Business Project dissertations et mémoires
399 Business Project dissertations gratuites 251 - 275
Business plan
Chapitre LE BUSINESS PLAN D'UNE AGENCE DE COMMUNICATION, MY PERSONAL BRANDINC Cet exemple de business plan concerne la création d’une agence de commu¬ nication spécialisée en Personal Branding et d’un site Internet grand public lié à cette activité. Ce business plan a été réalisé par Pascal Cavaillon, Wilfrid Gerber, Rosibel Menendez, Gwénaëlle Paris et Alina Voicu, dans le cadre de l’Executive MBA Paris-Sorbonne CELSA, et présenté en novembre 2010. Le nom de la société a
6 289 Mots / 26 Pages -
Things to know before starting a business in Oklahoma
Things to know before starting a business in Oklahoma Entrepreneurship is a lifelong dream for many people and starting a small business is the first step on the way to make this dream a reality. But because of lack of experience, many entrepreneurs can't get their company off the ground. Starting a business in Oklahoma can be an adventurous and rewarding experience: the state has rich natural resources, friendly business environment and strong local community
700 Mots / 3 Pages -
Business model
Création d’entreprise Le business Model Définition du business Model Le BM ou modèle d’affaires se définit comme l’ensemble des mécanismes permettant à une entreprise de créer de la valeur (à travers la proposition de valeur faite à ses clients et son architecture de valeur) et de capter cette valeur pour la transformer en profits C’est la stratégie mise en place par une entreprise pour ganger de l’argent. Le BM est le cœur du business plan
1 744 Mots / 7 Pages -
Final project
A business development proposal to set up an African restaurant (Africana) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ________________ Contents List of figures 5 1.0 INTRODUCTION 7 1.1 Industry and/or company background 7 1.1.1 Industry background 7 ➢ External Analysis: PEST 8 1.1.2 Business background 9 ➢ Internal Analysis: Strength and Weaknesses 9 1.2 Business opportunity/concept 11 1.3 Purpose and rationale 11 1.4 Terms of reference 11 ➢ Research Questions 11 ➢ Research Objectives 12 ➢ Research Framework
18 015 Mots / 73 Pages -
Dissertation, water project
Water Project We will work with an African country more precisely Uganda which is lacks water where we communicate an colaborate of a project with Abutadi’s students. Our project is on the hydroelectricty topic. The hydroelectricty came from the water and its movement. This energy is « green » because there isn’t CO2 reject in the atmosphere, and because water is inexhaustible. And because of that, this energy will be endless and it’s something good
553 Mots / 3 Pages -
BUSINESS CULTURE OF UK INTRODUCTION : Chaque pays a une culture d’entreprise différentes qui est liée au mode de vie et à l’éducation , nous verrons qu’au Royaume Uni certains codes sont très différents des nôtres. 1. DRESS CODE In the UK the dress code is very strict specially for men who need to wear classic suit and for women it depends in chich do your work ; In many organisations, clothing styles can be
403 Mots / 2 Pages -
Business plan
Afficher l’image source MIAKOSMETICS BUSINESS PLAN Etude économique RÉSUMÉ Mise en place d’une unité de production industrielle de produits cosmétiques HERMANN DONGMO CCOFIT SARL ________________ Sommaire Table des matières Fiche d’identité 4 Notre Histoire 4 Présentation de la fondatrice 4 NOS VALEURS 5 Etude de l’offre 6 Présentation de la concurrence 6 Gamme des produits offerts par les concurrents 7 Etude de la demande 7 La demande 7 Offre 7 Environnement 8 Analyse SWOT 8
7 559 Mots / 31 Pages -
Business ethics
BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Business and Entrepreneurship Name Institution Business and Entrepreneurship Describe The Value Proposition of the Innovation: What Is It, Who Is It for, What Are the Compelling Benefits for The Target Market. The value proposition is the assurance that is given to a customer to make them believe that cannabis company will deliver value to them. It explains the profits that the company have to offer, who the company is offering the profit,
3 042 Mots / 13 Pages -
