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Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations et mémoires


4 543 Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations gratuites 126 - 150 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

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Dernière mise à jour : 21 Mai 2018
  • Summary Report Of The Work Of The Solidarity Finance Workshop

    Summary Report Of The Work Of The Solidarity Finance Workshop

    Summary Report of the Work of the Solidarity Finance Workshop (April 2005) CONTENT SUMMARY In the face of the success of microcredit, presented by multilateral institutions such as the United Nations, the G8, the World Bank and the MFI as being a strategically important tool for development in the South, more and more voices are being raised decrying the perverse effects of such practices (Amouroux, 2003; Guérin, Servet, 2005). The primary accusation is that they

    7 938 Mots / 32 Pages
  • The characteristics of the short stories

    The characteristics of the short stories

    The characteristics of the short stories that show the horror genre is the way in which they have been constructed the short sentences, the punctuation such as the over use of exclamation marks, the suspense, and the description of mental and physical torture. what Dickens achieved is making a known scene, a railway station, scary and unknown. The Signalman’ (1866) is partly based on Dicken’s personal experience of a fatal train crash. In June 1865

    297 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Effectiveness of the incentive schemes introduced in McDowell & Co Ltd

    Effectiveness of the incentive schemes introduced in McDowell & Co Ltd

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Industrialization plays an important role in the economic development of a country. The gap in per capita income between the developed and a developing country like India is a serious concern. This is mainly due to the disparity in the structure of their economies. The former are large industrial economies while the latter are mainly agriculture-based economies. The distillery of McDowell & Co Ltd is situated in hatidah, Patna District, Bihar. It can

    10 380 Mots / 42 Pages
  • The Top Qualities Of A Good Teacher

    The Top Qualities Of A Good Teacher

    Qualities of a Good Teacher The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo QUALITIES OF A GOOD TEACHER Empathy You have the ability to bond with your students, to understand and resonate with their feelings and emotions. To communicate on their level. To be compassionate with them when they are down and to

    1 370 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The Summary, Presentation of my Company, Day of Work in my restaurant, My Cv in English

    The Summary, Presentation of my Company, Day of Work in my restaurant, My Cv in English

    1 – The Summary 2- Presentation of my Company 3- Day of Work in my restaurant 4- My Cv in English 5- summary of my 3 years dnl 6- School trips My Name is Jeremy, i am seventeen years old and this year i went to Savoy in Bourget Du Lac, approximatly ten minutes from Chambery and Chambord. In Bourget there is a famous gourmet hotel-restaurant, it's called " Le Bateau Ivre " This Restaurant

    1 924 Mots / 8 Pages
  • The New Ways of Hacking

    The New Ways of Hacking

    The New Ways of Hacking From the beginning of History, the messages were the most protected data’s due to the importance they could have. As far as the Egyptians who used to write on the head of a slave and waited that the hair grew again, the ways to protect any sensitive data’s were always limited in time because any new protections would be eventually cracked, especially in war time. The enigma machine used by

    1 557 Mots / 7 Pages
  • The European parliament and the council of the European Union

    The European parliament and the council of the European Union

    THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 1(1) thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (1), Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions (2), Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (3), Whereas: (1)

    469 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Report of the 5th meeting of ISO/CASCO WG 21 (Part 2 Of 17021)

    Report of the 5th meeting of ISO/CASCO WG 21 (Part 2 Of 17021)

    REPORT OF THE 5th MEETING OF ISO/CASCO WG 21 (Part 2 of 17021) Third Party Auditing of Management Systems Held on 2008-01-14/18 in Geneva, at the ISO Central Secretariat ITEM 1 & 2 – OPENING OF THE MEETING & INTRODUCTIONS 1. The Co-Convenors opened the meeting and the participants introduced themselves. The participants at the meeting and the apologies that were received are recorded in Annex 1 to this report. ITEM 3 – ADOPTION OF

    849 Mots / 4 Pages
  • La mini-série «américano-australien-britannique» Top of the Lake de Jane Campion et Gerard Lee

    La mini-série «américano-australien-britannique» Top of the Lake de Jane Campion et Gerard Lee

    Top of the Lake est une mini-série américano-australo-britannique créée et écrite par Jane Campion et Gerard Lee, coproduite par BBC Two, Sundance Channel et UKTV, et diffusée à partir du 18 mars 2013. La série raconte l'enquête d'une jeune inspectrice sur la disparition d'une fillette enceinte de douze ans dans une petite ville lacustre du Sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Elle aborde la question des violences faites aux femmes et la lutte entre le bien et

