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43 504 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 41 011 - 41 025
The rap
The rap Rap is a form of vocal expression, one of the five pillars of the hip-hop cultural and musical movement that emerged in the mid-1970s in ghettos in the United States. Rap usually includes rhymed verses separated by refrains, accompanied by rhythms. Having been influenced by other musical genres
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The relationship between international trade and business economic globalisation
[SHORTENED TITLE UP TO 50 CHARACTERS] The relationship between international trade and business economic globalisation: 904160; Sustainable International Business Development 2022-23 Lux BSc3; United Business Institutes Because international trade is a byproduct of globalization, the two concepts are interwoven. Trade between nations and territories is becoming more and more borderless,
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The religion and the society
Religion and society in the USA since the 1890s Introduction: « In God we trust » This famous national motto – and yet officially passed in 1956 – shows the particular link existing in the USA between society and religion. Despite the great diversity of the American people, the religious
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The representation of the muslim community in the media
INTRODUCTION : hi everyone today i will talk about the muslim community and how they are represented in the media because The media have always portrayed the Muslim community with prejudices. 1) muslim women in serie and movie i will start with muslim women in series and movie : When
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The republican party
REPUBLICAN PARTY The republican party (the right part), is one of the two major contempory political party in USA, his rival is the Democratic party. The Republican party has been created at the 28th of February 1854. The president of this party is Ronna Romney McDaniel and the head office
1 461 Mots / 6 Pages -
The revenant
I. Figure Le mot figure correspond, dans notre contexte, à une personalité marquante mais également à l'aspect extérieur d'ensemble d'une personne et ce qu'elle symbolise. En effet dans 1984, Big Brother et les personnages de Goldstein et O'Brian sont tout les trois présentés comme des figures. L'un représente l'exemple, l'autorité
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The Revenge Pill
The Revenge Pill So my ‘ monument ‘ is a gigantic hand holding a person representing germany, forcing him to open his mouth and above him, we people, the nations represented as people trying to make him swallow a very big pills of medicine representing all the ‘ punitions ‘
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The Rights and Duties of the Child in Burkina Faso
Theme: The Rights and Duties of the Child in Burkina Faso Introduction Ten million children die each year before their fifth birthday, from malnutrition or illness. More than 6 million deaths are attributable to diseases that could have been prevented or easily. Tens of millions more children have physical or
1 125 Mots / 5 Pages -
The road not taken
« The road not taken » Robert Frost GENERAL COMPREHENSION 1. Identify the main character. The main character is the narrator, he is traveler (l.3) 2. Identify the main tense : what is the poem about ? The main tense is simple past in this poem. This poem is about
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The Roaring twenties
The Roaring twenties In aftermath of the first world war the United-States needs a new age. The raring twenties announce what the americans wanted in other words to live fully of life. This period means the growth of the United-States The notion that I chose is idea of progress. In
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The role of Dorothea Lange in the Great Depression
DOROTHEA LANGE AND THE GREAT DEPRESSION Working for the Farm Security Administration (FSA), Dorothea Lange accomplished both works of informing as a journalist and raising awarness as a social worker, using photojournalism. Dorothea Lange was born on May 26, 1895, and she died on october 11, 1965. She was and
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The role of racism and stereotypes in jokes
The role of racism and stereotypes in jokes Some languages replace the /r/ sound with the /l/ sound, but not under the same circumstances; sometimes, this behavior is a choice and other times it’s the rule. Puerto Ricans as spanish language speakers are distinguished by their /l/ at the
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The Route 66
Notions abordées : * Myths and heroes : côté mythique de la route 66 (american Dream) * Idea of progress : 1ère route qui traverse tous les USA et progrès grâce à la création de l’Interstate 40 * Spaces and exchanges : échange démographique avec migration de la population notamment
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The Safety Bicycle
Starley was born on December 24, 1855, and lives on Chapel Hill in Walthamstow, London, England. He is the son of gardeners John Starley and Mary Ann In 1872, he moved to Coventry to work with his inventor uncle James Starley. He worked with his uncle and William Hillman for
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The scarlet letter
This document is a photography . According to the clothing style of the different characters, we can say that the era in which they are is probably the middle ages. We can identify the faces of two characters who seem sad or worried. The woman in the middle of the
329 Mots / 2 Pages