Scrum est un schéma d’organisation de développement de produits complexes. Il est défini par ses créateurs comme un « cadre de travail holistique itératif qui se concentre sur les buts communs en livrant de manière productive et créative des produits de la plus grande valeur possible »1. Scrum est considéré comme un groupe de pratiques répondant pour la plupart aux préconisations du Manifeste Agile. Le framework s'appuie sur le découpage d'un projet en boîtes de
5 972 Mots / 24 Pages -
Doing Business in MENA Region
Ieseg Paris Business in MENA region Marketing Peculiarities Group D Traks A., Rolin G., de La Moriniere T. Professor: T.Mouelle Paris 2019 ________________ Introduction Doing business in the MENA region is something very complicated. MENA region is a huge melting pot of Arabic and non-Arabic culture. Obviously, you need to prepare yourself carefully before entering such a market, if you don’t know the code your entrance could be a disaster. For instance launching a new
4 235 Mots / 17 Pages -
Business France
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "université Lyon II logo" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "bonhomme qui se serre la main" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "drapeau france" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "chili drapeau" Etude marketing du bureau Business France au Chili – Analyse de la mission effectuée Pour l’obtention du Master 1 CILA « Commerce International et Langues Appliquées » Emile Garnier Tuteur Enseignant : Mme Nathalie Héritier Résultat de recherche d'images pour
8 238 Mots / 33 Pages -
Response paper 7 "Making an Argument: Writing up human geography projects" by Sarah L. Holloway & Gill Valentine (2001)
DELANES Camille – 18342520 – GGU33928 – Paper7 – 25.03.2019 1. 2. Response paper 7 "Making an Argument: Writing up human geography projects" by Sarah L. Holloway & Gill Valentine (2001) The exercise of thesis or renderings of a document in human geography is a job that requires rigor and follows a series of expectations. This original production must be included in the field of geography, but must also provide a result of research conducted
474 Mots / 2 Pages -
The Business of Chemistry and Biology
INSIDE THE STRANGE SCIENCE OF THE FAKE MEAT THAT ‘BLEEDS’ IMPOSSIBLE FOODS INC CHY599: The Business of Chemistry and Biology Image result for impossible food patty chemistry Alisa Mehrin Alam Student#: 500643133 Professor Edward Petroff March 27th, 2019 Impossible Foods Inc. is a private company that creates plant-based alternatives for meat and dairy products. The key executives are: Patrick O. Brown Phd (CEO/Founde), Dennis Woodside (President), David Lee (CFO/COO), Tara Kriese (Senior VP of Marketing),
2 727 Mots / 11 Pages -
SS project
Scientific Spirituality Oftentimes people do not seem to realize that spirituality is so much more than a bunch of bald Asian dudes wearing an orange robe. It is one of the oldest and possibly the highest form of science. Every argument in this paper are built from my own spiritual practices and scientific literacy. I have not received formal higher education in any of these fields so my words should be taken with a grain
3 185 Mots / 13 Pages -
Fundamentals of business
2 The Psychology of Habitual Behaviour This article reviews various topics revolving around the brain and its behaviour, more specifically, the way both bad and good habits form as we tend to repeat a behaviour. Re-enacting performances allows them to be in scripted in habit circuits associated with the brain’s striatum. The striatum is not the only sector of the brain to have control over habits, we also have the neocortex which directs the habits
1 062 Mots / 5 Pages -
Sample Business plan
Sample business plan Part 1: Summary Activity UnderBros will be a Moroccan restaurant located in south London. The restaurant will be led by Mr. Mamoun and Mr. Salim. Mamoun and Salim share a passion for Moroccan cuisine and a great dining experience. They have both worked for years at similar institutions. where they worked together for 3 years. Market The local market, defined as the square kilometer around the restaurant, was valued at 300M ds.
