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Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations et mémoires


4 543 Paintings to illustrate the traditional vision of the dissertations gratuites 201 - 225 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 21 Mai 2018
  • A Tale of the Times

    A Tale of the Times

    Limoges Eric Limoges Professor David Leahy ANG245 A Tale of the Times “Little Red Riding Hood” is one of the fairy tales that holds a special place in many a person’s memory. From its humble beginnings as an oral story used to warn young girls to its comedic rendition in 2005’s movie “Hoodwinked”, the story of the little girl in the red hood has adapted to survive the evolution of our society’s moral structure; a

    1 747 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Oral - Places and Forms of Power: the first and the second wave of feminism between the 60's and the 2010'S

    Oral - Places and Forms of Power: the first and the second wave of feminism between the 60's and the 2010'S

    Anglais – Lieux et formes de pouvoir The notion I'm going to introduce is Places and forms of power. There are different places of power, it can be found in the family, in school, in politics or in work, and in different forms such as rules, laws or money. The notion can be illustrated with the example of feminism. In this chapter, we saw the first and the second wave of feminism between the 60's

    534 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanes: what are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks?

    Spaces and exchanes: what are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks?

    Spaces and Exchanges To begin, we will define term of spaces and exchanges. It's a continuous movement of circulation. All types of exchanges : People, trade, media, etc... Exchanges can be merchants, relational. What are the consequences of the advent of the internet and social networks ? First, we will see the positive consequences of this. Then we will speak of the negative consequences of the advent of th internet. The arrival of the Internet

    570 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Places and forms of power: what is the evolution of the different forms of power in India?

    Places and forms of power: what is the evolution of the different forms of power in India?

    Anglais * Lieux et forme de pouvoir Introduction : I’m going to present places and forms of power. We’re going to study which forms of power exist in a specific place and how they are applied. I choose the example of India, India is an emerging country and the second most populous country in the world. There are a lot of inequalities in the Indian society. What is the evolution of the different forms of

    640 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Idea of progress: has progress always a positive influence of the public?

    Idea of progress: has progress always a positive influence of the public?

    I’m giong to talk about the « idea of progess ». Progress is the action of going fowards, of being better. For a society or for humanity. Progress is the evolution in the sens of an improvement, it’s a progessive transformation towards more knowledge an hapiness. In class we have studied a lot of documents like : « danger of the internet », « sex gossip », « the end of forgetting » and «

    596 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Imaes of the enemy: A study of the Images of Germans and Frend Collaborationists in the Gaullist newspaper Combat by Suzy Gmer

    Imaes of the enemy: A study of the Images of Germans and Frend Collaborationists in the Gaullist newspaper Combat by Suzy Gmer

    Images of the Enemy: A Study of the Images of Germans and French Collaborationists in the Gaullist newspaper Combat by Suzy Gamer University of Tennessee, Knoxville The French Resistance and Combat The seemingly endless years of the German Occupation of France during World War II remain among the most controversial in the nation's history. Today this period of time between 1940 and 1944 serves as a bittersweet reminder of the fragility of man's freedom, the

    848 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The Closet, an ethical e-business model based on a state-of-the-art service

    The Closet, an ethical e-business model based on a state-of-the-art service

    Charlene Sarrade ISM - ISEG BFS5 1A 29 octobre 2016 An ethical e-business model based on a state-of-the-art service The Closet, a new way of dressing Content of paper Introduction 2 Environment 2 Fashion sector 3 1. An e-business model made on an ethical approach: the Closet 4 Concept presentation 4 Target audience 5 Ethical approach 5 Strengths of the business 6 What differentiate: first mover advantage in France 7 2. How is this model

    3 381 Mots / 14 Pages
  • The expansion of the Islam in France: a real obstacle for the democracy? Comparison with the British model.

    The expansion of the Islam in France: a real obstacle for the democracy? Comparison with the British model.

