Anglais pro logistique
Dissertation : Anglais pro logistique. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Verissis Etienne • 29 Mars 2019 • Dissertation • 725 Mots (3 Pages) • 722 Vues
How time is flying : Le temps passe vite
Handler : Manutentionnaire, to handle : la manutention
Crates : caisse à claires-voies
Caisse : a caisse
The handler unloads the crates = Le manutentionnaire décharge les caisses
The crates are unloaded by the handler = Les caisses sont déchargées par le manutentionnaire.
Storekeeper : magasinier
The packages have been received by the storekepper = Les paquets ont été réceptionnés par le magasinier.
Stock controller : gestionnaire de stock
Lift : soulever
1 – Le manutentionnaire soulève les caisses :
The handler lifts the cases
The cases are lifting by the handler
The forklift truck: Un chariot élévateur
Stack : gerber
Palettes perdues : The expendable paletts.
2- Le chariot-élévateur empilera les palettes perdues :
The forklift truck pill up the expandable pallets.
The expandable palettes will be stack.
Ce matin notre fournisseur a envoyé un produit de substitution
3 – This morning, our (supplier/provider/vendor) has sent a spare product.
A bay : le quai
4 – Le chef de quai a rempli le BL
Yesterday, the loading bay supervisor filled up the delivery note
The delivery note was filled up by the loading bay supervisor
EX 2
1 – Les emballages vides sont retournées à l’expéditeur par le destinataire.
1 – The empty packages are returned to the sender by the consignee.
1 – The consignee returns the packages to the sender.
2 – Les marchandises seront conserves au frais par le directeur de l’entrepôt.
2 – The goods will be kept in a cool area by the warehouse manager
2 – The warehouse manager will keep the goods
3 – Les supports de manutention ont été restitués par notre client.
3 – The handling devices have been returned by our customer.
3 – Our customer has returned the handling device
Inventory = stock; stock control = inventory management; stock listing/taking = inventaire
4 – L’inventaire a été dressé hier par notre responsible
4 – The stock was listed by our manager yesterday
4 – Our manager listed the stock yesterday
Stock Listing Stock control
Once a year Continuous process
Used for procurement Used for order picking
To detect the possible discrepancies between the physical stock and the computer stock and take corrective action To manage properly the inventories not be in an out of stock situation
Bearing in mind that: Garder en tête que
Forklift truck driver: Cariste
They are for short distances and handling operations for relatively light packages.
Electrically Powered Trucks:
For longer distances and heavier loods
Also, you can move several packages in a row with