2 438 Mots / 10 Pages -
Business plan paper bag
Business Plan for a Startup Business Smartbags OWNERS / PARTNERS PRESENTATION Mourad Kilani/ Mohamed Hamila Address: Les Berges du Lac Telephone: 22666140/55910505 Fax E-Mail: ________________ I. Table of Contents I. Table of Contents II. General Company Description III. Opportunity Evaluation IV. Legal aspects of your business & Legal Environment V. Products and Services VI. Marketing Plan VII. Operational Plan VIII. Startup Expenses and Capitalization IX. Appendices ________________ II. General Company Description We will
1 649 Mots / 7 Pages -
Business plan
________________ 1 - Présentation du projet Fiche synthétique du projet Nature du projet : Création Reprise Forme juridique : Entreprise individuelle Ou Société : EIRL SARL SA Enseigne commerciale : Tanger Type de projet : Entreprise artisanale Entreprise commerciale Activité : Elevage de cailles Clientèle : Professionnels Particuliers Capital : 3 000 000 DH Classification du projet : Nouveau projet Nom du projet : Caillélevage Description du projet L’entreprise a été fondée le 11 Mars
2 429 Mots / 10 Pages -
The business plan perfume
logoesto.png ump_logo_transparent.gif Département : Management LP Informatique et Gestion d’Entreprise The Business Plan RAHMANI Perfume C:\Users\HP\Desktop\48077939_266161130737077_7730566268054405120_n.png 1. Executive summary : RAHMANI Perfume is owned and established by me. RAHMANI Perfume is a fragrance business that intends to be based in OUJDA, MOROCCO and established for the purpose of catering to clients that are both domestic and foreign in nature. We also intend to produce a variety of fragrances to cater to our teeming customers. Asides
1 915 Mots / 8 Pages -
Business Development Intern
RAPPORT DE STAGE C:\Users\Nora\AppData\Local\Temp\image001.png C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\0.png Remerciements Avant de commencer la rédaction de mon rapport, je tiens à exprimer mes remerciements sincères à tous ceux qui avaient leurs contributions à la réalisation de mon stage. Je voudrais tout d'abord remercier "L’université française en Arménie» pour cette grande opportunité. Le stage, effectué après les 4 années de baccalauréat, était une expérience très importante pour moi. Lors de ces 2 mois j'ai eu l'occasion de recevoir pas seulement
7 545 Mots / 31 Pages -
Need assessment Project
Champaign Central High School- Needs Assessment ________________ Contents I. Introduction: 2 II. School Vision: 3 1. Mission stаtement: 3 2. Vision Stаtement: 3 III. School profile: 3 1. The community: 3 2. Chаmpаign Centrаl High School 3 3. Fаculty аnd Counseling Services: 4 IV. Literаture review: 4 V. Methodology аnd dаtа collection 5 1. Methodology 5 а. Context 5 b. Purposes 6 c. Plаnning: 6 2. Dаtа Collection 7 а. Document Dаtа Аnаlysis: 7 b.
4 116 Mots / 17 Pages -
Dropbox (growing business) analysis
Dropbox is a file hosting service, based in San Francisco, California. It offers cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud, and client software. Dropbox was founded in 2007 by MIT students Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi as a startup company. Dropbox is based on a freemium model: customers can get the basic service for free, and they can upgrade for a fee. * The Pro plan comes with 100 GB of space for $9.99 a month
805 Mots / 4 Pages -
Project management
1. We define the projects as: Project 1: Online Six Sigma Training Program Project 2: Coding Performance Improvement Project Project 3: Website Redesign Project Project 4: Wireless Technology Project Factors that we should take into account in our weighted scoring model include: The Financial Cost of the project. Resource Availability and Reliability - the availability and reliability of appropriate resource to deliver the project within the company or via a third-party
1 888 Mots / 8 Pages -
Business Model Canvas Orange
Top of Form Business Model Canvas Bottom of Form Partenaires clés * Les filiales * Les Co entreprises * Opérateur de réseau * Fournisseur de contenu * Industrie du divertissement * Partenaire de distribution * Annonceurs * Agence réglementaire * Fabricant d’appareil * Fournisseur de technologie * Industrie * Fournisseur et opérateur * Université et école * Académie et programme de recherche * Parrainage * Start-up Activités clés * Marketing * Services clients et support
327 Mots / 2 Pages -
Exposé sur Touhou project
Bonjour à tous, j'aimerais avant de commencer mon exposé vous demander si certaines personnes connaissent ne serait-ce que de nom à quoi réfère le "Touhou Project" ? Effectivement, et savez-vous quel genre d'impact cette œuvre pluridisciplinaire a pu avoir sur la culture visuelle japonaise ? Eh bien, à vrai dire, l'impact du Touhou Project est immense, comparable à minima à l'impact des Vocaloid dans la culture populaire, voire plus profond encore. Avant de commencer à
807 Mots / 4 Pages