    801 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The Cassis De Dijon Rule Of The Reason

    The Cassis De Dijon Rule Of The Reason

    In order to ensure the market integration which was one the basis of the european union, the differents legislators had created the four fundamental freedoms of the european union: the free movements of goods, the freedom to provide services, the free movement of people and the free movement of capital. Within the free movement of goods principle, the treaties had defined another principle which had already largely been abolished within the framework of the OECD

    2 328 Mots / 10 Pages
  • The Colonization Of The Americas

    The Colonization Of The Americas

    I. Settlement before 1607 A. Indigenous settlement Although there is some ambiguity in the anthropological record, it seems that the first human settlers to the American continent crossed the Bering strait between modern day Russia and Alaska somewhere around 14,000 years ago. These Siberian tribes gradually descended throughout North and South America later becoming known as American Indians. It is not excluded, however, that there are many other peoples who came from Pacific Islands, parts

    1 845 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Lord Of The Flies Dissert

    Lord Of The Flies Dissert

    Watching the savages retreat, Ralph tries to identify them as individuals and guesses one to be Bill. Then he realizes that, in fact, "this was not Bill" and he's right: Once divorced from his previously civilized self in appearance, behavior, and values, the individual who was Bill is gone. In the previous chapter, after Jack throws a spear with deadly intention at Ralph, Golding stops using Jack's name and refers to him as "the chief."

    552 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Lecture Analytique du poème Anywhere Out Of The Word de Baudelaire

    Lecture Analytique du poème Anywhere Out Of The Word de Baudelaire

    En 1869, est publié titre posthume un recueil de poèmes en prose intitulé Le Spleen de Paris (ou Petits poèmes en prose). Dans Anywhere out of the world, le poète tente alors de s'éloigner d'un monde hostile, de la nature et de la condition humaine qui provoquent la crainte et le rejet de son art. Il semble que face à la dureté de la réalité, la poésie introduise le rêve et permette à la pensée

    1 413 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The End Of The Appartheid

    The End Of The Appartheid

    The apartheid is the politics of racial segregation led in South Africa by the white minority against the black majority.  It was Organized in 1948 by the national Party, it is based on the development separated from the populations and was practised until 1991, Strict laws were organized in the country aiming at repressing the blacks .The marriage between various races was forbidden; the black populations could be moved at any time if they lived

    700 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Organization of the is audit function - Isaca

    Organization of the is audit function - Isaca

    INTRODUCTION The role of the information systems (IS) audit function should be established by an audit charter. IS audit is most likely to be a part of internal audit; therefore, the audit charter may include other audit functions. This charter should state clearly management's responsibility and objectives for, and delegation of authority to, the IS audit function. This document should outline the overall authority, scope and responsibilities of the audit function. The highest level of

    9 130 Mots / 37 Pages
  • BTS - Devoir 4 Analyse D'oeuvre: Top of the roof de Speedy Graphito

    BTS - Devoir 4 Analyse D'oeuvre: Top of the roof de Speedy Graphito

    TABLE DES MATIÈRES 1 – LA TECHNIQUE DE L’OEUVRE # A) SON HISTOIRE B) SA COMPOSITION C) SES CARACTERISTIQUES 2 – L’ARTISTE # 3 – L’ŒUVRE # A) LE SUJET DE L’ŒUVRE B) SA COMPOSITION ET LA COULEUR C) LA TECHNIQUE   Pour se devoir j’ai sectionné une œuvre de Speedy Graphito : « Top of the roof ». Peinte en 2009, c’est une acrylique sur toile de dimension 180x150 cm. 1. LA TECHNIQUE DE

    899 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The Geographical Pivot Of History

    The Geographical Pivot Of History

    Halford Mackinder was an English geographer and he was also one of the founding fathers of geopolitics. The simplest yet most informative definition of geopolitics is the study of the impacts of geography on politics. On a cultural website dedicated to Mackinder, we can read this quote: “Geopolitics is the connecting bridge between geography and international relations.” In his article “The Geographical Pivot of History”, which he submitted to the Geographical Journal in 1904, Halford