    The expansion of the Islam in France: a real obstacle for the democracy? Comparison with the British model. Nowadays, the respect of democratic principles is one of the main key issues undertook by Member States. Governments have an essential role in providing the values of freedom, the respect of human rights and the principle of election by universal suffrage. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948 is one of the first international treaty

    2 305 Mots / 10 Pages
  • What are the consequences of migration in Scotland's population from the 50's until the early 21st century?

    What are the consequences of migration in Scotland's population from the 50's until the early 21st century?

    SEC EUR: Introduction: Scotland has approximately 5.3 million inhabitants. It is located in Europe at the northern end of Great Britain; it is part of the United Kingdom. It’s capital is Edinburgh. * Nature: graphs: first one: Natural change and migration in Scotland (1951-2011) / second one: Scotland’s age structure * No authors, anonymous * Source: secondary source because: these two graphs were possibly made after the events occurred * Audience: everyone who’s interested in

    369 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?

    Spaces and exchanges: what is the impact of the immigrant in USA?

    Introduction: Hello my name is... I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. To start with I'd like to give you a definition about the notion. So space is the unlimited three-dimentional expance in wich all material object are located ans exchange is to replace unsafactory goods with another. The subject of my presentation is the emigration. Now the question i can up with is what is the ipact of the immigrant

    252 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid

    Fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid

    2. CONTENT Concept of BOP Market at BOP Products and Services for BOP Global Opportunity Ecosystem for Wealth Creation Reducing Corruption Developing Social Transformation 3. CONCEPT OF BOPBOP: Bottom of Pyramid Concern for BOP Big Questions:• Why can’t we do something for BOP?• Why can’t we mobilize the investment capacity of large firms with the knowledge and commitment of NGO’s and the communities that need help?• Why can’t we co-create unique solutions for BOP? Bigger

    1 273 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : what are the reasons for, and the consequences of immigration ?

    Spaces and exchanges : what are the reasons for, and the consequences of immigration ?

    Sophie Savary TS4 Anglais I am going to talk aboutthe notion of « Space and Exchanges ». an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something in return. Or a continuous movement and circulation : media, people, trade, etc. In class we focussed on immigration into the United States, from Mexico. It is the longest border and a strategic border for legal and illegal business such as drug dealing. We studied on two documents,

    532 Mots / 3 Pages
  • People and places of power, The remains of the day

    People and places of power, The remains of the day

    People and places of power 1. The remains of the day was released in 1993 by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala. This drama was based on the novel “The Remains of the day” written by Kazuo Ishiguro in 1989. The two main characters are Mr. Steven, the butler of Darlington Hall (played by Anthony Hopkins) and Miss Kenton, the housekeeper of Darlington Hall (played by Emma Thompson). Another important character would be Lord Darlington (played by James

    497 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Alhambra Palace of Granada

    The Alhambra Palace of Granada

    Attention ce texte n'est pas fait par un professionnel et peut donc contenir des fautes Warning this text wasn't written by a specialist, it may contain errors The Alhambra Palace of Granada The Alhambra Palace was built by the Nasrid Dynasty during the IX and XII centuries. The Alhambra was a palace first, then a citadel and fortress, and became the residence of the Nasrid sultans and senior officials since 1238 when Granada was the

    324 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Spaces and exchanges : the idea of the sport

    Spaces and exchanges : the idea of the sport

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES 1. Second English notion – bac 2017 First document Second document Third document A story of boycotts of the Olympic Games Spirit in motion Queen’s Elisabeth speech on the positive values of sport 1. Introduction * I’m going to deal this the notion of spaces and exchanges who’s a hard notion. We could definite the notion with the idea of changes in a lot of country or area in movement. There are

    572 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Idea of Progress : what are the new progress of science?

    Idea of Progress : what are the new progress of science?

