- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Anglais Bac Pro dissertations et mémoires


5 839 Anglais Bac Pro dissertations gratuites 551 - 575 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)

Dernière mise à jour : 20 Juin 2015
  • Lieux et formes de pouvoir, bac oral anglais LV1

    Lieux et formes de pouvoir, bac oral anglais LV1

    Power can be defined as a position of control, authority over others, given to a delegated person. In politics and social sciences, power is also the ability to influence people's behaviour. On may wonder, to what extent the abuse of power can lead to an authoritarian regim. In order to answer this question, we will study how the pressure can be the root of a mind control, and then how the authorities use it to have the

    630 Mots / 3 Pages


    Réaliser et suivre un projet Dans cette situation de travail, la mission du chargé de projet est avant tout d’organiser les différentes étapes du projet. Il doit faire appel à ses qualités de rigueur et d’organisation. Avant de se lancer dans la coordination des actions il faut effectuer un inventaire des ressources nécessaires. Les ressources humaines On établit dans un premier temps la liste des besoins humains, ensuite on visualise ces moyens en interne et

    347 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Vocabulaire MYTH AND HERO Bac anglais

    Vocabulaire MYTH AND HERO Bac anglais

    Vocabulaire minimaliste MYTH AND HERO To be allowed : avoir la permission Social activits / Civil rights leader : militants / chef des droits civiques The civil right act passed in Am in 1964 (ML King) In a pacific way : non violent way To be inspired by the non violent activism, movement initiated by Gandhi Social activist : militant Charismatic leaders To march = to demonstrate : manifester Wisthleblower : lanceur d’alerte Whistle blower

    535 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Orale bac anglais

    Orale bac anglais

    I’m going to deal with te notion of myth and Heroes. A myth is a popular story or belief that evolves over time an that conveys the ideas of a liven society. Heroes are often the characters of myths. A heroes in seen as someone special, who do things other peoples can’t. In order to illustrate the notion, have chosen to talk about witches an particularly How this myth evolved over centuries? First we will

    455 Mots / 2 Pages
  • 4 notions du bac anglais

    4 notions du bac anglais

    I’m going to present you the notion of myth and heroes. There are two types of heroes, the real heroe like Chesley Sullenberger or fictive heroe like the superheroes for exemple. A myth is a popular story about gods or heroes. But what’s really a hero for us ? We studied a video in class that talked about the word hero and his bad utilisation for many people who don’t deserve it like Michael phells

    1 210 Mots / 5 Pages
  • Idea of progress bac oral anglais

    Idea of progress bac oral anglais

    I am going to talk about the idea of progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. To illustrate my notion, I will talk about the medical progress. Problematic: Do you think that medical progress is as positive as we can imagine? Firstly, medical progress has allowed man to

    312 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Fiche anglais oral bac

    Fiche anglais oral bac

    Places and forms of power The notion I'm going to talk about is places and forms of power. First, I’d like to give a definition of the notion. Power is the ability to exercise authority and influence over others. It can be exerted in different spheres : economy, politics, media but power is both a source of integration and conflict. Places can also refer to a country or a state, which is powerful enough to

    690 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Bac orale anglais IDEA OF PROGRESS

    Bac orale anglais IDEA OF PROGRESS

    The idea of progress can be defined as an improuvement , a d evelopement or a change in a technical, scientific or social advance wich contribuates to making the world at better palce or maybe worst. » » » »In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the internet and the social media And attempt o this question if the internet and the social media are beneificial or detrimental for the

    462 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Bac synthèse anglais Heroes

    Bac synthèse anglais Heroes

    Delphine Monguillon Synthèse: Heroes I am going to tell about the notion of myths and heroes. I’m going to give the definition of the heroes. Heroes are brave because they risk their life and freedom. They are determined and they struggled for a cause and for all the people. They fight for a fair cause. Heroes can be found in different areas. The question is Are heroes necessary for a society? In a first part

    588 Mots / 3 Pages


    Pistorius thought he had no power but he was mistaken. He had the power to contrôle his mind and this is what he do. He work hard to improve himslef in the handisport and had win 6 golds medals at paralympics games. And it this the first disable athlet who run with the able bodied and win a silvers medals at olympics games. The second documents talk about the trial of This years we studied

    395 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Bac anglais espace et échange

    Bac anglais espace et échange

    I am going to speak to you about the notion of spaces and exchanges. We can define an exchange as a continous movement, or circulation in one or more spaces. To illustrate this notion i have chosen to focus on immigration of mexican in the us. What is the role and place of Mexican immigrants in the US society ? To answer i want to show first the condition of mexican in the usa and

    532 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Myths and heroes - Bac Anglais LV1

    Myths and heroes - Bac Anglais LV1

    Myths and heroes This year we have learn four notion, myths and heroes, the idea of progress, spaces and exchanges and finally places and form of power. Today im gonna talk about the notion who specack about myths and heroes, in first i would like to give a definition of that notion. Biefly, a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or

    755 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Bac anglais

    Bac anglais

    Hi all, today my colleague Justine and me Sandrine will you present the project for the invention of the year offered by our company « BUT » . The project is to create a new object. Ambitious, isn't it? We we are investing and will introduce you to our. But for for starters who are we? We are both colleagues and also a friend. that's why we partner for this project. An exceptional and unique