    1 133 Mots / 5 Pages
  • The Challenge Of The Export For

    The Challenge Of The Export For

    Introduction “If exporting to a new market, you need to be aware of cultural differences between yourself and your international business partners. Familiarity with customs and etiquette ranging from business methods, dress and diet to history and religious customs will improve your chance of success.” The challenge of the export for a company lies on this quotation. Indeed, the marketing abroad is complicated because it is necessary to adapt itself to the characteristics which

    2 110 Mots / 9 Pages
  • Geography of the United kingdom (document anglais)

    Geography of the United kingdom (document anglais)

    I. Geography of the United kingdom. 1. Geography. Great Britain = England + Scotland + Wales United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland = GB + Northern Ireland. Oceans and seas : 6 - North Atlantic ocean - North sea - English channel - Irish sea - North Channel - Bristol Channel Straits : 2 - Strait of Dover - St Georges channel Rivers : 8 - Trent - Thames - Severn - Clyde

    3 647 Mots / 15 Pages
  • ‘ What Are The Current Views Of Organizational Decision Makers Towards Qualitative Research ? '

    ‘ What Are The Current Views Of Organizational Decision Makers Towards Qualitative Research ? '

    ‘What are the current views of organizational decision makers towards Qualitative research?’ When deciding to present reports or articles to companies or individuals, it is important to research how the people who will read the article want it to be written. Therefore, when deciding to do Qualitative research rather than Quantitative research, knowing what the organizational decision makers wants is important before deciding to analyse through Qualitative research. How to run Qualitative research Qualitative researches,

    483 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The mystery of the manor

    The mystery of the manor

    The mystery of the manor. Once upon a time, about thirty years ago, an old man called Mr Johnson was living in a manor in the Scottish countryside. Nobody really knew him, he was a very discreet man, he seldom left his manor. But there was a scary rumor about Mr. Johnson : he used to have a butler, maybe because he was feeling alone since her wife has died in a tragic car accident

    423 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Etude d'un texte qui est un extrait de « The Nature of the physical world », de A.S Eddington publié en 1928

    Etude d'un texte qui est un extrait de « The Nature of the physical world », de A.S Eddington publié en 1928

    Le texte étudié est un extrait de « The Nature of the physical world », de A.S Eddington publié en 1928. Dans cet extrait il présente un objet qui est une table, . Il voit dans tous les objets un double, donc deux façon de les voir , la table qu’il perçoit et sur laquelle il s’appuie, et la table « scientifique » celle vue plus complexe par la science. Nous allons d’une part définir

    595 Mots / 3 Pages
  • To What Extend Can We Consider The Queens As Heroes ?

    To What Extend Can We Consider The Queens As Heroes ?

    The notion I am going to deal with is Myths and heroes. A hero, as mentioned in the Oxford dictionaries, is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements or noble qualities. I would like to illustrate the term of ''hero'' through the English Queens, Elizabeth I, Victoria et Elizabeth II. To what extend these Queens are regarded as heroes? These Queens really embody the monarchy, they are charismatic figures of the British

    383 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What Are The Main Objectives Of An MNE's Transfer Pricing Policy

    What Are The Main Objectives Of An MNE's Transfer Pricing Policy

    International taxation What are the main objectives of an MNE's transfer pricing policy? Can these different ranges of objectives can be satisfied in practice Summary Introduction........................................................................................................... The role of Transfer Pricing Policy......................................................................... The main issues...................................................................................................... International environment.................................................................................... Strategic motivation.............................................................................................. Pricing Objectives................................................................................................. Strategic objectives of Transfer Pricing Policy..................................................... Taxation-related Objectives................................................................................... Internal or Management-oriented Objectives........................................................ International or Operational Objectives................................................................. First, from a competitive point of view, it is essential to understand how the multinational firm operates. Multinationals

    1 373 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Le manga High school of the Dead de Daisuke Satō

    Le manga High school of the Dead de Daisuke Satō

    Zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie, zombie… c’est vu revu et rerevu que se soit en film ou en livre mais en manga c’est plutôt rare. Highschool of the Dead (HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD, Gakuen mokushiroku HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD, literalement L’Académie de l’apocalypse HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD). Est un manga de type shōnen écrit par 2 frères : Daisuke Satō et dessiné par Shōji Satō. L'histoire est publiée dans le Monthly Dragon Age depuis septembre 2006. Le manga a connu une pause de fin 2008 à

    597 Mots / 3 Pages

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