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unThe sport in the United states
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Difference avec la france sport profesionnel et sport universitaire en france alors qu'aux states on passe direct sur le circuit pro exemple
Modele de reussite le reve amricain curry !!!!!
Medaille / reve americain / permet au jeune davoir de lespoir
The sport in US is a very important thing in fact, the relation bewteen the sport and the active life in the US is very important, the situation is not like in France for example, we can see that the sport is considered as a religion in the USA , the great players are considerate as legend i can pick Lebron James or Steven Curry who are admirated in their native town,
Even in the school system we can see that there is differentes ways to succes, if we want a bourse to go to college there is differetns ways and the great sport results are one of them, some notorious college recruits student based on their sport results
All the american system and the consideration they have to the sport conducted them to be at the top of the world in term of results, as we can see in the Olympic game where the USA manage evrytime to be the one country to have the most medals
How This system and this conception of the sport do really work in the USA
We 're going to see the most important and watched sport in the country, after we will speak about how it affect the society at different levels
I - The sports in the usa :
A - The famous or really known sports
American football
Basket- ball
B- The less famous
The soccer in the Usa never reached the level of popularity he have in europe , because for the population he was considered as a sport who came from great britain,
Soccer is not very popular in the Us, we know that because of the banckrupt of the NASL (North American soccer league) in ninteen eighty four, which was remplaced by the Major soccer league in nineteen ninghty six
And a lot of others sports
II - The impacts on the society
A- Differents effects :
The differents competitions in the Usa brign a lots of changes, we can speak for aexample about the economical , for a states to have the opportunity to do the superbowl is a total opportunity for her, with seventy thousands peoples in the staduim and one hundred millions people watching the game, the superbowl is synonym to a massive economical boost, with the touristic activity and all the money which come with, we can see for example, the two hundred million dollars who were won by the region of pheonix after the organization of this evenement.
We also know that America is always top one in Olympic games this last years and by far, this situation push a lot of professional sportsman to go to america for special trainning also.
B- College
We can see that the sport is really important, also because of the special treatment of sportives students in high school and college, there is a lot of game between differents school organized in tournaments and a league, as we can see in a lot of movies like coach carter for basketball,
There is a lot of celebrations and activity between every game, and the most talentuous players are are generally selected by recruiter, to make them play in their college, generally the college is paid for them, and if they are good enough they have a professional carrier who cait for them after.