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  • Textes de l’Epreuve Orale de Français

    Textes de l’Epreuve Orale de Français

    INTRO “ Lorsque les choses vont mal, on s’en prend à la Constitution, ce qui prouve bien malgré tout l’importance que par instinct, on lui attache” . C’est dans “l’idée des constitutions” , un ouvrage rédigé en 1962 et édité en 1985, que Paul Bastid , Juriste et homme politique

    874 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Tfe développement d'un parcelle productive et écologique chez un particulier

    Tfe développement d'un parcelle productive et écologique chez un particulier

    INTRO Rafle = partie solide/ boisée du plan de vigne Pellicule = la couleur Pruine = la réserve de ferments Pépins = contiennent de l’huile -> bien pour la conservation du vin Les vins se bonifient dans le temps = vieillit Arrivé à l’apogée, il faut le consommer Bouchon de

    1 798 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Th UK joins Europe

    Th UK joins Europe

    B-The United Kingdom joins Europe After several requests refused by France, he ends up integrating Europe in 1973 at the same time as Denmark and Ireland. In fact, the six countries which France voted on when it had refused twice before. The proximity of Prime Minister Edward Heath with Georges

    420 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The boat that rocked

    The boat that rocked

    1) National Public Radio, abbreviated as NPR, is the main non-commercial broadcasting and public service network. NPR delivers breaking national and world news. Also top stories from business, politics, health, science, technology, music, arts and culture. This document is an article about The Real Story Behind Britain Rock 'n' Roll

    376 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The british political system

    The british political system

    CM ANGLAIS JURIDIQUE 11/09/17 British system American system How the system works The historical reasons which explain this Fascicule en anglais sur moodle The british political system 1. The monarchy The UK’s system of government is know as a constitutional monarchy. The definition: system of gvt in wich the head

    14 996 Mots / 60 Pages
  • The fall of the house of Usher

    The fall of the house of Usher

    THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER BY EDGAR ALLAN POE 1) The characters The characters' identity - The narrator - Roderick Usher - Lady Madeline Their links to one another - The narrator and Usher where boon companions in boyhood and intimate associates - Lady Madeline is Usher's sister

    964 Mots / 4 Pages
  • The Lewis & Clark expedition

    The Lewis & Clark expedition

    The Lewis & Clark expedition ______________________________May 1804 – September 1806 - 2 officers who was sent to explore the continent (maps) It really happened, it’s a real story who become a myth 8,000 miles (13 000 km), almost 2 years ½ by boat, on foot & on horseback There was

    612 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The multifonctional lipstick

    The multifonctional lipstick

    the multifunctional lipstick Our story began in 2017. Paris-based, we became interested in women's needs regarding makeup in 2015. After two years tudying how long it took a woman to put on makeup, how much time she wasted on makeup in the morning , instead of out to see friends

    295 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The myth of King Kong

    The myth of King Kong

    In order to bring another light to the issue raised, as a 3rd document, I have choosen The myth of King Kong, more precisely a remake of the 1933 film of the same name, the film of Peter Jackson on 2005. We can identificate a mythic odd couple in characters

    574 Mots / 3 Pages
  • The new sharing economy

    The new sharing economy

    THE NEW SHARING ECONOMY In theses documents we can see a new business market based on sharing. There are some companies like UBER, RelayRides or AirBnb grow up very quickly using new information technologies. Indeed we have some numbers. For example AirBnb offers more than 250.000 rooms in 30.000 differents

    387 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The Social Psychology of Organizing, Karl E

    The Social Psychology of Organizing, Karl E

    Le travail effectué s’articule sur l’ouvrage intitulé « The Social Psychology of Organizing » édité en 1979 et dont l’auteur est Karl E. Weick. C’est un américain né le 31 Octobre 1936 à Warsaw, dans l’Etat de l’Indiana aux Etats-Unis. Son parcours universitaire a été effectué notamment à l’Université d’Etat

    1 435 Mots / 6 Pages
  • The State of Globalization in 2019, and WHat it means for Stratgists

    The State of Globalization in 2019, and WHat it means for Stratgists

    The State of Globalization in 2019, and WHat it means for Stratgists In my opinion with the Brexit and Trump the worlds political and economics are disrupt and the glabalization is slowed down. But we see that some areas of the world are opening faster and easier to free trade.

    349 Mots / 2 Pages
  • The tell tale heart

    The tell tale heart

    The tell tale heart, Edgard Allan Poe Le Cœur révélateur est un récit écrit à la première personne dont le narrateur, s'efforce de convaincre le lecteur de sa lucidité et de sa rationalité, mais qui souffre d'un mal qui "aiguise ses sens" . Le vieil homme avec lequel il

    2 118 Mots / 9 Pages
  • The transformation of diplomacy post-World War II

    The transformation of diplomacy post-World War II

    The transformation of diplomacy post-World War II « We are coming to realize that foreign operations in today’s world call for a total diplomacy. American ambassadors can no longer be content with wining and dining, reporting, analyzing and cautiously predicting » said the former US Ambassador in India Charles Bowles

    1 779 Mots / 8 Pages
  • Théâtre : faire rire, émouvoir, faire pleurer

    Théâtre : faire rire, émouvoir, faire pleurer

    Français Séquence 1 : Théâtre : faire rire, émouvoir, faire pleurer La volonté d'ordre et de régularité caractéristique du classicisme se manifeste par une certaine symétrie et des formes géométriques parfaites. La comédie est une pièce de théâtre qui cherche à divertir, à faire rire le spectateur. Les personnages sont

    7 178 Mots / 29 Pages
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