontal plane of movement.
The measurement begins at 0° and ranges to 40°.
Shoulder horizontal adduction :
Position : The position of the subject and the goniometer are the same as for horizontal abduction. The subject arm is moved in front of the body in the horizontal plane of movement.
The measurement begins at 0° and ranges to 130°.
Shoulder internal rotation :
Position : Subject is seated with the humerus adducted against the trunk, the elbow at 90° and the forearm in mid position and perpendicular to the body. Axis of the goniometer is on the olecranon process of the elbow and the stationary bar and movable bar are parallel to the forearm. Subject forearm is swung (= se balancer/faire un movement de balancier) toward the body through a horizontal plane of movement. The humerus must remain (= rester ou restes/corps/dépouille) adducted.