    270 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral bac anglais LV1 - Spaces and exchanges

    Oral bac anglais LV1 - Spaces and exchanges

    SPACES AND EXCHANGES I’m going to talk about the notion Spaces and Exchanges. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern day world. The different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected to each other. So crossing the borders has become easier and faster and

    405 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Oral bac anglais LV1 - IDEA OF PROGRESS

    Oral bac anglais LV1 - IDEA OF PROGRESS

    IDEA OF PROGRESS I’m going to talk about the notion Idea of Progress. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific, or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In order to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about the American Civil Rights Movement in the 60’s. The American Civil Rights Movement is a term that encompasses the strategies,

    485 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Bac Oral Anglais LV1 myths and heroes

    Bac Oral Anglais LV1 myths and heroes

    Today im going to talk about the myths and heroes First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief. A hero can be a person who is admired for his or her achievements。 In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the inequalities between blacks and whites in the

    364 Mots / 2 Pages
  • CO type Bac Anglais avec correction et script

    CO type Bac Anglais avec correction et script

    CO : « A Female Police Officer Bullied at Work » ( 3’00 → 4’58 ) Ralentir un peu sur VLC >>> Script : The bully sets the stage for the target, for the victim, for anyone who is considered « the other ». And that could be those who don’t fit into the culture of organization, those who look different in skin color as we’ve seen with the police shootings, those who dare

    713 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Bac anglais myth et heroes

    Bac anglais myth et heroes

    I’m going to deal with the notion of myths and heroes. To begin with, I’m going to give a definition of the notion. A myth can be defined as a popular belief or a story that people believe in but which is not necessarily true. A myth can illustrate the fundamental moral values of a country. As for a hero, it is someone who is ready to fight or even to sacrifice his or her

    989 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Anglais type bac

    Anglais type bac

    J'espère que nous somme bientôt arrivé ! Moi, ma femme et mes deux enfants, nous avons tous nos sacs et nos bouteilles sur nous, nous regardons le vaste paysage desséché qui nous a déjà fatigués pendant cette longue journée, nous devons traverser tout le désert de l'Arizona afin d'arriver aux États-unis, la terre où tous les Mexicains veulent y être. Pourquoi faire cela ? Notre gouvernement nous donne pas assez d'argent, on ne peut plus

    771 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Expérience pro anglais

    Expérience pro anglais

    Clémentine Duboin With the reference of my work experience, I did two internships during summers 2015 and 2016. The first was in the Pas-de-Calais, in L’Auberge d’Inxent. I worked als waitress so I served the guests, I cleaned up the dining room, and I took the order for example. The second one was in Saint Germain en Laye, next to Paris. The establishement was a Relais et Châteaux and I worked als receptionnist and chambermaid.

    295 Mots / 2 Pages


    THE SUPREME COURT AND RACE IN THE UNITES STATES (STUDY PLAN) – L1 LLCE – CIVILISATION AMERICAINE Appointment: Justices are appointed for life by the President of the United States “amicus brief”: friendly suggestions made by “clerks”, or young lawyers, to the justices to advise them (conseiller) on how to make their decision. To hear a case: examen d’un litige Constitution of the USA: 1787 “Bill of Rights:” 10 First Amendments of the Constitution –

    956 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Bac anglais : seats and forms of power

    Bac anglais : seats and forms of power

    Seats and forms of power Intro First thing first, I’d like to definite the notion seats and forms of power. Seats might be the places, the important buildings or institutions that represent some kind of power. Meanwhile power can be defined in a more academic way as the ability to control others, events or resources. Power leads to conflicts between the holders and the ones who have no power. A person dominates on another in

    1 447 Mots / 6 Pages
  • Oral bac anglais progrès

    Oral bac anglais progrès

    Anglais : NOTION PROGRESS Since man cultivates plants and breeds animals, he makes them evolve by selecting the ones with the highest productivity. This evolution has made it possible to create new varieties or breeds that did not exist before and are improvements: better yields, better quality, better resistance to diseases, pests, drought. So we will talk about GMOs and alternatives that exist. we can ask ourselves And what are the advantages and disadvantages? I-

    261 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Bac anglais Myths and Heroes

    Bac anglais Myths and Heroes

    Oral Unit 2 The notion I am going to deal with is Myths and heroes. To begin with, I would like to give a definition of that notion. So a Myth can be defined as a story that may or may not be true, so it could be an imaginary, or a fictitious story. But also, a myth can be defined as an unproved or false popular belief whereas a hero is a person who

    568 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Anglais pro logistique

    Anglais pro logistique

    How time is flying : Le temps passe vite Handler : Manutentionnaire, to handle : la manutention Crates : caisse à claires-voies Caisse : a caisse The handler unloads the crates = Le manutentionnaire décharge les caisses The crates are unloaded by the handler = Les caisses sont déchargées par le manutentionnaire. Storekeeper : magasinier The packages have been received by the storekepper = Les paquets ont été réceptionnés par le magasinier. Stock controller :

    725 Mots / 3 Pages