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The Top Qualities Of A Good Teacher

Documents Gratuits : The Top Qualities Of A Good Teacher. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Mai 2013  •  1 370 Mots (6 Pages)  •  1 031 Vues

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Qualities of a Good Teacher

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it,

but that it is too low and we reach it.




You have the ability to bond with your students, to understand and resonate with their feelings and emotions. To communicate on their level. To be compassionate with them when they are down and to celebrate with them when they are up.

Positive Mental Attitude

You are able to think more on the positive and a little less on the negative. To keep a smile on your face when things get tough. To see the bright side of things. To seek to find the positives in every negative situation. To be philosophical.

Open to Change

You are able to acknowledge that the only real constant in life is change. You know there is a place for tradition but there is also a place for new ways, new ideas, new systems, and new approaches. You don't put obstacles in your way by being blinkered and are always open and willing to listen to others' ideas.

Role Model

You are the window through which many young people will see their future. Be a fine role model. Creative

You are able to motivate your students by using creative and inspirational methods of teaching. You are different in your approach and that makes you stand out from the crowd. Hence the reason why students enjoy your classes and seek you out for new ideas.

Sense of Humour

You know that a great sense of humour reduces barriers and lightens the atmosphere especially during heavy periods. An ability to make your students laugh will carry you far and gain you more respect. It also increases your popularity.

Presentation Skills

You know that your students are visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learners. You are adept at creating presentation styles for all three. Your body language is your main communicator and you keep it positive at all times. Like a great orator you are passionate when you speak. But at the same time you know that discussion and not lecturing stimulates greater feedback.


You know that the aggression, negative attitudes and behaviours that you see in some of your students have a root cause. You know that they are really scared young people who have come through some bad experiences in life. This keeps you calm and in control of you, of them and the situation. You are good at helping your students de-stress.


You know that no one is more important in the world than anyone else. You know that everyone has a place in the world. You respect your peers and your students. Having that respect for others gets you the respect back from others.


You know that you can change a young person's life by helping them to realise their potential, helping them to grow, helping them to find their talents, skills and abilities.


You are passionate about what you do. Teaching young people is your true vocation in life. Your purpose in life is to make a difference.

Willing to Learn

You are willing to learn from other teachers AND your students. Although knowledgeable in your subject you know that you never stop learning.

What makes a good teacher?

Teachers are important and make a difference. The quality of teaching is a crucial factor in promoting effective learning in schools. Effective teaching requires individuals who are academically able and who care about the well-being of children and youth.

Points Arising from Research

The most powerful single factor that enhances achievement is feedback – positive, encouraging, clearly targeted.

The setting of appropriate, specific and challenging goals is critical.

Effective teachers make purpose and content explicit, plan carefully, use systematic assessment and feedback, make connections, encourage children to think about thinking and model what they want the children to do.

Key Elements of What makes a good teacher?

Research detailing the direct effect of good teaching on pupils is difficult to assess, as relating ‘good teaching’ directly to higher attainment in pupils is almost impossible to verify. However there are many attempts to analyse what constitutes a ‘good teacher’. The following points are generally agreed to have an impact on pupils:

Subject Matter Knowledge

Highly knowledgeable and up to date in their subject area, but do not pretend to know it all, willing to learn from pupils

Teachers’ repertoires of best practices

Provide learner with clear tasks, goals, and requirement and inform them of progress


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