Etude de cas EspritByNight
Étude de cas : Etude de cas EspritByNight. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar NadaTc • 26 Septembre 2017 • Étude de cas • 3 088 Mots (13 Pages) • 606 Vues
Table of Contents
General Introduction2
1 Project overview4
3.Sprint’s Aim 4
Chapter 1 : Analysis and needs Specifications5
- Context research6
1.1 Identification of actors6
1.2 Identification of modules7
1.3 Identification of functional requirements8
1.4 Identification of non-functional requirements 9
2. Methodology : Scrum10
3. Global analysis 11
3.1 Modeling the case diagram overall utilization11
3.2 Global analysis class diagram 12
Chapter 2 : The architecture of the application14
- Logical architecture15
- Physics architecture16
Chapter 3 : Product Backlog17
Chapter 4 : Development Tools21
- Choice of languages and development tools22
- The configuration management tool24
Chapter 5 : Development of graphic Mock-up25
General conclusion29
Tables of figures:
Figure 1: Static context diagram 6
Figure 2: Methodology scrum 10
Figure 3: Global use case 11
Figure 4: Global analysis class diagram 12
Figure 5: Component diagram 15
Figure 6: Deployment diagram 16
Figure 7: Home 26
Figure 8: Sign Up 27
Figure 9: Make an Auction 27
Figure 10: Choose Category 28
[pic 2]
General Introduction
Web-based auctions have become one of the greatest successes of the Internet. Online auctions are becoming increasingly popular in the public sector because they create a structured opportunity for suppliers to reduce their costs and compete with each other in order to win goods or services being offered. For buyers and providers, online auctions can be a highly effective tool to generate savings but they require careful planning and skillful execution. The particularity of these marketplaces is to sell items according to the price specified by the buyer, unlike other stores where it is usually the seller who determines the price….
Sprint 0
« Lets’ start Building The
project! »
1. Project overview:
An auction can be performed not only in a special auction house, but also on the Internet. Furniture, clothing, art objects also cars, everything is now pretext for auction. New or even used equipment, everyone can wager mouse clicks shots at brokerage auction sites that bring sellers and buyers relationship, without the intermediation of a professional.
2. Introduction:
The success of any study depends on the quality of its departure. Therefore, this chapter is devoted to identify the features of the application. We will specify the objective of our work by studying the existent, we will mention what is available in the market, then what is the aim of our application, finally we will proceed the analysis part in which we will present the different diagrams, the app’s architecture and the methodology that will help us to achieve our goal. To be transparent we will detail these features and affect the work to the different members of the group, we will use the Sprint Backlog. Last but not least we will present our application in graphic design using “balsamic” to show how future application is going to look like.
3. Sprint’s Aim
In this chapter, we will start by putting the project in his general frame, we will study the existent and see what are the available applications, show their disadvantages and present our project as a solution, then we will study the notions and concepts that we used.
Chapter 1:
Analysis and needs Specifications
In this chapter, we discuss the analysis phase and specification of requirements. Thus, we present the functional and non-functional requirements of our site. We use UML to describe the case of overall utilization and analysis class diagram.
1. Context research:
1.1. Identification of actors:
An actor is an entity that interacts with the system, more specifically, the role played by a user to provide a flow of information. In our application, we distinguish between five actors.
[pic 3]
Figure 1: Static Context Diagram
1.2. Identification of modules:
The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:
- Admin Module
- Seller Module
- Buyer Module
- Visitor Module
- Expert Module
- Security and Authentication
Description for modules
The following section include the description for modules:
Admin Module
This module provides the complete information related to products for sale and the buyers can bid the product and can own them. All this has to be provided and maintained by the admin because the complete auction process is to be kept under control till the product sale gets confirmed.