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Dissertation, water project

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Par   •  9 Février 2019  •  Thèse  •  553 Mots (3 Pages)  •  558 Vues

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Water Project                        

We will work with an African country more precisely Uganda which is lacks water where we communicate an colaborate of a project with Abutadi’s students.

Our project is on the hydroelectricty topic. The hydroelectricty came from the water and its movement. This energy is « green » because there isn’t CO2 reject in the atmosphere, and because water is inexhaustible. And because of that, this energy will be endless and it’s something good for the envirronement.

The first dam ever built was built in 4000 BC in Egypt to build the city of Memphis, and after the dams were used to irrigate dry lands. Now they have many utilities, like to protect a city from floods or to produce electricity, as in our project.

  1. Our Project, Presentation

Our project consists of one or more propellers that we put into the gutters, which are the project of another group who works with us. There is a lot of type of propellers, but we choose the one which are the better for this installation (the gutters, etc).

We have the choice of 3 types of turbines that corresponds to our installation :

[pic 1]

This one is called « Kaplan ». We can’t use it beacause she’s too big for the gutters and too complicate to built.

[pic 2]

This one is called « Francis ». With it, it’s the same problem because it ‘s too complicate to built and install.

 The third one is called «  Pelton » and it’s the one we choose, because she’s very easy to built and to install. So we are going to built it with a stick which is joined to a generator. We also choose it because of the preesure it needs and the quantities of water we will probably had, the water fall, etc. [pic 3]

  1. Realization of our model

After our turbine choice, we notice that we need a battery to stock electricity. In our model, we replace the battery by a voltmeter. We used plastics spoons for blades and we stick it to the back of a bottle which have been cut for the model. All of this was stick to the generator with a straw renforced with other straws inside. We join the generator to the voltmeter with simple electrities cable. [pic 4]

        [pic 5]

When we test the model, we used a         bottle of water, and we let watter fall on the blades. Our experience had worked and so we know some more about hydroelecticity.

  1. Conclusion

So, we can realize this experiment in Uganda, into the gutters.

For a better yield we will use a valve to hold water and when the water exceeds a certain quota, the valve will be open. So the water will fall at once on the turbine. Consequently more or less electricity will be produce.

This electrecity could be use for help other groups’ operation like for pumps for irrigation or if they need electricity for filter water.

The bigger will be use for light the town or heat the water or to allow at inhabitants to use computer.


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