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CO type Bac Anglais avec correction et script

Cours : CO type Bac Anglais avec correction et script. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Novembre 2018  •  Cours  •  713 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 411 Vues

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CO : « A Female Police Officer Bullied at Work » ( 3’00 → 4’58 )

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>>> Script :

The bully sets the stage for the target, for the victim, for anyone who is considered « the other ». And that could be those who don’t fit  into the culture of organization, those who look different in skin color as we’ve seen with the police shootings, those who dare to stand up and speak up against the command in control. Basically, this could be any one of us.

And if no one says anything, it escalates. Bullying can start off as teasing, and because no one says anything, the violence escalates.

One night in December, I came to work, and I went to use the ladies’ washroom. I opened up the wooden stall door and it fell off the wall, landed on my face, split my forehead and gave me a concussion. This was meant to be a joke

When I returned, three days later, the maintenance officer said « Sherry, I have no idea what happened but it looks like somebody intentionally loosened the screws ». I went to get my gun belt out of my gun locker, and I noticed it was opened. In the inside, I had a blue gym bag. Inside the blue gym bag there was a dead prairie chicken, with blood dripping all over my personal things. This was meant to be a joke.

So my fourth ineffective strategy was to try and ride that bullying waves. My fifth strategy was to change detachments. Yet, even after moving from station to station, nothing significant changed.

And as the years rolled along, bullying incident, harassment, a shotgun training accident, disability, intimidation, threatsI realise I was going to work in a hostile working environment that was intimidating and isolating.


Il faut avant d’écouter le document se servir du titre pour anticiper ce qui va être dit dans le document car un titre est censé résumer l’idée essentielle : « A Female Officer Bullied at Work »

Vocabulary : bullying / police

Examples / Forms of bullying at  work








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