    INTRO : I am going to talk about the notion « IDEA OF PROGRESS ». The idea of progess can be defined as an improvement – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Progress implies changes, some evolution from an old order to a new order. (I'm talk about progress of science and revolution of technology) we can i just wonder What are the new progress of

    335 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The futur of the EU

    The futur of the EU

    THE EFFECT OF THE SYRIAN REFUGEE CRISIS The Effect of the Syrian Refugee Crisis on the European Union Julien Tan University of South Carolina Aiken Since 2011, more than 5 million people have left Syria which has a population of 23 million people. This is because of the Syrian civil war. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2013) (UNHCR), Syria has the highest number of applicants for refugee status, which accounts at

    1 630 Mots / 7 Pages
  • The idea of progress : How for is the notion of the idea of progress developed in the documents, we have studied in class this year?

    The idea of progress : How for is the notion of the idea of progress developed in the documents, we have studied in class this year?

    Today we are going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress. This year, we have studied many document, we can link this notion. But to begin with we have to define the keyword “idea of progress”. The idea of progress is the theory that the different advances in technology and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. Progress implies change and evolution and throughout history most advances have been

    424 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Myth of the American Dream

    Myth of the American Dream

    MITH OF THE AMERICAN DREAM Definition of A.D : the idea of starting from nothing end up with success. How can myths and heroes influence people’s careers? 1. SOCIETY’S VALUES Nowadays we need money. To become someone we need a good job, a nice house and a nice car. In this society, the more money you have, the more famous you become. When you have money, when you are famous and recognized, then you influence

    366 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Pirates of the Caribbean

    Pirates of the Caribbean

    Pirates of the Caribbean By analysing the situation of the banking secrecy, we see that there are advantages, but also disadvantages to stop banking secrecy in countries like Switzerland. Banking secrecy is something very implemented in the mind of the people particularly in Switzerland, by stopping this, a bank would have access to a lot of “private” information. They would have the capacity to know, which political part you support, the association that you support,

    263 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The impact of the video games

    The impact of the video games

    We can replace the man when he is absent.Robots can help the elderly for, for example, cook, mow the lawn or help them to get up.Imagine, you look at a good movie and you are a little hungry, the robot which hears(understands) the noise of your stomach, brings you a pizza without grumbling. You go to tell me more need to have a woman and you are right because that's it the future of the

    654 Mots / 3 Pages
  • How are the legals foundations of peace-keeping from those of peace-enforcement ?

    How are the legals foundations of peace-keeping from those of peace-enforcement ?

    How are the legals foundations of peace-keeping different from those of peace-enforcement? Established in 1945, the organization of the United Nations is a universal cooperation structure composed of 193 Sovereign States where world leaders meet, take measures to preserve, restore peace and international security, cultivate friendship between nations, promote social progress as well as the rise of living standards and the advancement of human rights. It has six main organs which are : the General

    1 053 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Just some of the people he can meet on the internet

    Just some of the people he can meet on the internet

    Document 1: « Just some of the people he can meet on the Internet » The document we are going to talk about is an awareness campaign realised by the Australian government. It wants to sensitize the parents about the dangers of the Internet for their children, thanks to the photography of a little boy. First of all, this photography is a close-up of the face of an unhappy child. It’s in black and white

    352 Mots / 2 Pages
  • What are the positions of the republican party ?

    What are the positions of the republican party ?

    Introduction “It is the program the most conservatism of the modern history”. That is a quotation of David Barton, member of the Republican committee, describes the position of Donald Trump political program in august 2017. The Republican party is one of the 2 majors parties which composed the political scene in the USA. It is opposed of the Democratic party, which is more liberalism. What are the positions of this traditional party? We will see

    760 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Analysis of the independance day

    Analysis of the independance day

    Antonin STS2 GIRARD 04/11/17 Montrer le surgissement de l’extraordinaire dans le quotidien d’une famille et d’une ville. Au début de la scène on voit une famille se réveiller normalement, ça commence comme un matin ordinaire il se lève pour aller au toilette. Il voit des gens faire leur valise il pense que c’est dû à la légère secousse qui s’est produit quelques minutes avant. Il est Inconscient de ce qui se passe en réalité. Les

    489 Mots / 2 Pages